Have you actually been diagnosed, or could you potentially be diagnosed with insomnia? (Episodes of mania via Bipolar Disorder will answer yes. Energy Drinks/Coffee users answer no unless it is truly an addiction.)
That actually might be my problem now, I was sleeping too much so I asked for a med switch (one that I can't switch back to) So I went from sleeping too much to not at all. I wont know if it was that medication until about a month from now when everything gets back in my system good and proper.
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Funny thing is? I have no responsibilities now, no job, no kids, just basically clean up after myself. I have to make the occasional doctor's appointment, and I have kitties to feed but that's it. Oh, I have a girlfriend that I try to keep happy, hard work at times but anything worth having is.
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Hm, is there any other stuff going on besides not being able to sleep, though? Because I see no reason why this is even a problem if you don't have to get up at set times every day. Right now it's 8:37 am here, and I woke up about 7 pm or so yesterday, that's pretty usual, but it's quite random, still, no problem...
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Well, without getting into personal drama llama stuff I'd argue that everyone has somethings going on pretty much all the time. Stress is a normal, frequent part of life.
However, there's nothing that really strikes a chord.
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What exactly makes you actually visit doctors, then? And medicate. I know your case is pretty bad compared to my slight need for more hours in a day (I think I'd be able to keep a good rhythm if one day was ~30 hours long) but I've never really cared enough about it to drug myself to sleep at proper times.
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I'm not 100% sure your question, you're either asking what keeps me going/precise with trying to do things on time, or you're asking me what my "conditions" are. I'll answer the first because I think that's where you were going with it, if you want to know the other I'll tell you. My response should be, "I'm uncomfortable with that", but I'm pretty much an open book and don't mind laying my life out on the line for strangers who actually care enough to ask.
Doctor visits I do mainly because I haven't given up on myself or on life yet. I'm doing everything I know to do to better myself, so I make it a point to get up and go even if I'm not feeling like it. I drug myself to sleep at "proper" times mainly to keep on schedule with my girlfriend, when I didn't have a girlfriend I did it whenever I felt tired or 16-20 hours after I had been awake. That answer your question?
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Yeah, that answered it. I guess doing it for girlfriend is a good reason. I felt a little bad when I was at boyfriend's place and he was "normal" while I was sleeping at weird times. I'm selfish enough to not drug myself over him though. And now I don't even need, because we're on some kind of "it's complicated" phase and I don't even go there anymore... but that's total offtopic.
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Sorry :(
Yeah, like I was saying hard work at times to keep my girlfriend. I don't need to do it to keep her, but that's not my only goal, I desire to keep her happy, so right now she's in bed and I'm right next to her.
EDIT: Albeit on the computer lol
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Cats don't help you sleep? I find the purrrs of my Feline Overlords very soothing and sleep a lot better with them on/near me
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I find the chorus of their people slightly annoying at 3am when they have food, water, they can get in bed with me and everything... Problem is they've accidentally shut the door on their kitty carrier and they want in...
That or the damned fighting... 2 females battling for territory all the time.
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Owww that doesn't help. My Morpheus can't stand closed doors. Woe me if in the middle of the night one of the monsters brushes against a door and he thinks it is not closed....
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Lucky and Snickers are both rescue kitties, without me and my girlfriend they wouldn't be alive... You'd think they'd be a little appreciative!
I love them dearly, Snickers was a dog in another life plays fetch, catches in mid air, brings it back. Lucky is sassy, the queen of the roost. You want to walk through that doorway? She's going to acknowledge and lay right in front of it. Doesn't matter if you're on crutches or not.
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thats cats for you :P
I think the word "gratitude' has never been part of the feline dictionary :p
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My thing is my mind just races, complete race track all the time. Prior to being medicated I would drink alcohol until being tipsy (never drunk) to slow my mind to a proper thinking rate. Right now it's hard to contain everything, and you close your eyes with a bunch of adding machines going off at the same time it just doesn't do anything for you.
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I watched Dana White's blog on Tinnitus and he was saying sometimes it's so bad all he can do is just lay there and be sickly so I'm sorry to hear that. Also, not sure if you know but there's an experimental surgery for it (probably costs an arm and a leg if you're in america) Dana White had it a few years ago and said it basically "cured" him. (Dana White is the Ultimate Fighting Championship President in case you didn't know)
I've always been curious though, do you lose hearing? Like I get that it's a loud ringing/dinging sound, sometimes a popping or static. Are you still able to hear though? If someone was sitting right next to you talking to you and you had a bad bout would you be able to communicate properly?
