How did you spend this summer? What songs and games remind you of summer time? Share a beautiful screenshot from the game.

3 years ago*

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What is your favorite summer month?

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Potato month!

I spent the whole summer sitting at home and was often ill.

Marsheaux - August Day
Alvvays - Adult Diversion
Salfumán - Noche en el SPA
Men I Trust - Tailwhip

Beyond Eyes


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3 years ago

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never heard of them before, but i really like that alvvays song. definitely a new fan now.
my summer sucked, just stayed inside most of the time. cleared a bunch of games of my backlog though, and added too many more.
not many really stick out in my memory though, except death stranding. gameplay was just 'good', but the story, acting and visuals were stellar.

3 years ago

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December, way before 2020 happened.

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3 years ago

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3 years ago

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3 years ago

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The pandemic started really slow for me and I was never going outside.
But towards the end of May I begun a more active lifestyle and did 25km biking every day after work, and either hiking or doing longer bike runs on weekends. I've also switched to a more healthy diet overall.
And in July we started playing beach volleyball between colleagues (thrice a week), and some picnics and board games on weekends.
I'm very lucky to live in a place where we are allowed to go outside and gather in reasonable groups to share activities, otherwise I would have gone crazy (I mean, more than usual... ^^).
I haven't gamed much, I think the last video game I played was probably a handful of Rocket League matches over a month ago.

Songs that make me feel like summer:
Vexento - Around the Fire
nimino ft. Ashe - The Back of Your Hands
Broke for Free - Tropicks
Tobu & Jordan Kelvin James - Summer Breeze
TheFatRat & Laura Brehm - We'll Meet Again

The Witness

3 years ago

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Same here, I've spent my summer at home, so the only positive side is that I've seen a lot of movies, TV shows, listened to a lot of new music (well, new for me, I wouldn't exactly call 80's music "new"), read some books and played tons of PC games. So yeah, let's go with highlights and discoveries:

Movies: "The Sacrifice" (Andrei Tarkovsky, 1986)
Books: "Killing Commendatore" (Haruki Murakami, 2017)
TV shows: Devs, Dark
Music: weirdly enough, Bauhaus and Tears for Fears (song of the summer and this year in general: Tears For Fears - Mad World)
PC games:probably Detroit: Become Human and Pathfinder: Kingmaker (currently playing the latter in TB mode)

3 years ago

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I prefer spring and autumn over summer. Temperatures are more tolerable. But I do have some summer music.

Nuera - Green Cape Sunset
Twice - Dance The Night Away
M6 - Days of Wonder
Waykap - Lay It All On Me (Instrumental Version)

3 years ago*

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My favorite summer song

3 years ago

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August for me definitely.
Really got into the high gear for me. I finally got a job at the beginning of August, and every weekend went living in tents near sea with friends (dont worry, none of us have the virus and we take our health seriously enough) so had some quality time with friends and got a job.

As for games - nothing particular, as always I'm just playing whatever I happen to get from bundles or win here.
Music though - started listening to and been putting this on every time a drive somewhere - I've started listening to Marcus King Band. Dudes hell of a talanted. Two of my favorites - Goodby Carolina and Rita Is Gone

Read a lot of books, finished all five books of Song of Ice and Fire (AKA Game of Thrones). Read bunch of other books that sucked hard, read some that where awesome. But I wouldn't say thats specific to this summer

3 years ago

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Well,it is winter here, but it is 31ºC anyway.
Home ->work -> home -> work->.home-> market -> home.

Rime - 100%
Grim Dawn
Teamfight Tactics

3 years ago

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I fed this guy everyday since covid, he waits for me each morning now.

3 years ago

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sorry, to be honest, i hate summer and mostly hide away in the A/C till it is done... give me spring or fall, all year round and I'd be happy. failing that, i'll settle for winter.

If summer never climbed above 25 C (77 F) and stayed < 60 % humidity when not raining, then I'd like it a LOT more. Of the 3 months listed, June is usually the least bad where I am at. But also it seems like Summers here are June-Sept/Oct.

bonus: also, I am considering moving... so if anyone can recommend me places in the US that have the above temperature range for a good chunk of the year other than CA (bc its expensive as all hell) or AK (not trading too hot for too cold lol), that'd be much appreciated :-)

3 years ago*

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I don't know about never getting higher than 77 F... but there are a few states that have mild summers. Oregon and Colorado would probably be my top 2 recommendations if you don't mind going west.

3 years ago

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thanks. yeah, realizing my description was pretty bad; should have said something like recommendations for places with moderately comfortable summers as judged by people who don't like high heat / high humidity.... have worked outdoors in about 1/2 of the SE during summer and basically looking to avoid that lol. Was mostly hoping for first/second hand accounts but I probably just need to do a summer road trip at some point and check out a lot of places for myself... but that seems like a terrible idea to try in 2020 haha.

3 years ago

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I am always a fan of road trips, COVID or no COVID! But yeah, in general, not a great year for traveling.

I've lived in four states: New York, Virginia, Arizona and Texas. Stay far away from Texas in the summer, it's miserable. Obviously central and southern Arizona is just a big desert, so that's out. Northern New York (near the Canadian border) and northern Arizona have pretty mild summers. Virginia doesn't have terrible temps, but it still gets really humid. I've been to Colorado in the summer a couple of times and it was pretty nice. That's the extent of my first-hand assistance. :)

3 years ago

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I've heard from some that Arizona has a "dry heat" and that makes it less miserable. And from others that say that's bs. Till I can manage to visit, where do you weigh in on that?

Been to Colorado in the summer and I loved it. Only thing that I am afraid of is that I would be trading my narsty summers for narsty winters. Have lived in northern IL at one point so I can tolerate snow to some degree but snow plus hills scares the shit out of me lol (i don't see myself living in urban area... always been more of a rural/sub-urban kinda guy)

3 years ago

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Summer in central and southern Arizona is exactly like opening an oven. It is a dry heat, but the intensity can be pretty unbelievable. Before moving there, my friend and I went for a week to look for a place to live. We rented a convertible thinking we'd drive around with the top down and it would be awesome. Well... that lasted about an hour. Then we closed the top and turned up the A/C to maximum for the rest of the week. Even the nighttime is ridiculously hot, that's probably the worst part.

Winters in Colorado can definitely be interesting! Another friend lives there now and she was telling me it just snowed somewhere up in the mountains. Snow in August! And they get pretty epic hailstorms. I got to drive through one, that was fun.

It is pretty challenging to find a place in the US (outside of California and Hawaii) that has a mild summer and a mild winter. Oregon, Washington... that might be about it!

3 years ago

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3 years ago

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February is my favourite summer month.

3 years ago

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it's times like this that I really wish SG gave me the ability to upvote lol

3 years ago

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3 years ago

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3 years ago

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The topic is open again. No change in my life ¯_(ツ)_/¯

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2 years ago*

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2 years ago

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2 years ago

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2 years ago

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Thank you for the beautiful song! I will definitely add this to my list!

2 years ago

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