Hope you don't mind me asking
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I've never seen anything about a surgery option, that's something I'll have to look into! Basically what I've gotten is white noise generators and "good luck, that's about all we can do" from the doctors.
As for losing hearing, not really. Not more than other people my age. The sound itself is not so loud that it blocks out other sounds, so other than being a distraction it's that's not a problem. With some training it's possible to "ignore" it for the most part.
It's just a very high pitched, forever constant, ringing sound. During the day, it's manageable as there's other noises that help take the focus off it. Night-time though, when there's nothing else to do than just lay there and listen to it... that's the worst.
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That makes sense, I can't handle the silence anyway because my mind runs wild so I always have cartoons or something going on in the background.
Thanks for the info!
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That could be my problem, one too many Monster Energy drinks and No Doze in my day that has just caused my biological clock to tick out! Fair warning go to bed, games will be there tomorrow lol!
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For some reason, caffeine doesn't work on me. When I start getting sleepy, I can drink energy drinks as much as I want, still feel like crap and pass out as soon as I get to the bed. My sleep is just super asshole. It's not that I have too little or too much of it, but it's like, on evening: "oh, you wanna sleep? Guess what... nope!" And then next day when I'm still up, and wanna go out somewhere, desperately stuffing my face with caffeine products, it comes like: "wait for it.....NOW! snap" -_-
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Growing up I had all kinds of energy in the morning, I was quite the morning person but I've always had trouble falling asleep. I worked overnights 7pm to 7am 4 nights a week (though someone quit right as I got hired so it was really 6 nights a week until I quit) I would drink 2 big Monsters and take who knows how many No Doze, whatever it took to keep me up that night.
Not to mention Soda is my vice, I love it, I'd drink it and it only if I had the choice.
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My girlfriend is like that... And it enrages me greatly... I can be deep passionate conversation with her and if her head touches the pillow she's snoring within seconds.
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Light off firecrackers in a can next time... Damn them... lol
I can't sleep sitting up either, we're like blood brothers, had real trouble with that when I was in the Navy.
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i wouldn't say i have insomnia but defiantly a sleep disorder, im awake 20-22 hours then sleep 8-11 hours so as you can imagine im awake all kinds of different hours sometimes days sometimes nights it drives my wife absolutely nuts, but i literally can not sleep if i try at like 16-18 hours ill just role around bed for hours on end very annoying.
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So you sir are actually the exact type of person melatonin was made for, it doesn't work on everyone but it's really cheap and over the counter so you might want to try it if you're interested in changing your behavior. I tried that stuff and it was like popping candy.
I would actually really like an erratic sleeping schedule like yours, get a lot accomplished, then go to bed for a decent time.
PS. This is not a doctor's advice so if you die I am not to be held responsible lol...
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Yeah, I'm a sucker so a few "well I guess I'm going to bed alone again" and I was singing the tune of "I'll change!" We play around and stuff and now that I'm relatively on her schedule I like it much better, more time with her (and to myself) and what not, and I can still stay up at night if I desire it because when I WANT to stay up it's really not hard.
Yeah, sleeping pills are addictive, I was saying above that might be one of my problems right now, coming off of a heavy sedative and being put on another and just expecting it to work. I've got to give it about a month or so until everything gets settled in my system before I start complaining about anything though, all I can do now is just tell my doctor it's not working and up the dose.
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Kinda yes and no, I fall asleep pretty quick after training, though if I've been sitting for whole day and go to bed without any physical activity, then I might have trouble.
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I used to be like that in high school after football practice, I'd come home and just crash at night. When I joined the navy though you have guard duty and jackass drill instructors, kept me up all night and then I just stopped sleeping.
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yes. But im not medicated, cause i dont want.
But i think...ill sleep when i die :)
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Mine was actually kind of dangerous, I'd go about a week 6-8 days then I start having fainting spells where I just faint wherever I'm at and have mini sleeps (not sure if you've ever had them or heard of them) but when I faint my body collapses and hits the floor hard. Broke my wrist that way. I'd only be out 10 seconds to 1min but it'd scare the hell out of people. Then on the 10th day I'd crash for 48 hours, always on the 10th day.
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2:55AM here, I'm exhausted but no luck. Only reason I'm back here is my chocolate milk made me sick so I'm hanging out for a min before I head back to bed until 5:30.
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Yes but only because steamgifts is too fun to leave. Btw I experienced before there is an app to lower the blue light emission of the phone screen to help make a person fall asleep faster after using the phone. This is true?
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I'm not sure, I'm not really a phone guy though everyone basically says turn off computers/tablets/phones 30min or so before you try to sleep to help you sleep better so your eyes can get adjusted and relaxed. I personally have tried this and it doesn't help, though I did read a few interesting books.
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Thanks for chatting everyone I have finished my chocolate milk so I'm going to lay back down and TRY to go to sleep, lol I have to be up in 3 hours because I have a doctor's appointment! Fun day ahead.
I will continue responses when I hop on later, so if you have something to say go ahead and I'll reply when I hop on g'night insomniacs! (And everyone else too!)
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Okay, I think I've responded to everyone, going back to bed, 1 hour and a half to go before I have to get up... Yay!
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My response to you, sorry it's not personalized... Wait, it kind of is because this is right? Lol!
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Doeetright, it sounds like you may very well have a magnesium deficiency (quite common btw) and I would strongly recommend taking magnesium citrate supplementation for much improved sleep...just take 2 per day...it helped me immensely and I sleep just fine now :-)
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I appreciate it but it was one of the things we've tested through blood work time and time again because I'm taking an abnormally high amount of sedatives, my psych would love nothing more than to take me off of them but alas.
For reference the normal range is 1.5-2.5 and my lowest was 1.4, which they wouldn't do anything about anyway. Plus my Calcium and Potassium are fine.
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Honestly, a blood test is nearly worthless in properly measuring a deficiency of it (most doctors don't even know this).
Reference: http://www.easy-immune-health.com/magnesium-level.html
If I were you, I would absolutely be supplementing for real-world results with the issues you are having. Take it for 3 months and then see for yourself if it helps - you really have nothing to lose and much to gain : )
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Can't "overdo" it? Either way I def want to bring it up with my doctor when I see him today.
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You mean can't overdo the supplementation...? Nah, it's very very safe at the recommended dosage (in fact many take much more than 400mg/day...up to 1000mg+). It is actually quite difficult to take too much of because your body quickly eliminates any excess, even if that somehow did occur. The problem is always not getting enough TBH.
So yeah, I'd be shocked if this didn't help you...considering my own experience with it. You literally feel very noticeably sleepier / relaxed around 15 mins after taking it...but in a very natural and not artificial way :-)
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Took long enough to respond, what are you on steamgifts or something lol? I had already looked up studies on drug interactions and everything lol. I actually take Lithium and it causes an excess of magnesium to excrete in urine (lovely topic). So it actually might be something I need I greatly appreciate the info! I really do plan to talk to my doctor today about it!
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Alright great to hear, I'm convinced it'll really help ya :-)
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If it doesn't it's not like I'm going to hunt you down and murder your face or anything so it's a win win for you lol...
Take care!
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Okay, so I've been doing some more research (and I talked to my doctor) Doctor wants to do blood work first, actually already had it drawn and it's in the lab currently not sure how long I have to wait for results.
I however, want to take a more preemptive approach, there are many different types of magnesium as it turns out some with absorption, some with added potassium, etc. The one you have listed is that the one I should go for ideally (Magnesium Citrate)? Or should I explore other options? If you don't mind what do you take?
My doctor also said there was some that he could prescribe? Any idea on this?
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Hey Doeetright, yes you are correct in saying there are many different kinds available...but the one I mentioned is the one I would recommend for a couple reasons...it's very cost-effective compared to other kinds and it's also very bio-available to the body with good absorbation rates. The one you definitely don't want is magnesium oxide (cheap but very poor absorption).
So yeah, just go with the citrate as it works great and is rather inexpensive. The NOW brand I listed is ideal as each pill is 200mg which is optimal I find...I'm sure you could even find it being sold in your local pharmacy as well. If not that specific brand some other one at least.
Also, I'm not sure if you really need a prescription for this, it's just a natural mineral supplement (not a drug). So it's very much something which you can purchase and use on your own without much doctor supervision. So yeah, just start taking it as soon as you can here...whether you buy it locally or via online thru i-herb or whatnot (that's how I do it).
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Love that movie and I'd be more than down for bringing down the man too! However, I'm currently recovering from a hip surgery so I can barely walk let alone fight someone lol.
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I do :( I take melatonin but it doesn't really help.
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Ever try going to a psych
Or as someone recommended to me above checking out magnesium deficiency and possibly taking supplements to see if that helps. Can't hurt right?
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Ever been to, and I say this with a lot of emphasis, "GOOD" Psych?
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More than one, actually (probably wouldn't be alive if not for my last psych, I pretty much owe her my life).
Anyway, it all stems from the death of my (ex-)girlfriend way back then-- ended up developing PTSD and chronic depression and I kept it quiet for the longest time, convinced I could handle it on my own, until I finally had a nervous breakdown a few years ago and that's when I started getting treatment. But so far, no luck...
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Yeah, I have not had a girlfriend die but I had my grandmother die right in front of me when I was 13. There was nothing I could do to save her, then I had to tell her son (my step father) that she died. It's nice to pretend like that stuff doesn't bother you, but eventually it'll catch up. Thank you for sharing, and I wish you luck on finding something that works. Sometimes it's many different little things like sleeping with a different blanket or having a cold room.
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I'm terrible at finding the right comfort words to say, especially when it comes to the loss of loved ones (you'd think maybe I'd be good at it, considering my past experience, but I'm not), but I do wholeheartedly wish you all the best-- with your insomnia, with your girlfriend (read about it in a post above) and you know, life in general.
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I think you did alright just now! Thank you for the well wishes.
I hope life deals you a better hand too, seem like a nice person be nice to have more than just an ace in the hole.
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Yes. It's 10 in the morning right now, haven't slept today.
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Depressing answer but I disagree with you.
My therapist once told me no matter what try to accomplish one thing a day no matter how bad that day is. Even if it's something little, "I brushed my teeth today" that way you can say you've done something.
I wont pry at you, I know a lot of people aren't like me and not willing to share as much as I am. I'm sure you've done something productive even if it's entered a bunch of gibs on steamgifts! You don't have to respond, take care and I wish you well.
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It is depression really, not insomnia. Thanks for the wishes!
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Having said that, last summer I did have a lot of trouble sleep though not as much as you. Through my doctor I got an appointment with a sleep institute. They hooked me up to a lot of wire and machines ( in my own home) and measured my 'sleep' of course having to go to bed at a weird hour and being wired made for the worst sleep in a loooooong time :D
Still they managed to get results and there was no physical reason for me not to sleep properly. The reason probably was like you I had nohing to do during day time except take care of my Feline Overlords and play games/watch viddy's of them
When I started getting more active during the day I was able to get more sleep fairly quickly.
Hope this helps, because not being able to sleep can be so FFing frustrating
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Yeah actually I just had hip surgery (it's in the comments above but it's convoluted so I don't expect you to read them all lol) like 4 weeks ago so I'm in recovery. Not so much pain, but also not so much exercise/being active. I've put on a ton of weight, I've actually hit the highest weight I've ever been and I'm absolutely disgusted with myself... One problem at a time :)
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I've learned that everyone suffers from something, and to compare my something to your something will never be equal because we've never been in each others shoes. -Not really AIMED at you, just referencing the word compare.
I'm glad you're sleeping! I can't wait until I am again, I'm over 3 years now but I've had some times where I've slept way too much 20 hours+ a day, some times where I've slept way too little like 2 hours a night every night, and then there's weeks like this week.
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Yeah, situations are always different. My insomnia can be terrible - but it's nothing a few milligrams of melatonin won't solve. By comparing I mainly meant that I'm lucky enough to have a simple chemical solution that works. Most of the time anyway. I hope you can eventually overcome insomnia for good.
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Me too, I'd like to add to that wish though. I'd like to find a happy medium, not sleeping all day, not staying up all night. Thanks for your well-wishes!
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lying awake in terror and not being able to sleep
then thinking meh i'll stay awake or i'll be in panicmode all day at work
then the tweekend starts from friday to sunday
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I've always been a night owl but it's gotten worse as I get older. I hate being awake during the day for a variety of reasons. I too take Trazodone which doesn't help much at 300mg and Ambien at 12.5 mg which I avoid taking or I'll be a zombie the next day. I also have other ones that are supposed to help but really don't do much unless they've been out of my system for a while. I force myself to be, trying to do it earlier because these hours are of no use to me but it's hard to just sleep when I want to sleep.
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You are the person I've been looking for! Lol...
Clozapine is what I was taking just 2 weeks ago 300mg. I don't know if you've ever heard of it but it might be worth googling, it is a VERY heavy sedative. Problem was I was sleeping 20 hours a day, and when I was up it was like I was punch drunk, slurring words etc. They took me off basically all my other sleep medication because of this medication. So now that they have taken me off Clozapine they are trying to ramp my ambien and trazodone back up to what they were before Clozapine (which were working prior) and adding Invega to my cocktail which is also a sedative but nothing anywhere near the likes of Clozapine and I am taking a ,well was a low dose now I'm taking a medium dose at 12mg. I slept the first couple of nights no problem, then I just stopped... Had a rough night of sleep woke up at 5:30am few days ago haven't been to bed since.
EDIT: I've been to bed, just haven't fallen asleep.
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I've never heard of that one but it sounds like the same effect I get from Ambien at 12.5mg which is apparently as high as it goes. It lets me sleep well but I'm utterly useless the next day. It doesn't help that by the time I think of taking it that it's already early morning and ruin the next day.
They also added Lamotrigine to help with relaxation though again, taking it too often lowers its effectiveness. I'm worry if I took Ambien more often it too would lose its effectiveness like it did at 10mg.
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Yeah I take Ativans (or Xanax) whichever my doctor decides to give me for relaxation/anxiety. Right now we're increasing the Invega instead of increasing Trazodone/Ambien because both of those medications were stable 6 months ago or so, prior to my leap to Clozapine.
As mentioned in earlier posts I use my girlfriend as a biological clock for me, when she goes to bed if I'm asleep already or something I have her wake me up to take my medicine or if I'm awake I just take it anyway and then generally I'm supposed to fall asleep within an hour or two of her which allows me to wake up with her in the morning.
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I'm just tired of taking medications that are supposed to help me sleep and then my body gets used to them. I dunno, maybe I should bring up Clozapine.
I'm going to to try and stay up the whole day to see if it helps fix anything sleep wise. I tend to go to bed at like 6am, my boyfriend sleeps like the dead so I can fiddle around during the night until I'm ready to sleep, though I feel bad when I lay down and he might wake up, and then he feels bad that I can't sleep. But it's not something I can control unfortunately.
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Sorry to rain on your parade here :( Clozapine is an anti-psychotic for treatment resistant schizophrenia, or people that have multiple real suicide attempts. So it's hard to get on for those reasons alone, then on top of that it is a VERY dangerous medication and considered a last resort by doctors. It's one of the only medications that provide 5 black box warnings (commonly fatal) from the FDA. So I really doubt your doctor would prescribe it, and honestly I doubt you'd even want to take it. You'd have to do blood work the rest of your life, for the first year every week just to get the medication.
So why I took it? Schizoaffective, it's like Bipolar-1 (the one where people off themselves all the time) and Schizophrenia combined. So I have the best of both worlds, manic depressive suicidal thoughts hallucinations etc. I have also proven to be treatment resistant and my symptoms appear to be getting worse the older I get. It's actually looking like I may go back on it and just hope for the best though I suffered no ill side effects.
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I've been on a host of different medications and have a host of issues but schizophrenia isn't one of them so you're probably right.
I guess my cocktail would be major depression, borderline personality disorder, self harming and suicidal tendencies and now I seem to be on bipolar medication and mood stabilizers. I don't normally talk to people about it, though I imagine my depression always rears its ugly head if people get to know me well enough which I hate.
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That's why people like me are great... Expendable...
If you don't mind me asking what mood stabilizer did they put you on? (Mood stabilizers are mainly used for Bipolar, but they can be used for a plethora of things even seasonal depression according to my psych though I'm not 100% sure if he was serious.)
I'm sorry about the suicidal tendencies, I guess that is what I can describe mine as rather than just thoughts. Thoughts, plan, step by step, but no intent if that makes sense. And the no intent is more of a recent thing, since... Well, since I actually made an attempt on my life.
We can stop talking about this if you'd like, I've been through a lot of therapy and everything I can talk about this all day my problem comes in with showing emotion. I just have little to none. I don't want to set off too many triggers or anything.
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I'm not easily triggered, I'm usually numb if anything. Pictures, videos, descriptions of self harming make me uncomfortable but I wouldn't say it would trigger anything. I've been dealing with all of this since high school and now I'm...well older. lol
Tons of therapy, tons of medicines, multiple attempts at therapy as well and periods with no therapy. Was sent to a "special" school for kids with emotional issues as a teen then attempt suicide after graduation and was institutionalized for a month until I made them believe I was a-ok. As much as the thoughts are still there the biggest thing that halts them is never wanting to be in a place like that again. Though I came close to it almost four years ago after a bad break up and half a year as a shut in, ended up in the ER and then back to therapy for the first time in years and I've been ever since. Just hate all medicines they give me.
I've been on Prozac, Wellbutrin, which made some of my hair fall out and probably something else I'm missing. Now I'm on Celexa, Trazodone, Ativan, Lamictal, Ambien and a new one they want to try me on called Naltrexone. They wanted to put me on Lithium but decided to try Lamictal instead since it doesn't need as much blood monitoring.
I don't mind talking, I rarely get to talk about this stuff especially with someone who can relate. Most people don't like hearing about my depressions or issues or can't relate at all. I imagine that's what group therapy is for but I've never felt very comfortable with that.
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We don't have enough space to list all of my previous medications lol... Side note I take Lithium actually works well for me for what it's supposed to do mood stabilizer.
At 8 I told my mom I was depressed so she got me into therapy, then at 13 I told her I wanted to kill myself and we tried 2 or 3 meds that didn't help and we just quit, let everything fall off, no one asked me how I was but all of those emotions they were still there ya know? Then it just all kind of kept building until 2012 until I finally made the attempt on my life. Then I was hospitalized for 3(?) weeks, didn't have insurance so didn't go to therapy or anything when I got out just went back to the normal routine and told my mom I felt like nothing changed, bam back in the hospital another 2 weeks. Then when I was released I came home and I was pretty adamant not to go back, started therapy and everything. My therapists asks, "Do you still want to kill yourself?" Well yeah the thoughts don't just disappear overnight (at the time I didn't realize the key phrase of telling them there is no intent). BAM Back in the hospital, by this time me and the doctor were on first name basis and I made a plea deal "Promise to continue with therapy, can I get out of here?" I was only there for the Mandatory 72hr hold then released.
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I dunno, I feel like I need something to help with the moods. My meds help but on a daily basis, not when I seem to actually need it like right now. I guess that's what the sedative is for but I'm not ready to try and sleep. I dunno.
I don't really know when this started, I was made fun of a lot in elementary school and then once I hit high school I had very little self esteem and was thrust into a new environment and that's when it all started going down hill. In and out of therapy, on and off medicine. Parents don't really understand they just worry. "Just cheer up" isn't very helpful. Just feels like there is no way out a lot of the times except death. I was actually having a good day too...
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I tend to not being able to fall asleep. Normally it get's better as soon as the sun rises. So around the time other people get up I'm finally able to sleep. And every other night (like tonight) I know it's absolutely useless...
I don't take any sleeping pills - although I often think about it. Somehow I just never give it a try. Might be because I'm to anxious at night or what ever...
So jup, I know the problem. But normally I don't stay up two nights in a row.
Hope you're able to sleep soon :)
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I liked being a night owl as a teen. Felt like the forbidden fruit being up when everyone was asleep. If you decide to try anything pill wise try melatonin first. It's an over the counter natural herb. Really cheap too, if that doesn't work then you can explore different options.
Why are you anxious at night?
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Natural herbs sound good. Since I already have more heavy pills for other things....
Difficult to say. Too many thoughts mostly. At some point I start to panic. Or I just can't settle down. In the end it doesn't really matter why, I'm normally just to restless to sleep and keep trying. Until it is morning and I'm too tired to stay awake.
So, you "just" can't sleep or also too many thoughts/restlessness etc.?
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Well, it's a combination right now I'll get back to that...
Growing up I've always had racing thoughts, abnormally so, causes me to jump around a lot in speech and I have a really hard time holding onto a single subject for long. Bipolar mania phase all the time in my mind basically.
As a young adult I developed pretty severe hallucinations, and they frequent me whenever the hell they feel like it.
My current situation/Adult life I've had hip problems that required surgery the last year and a half, tore my labrum had to have some bone removed, all kinds of cartilage damage. I just had surgery 4 weeks ago so I am in recovery, not so much pain anymore unless I move a whole lot but sometimes it's inconvenient to get comfortable. (Doctor said that if it'd of been 3 years ago he'd of recommended me for a total hip replacement it was so bad to give you an idea... I'm only 27)
Currently my main problem is medication as I go into detail in this post
To sum it up they took me off a really heavy sedative and put me on my old medication and it's not quite working like it used to.
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That sounds pretty bad. I'm sorry :(
Since I was a kid I was more lonely and sad. In my mid teens I started having pain all over my body. The Doctors first thought I had rheumatism, but in fact I was becoming more and more depressed and my body couldn't handle it, so I had pain all over. Ever since I came out off school I'm home with depression and I can't really say it's getting better the older I get. I'm the same age as you are. So I don't really have the same story and problem as you do, but I still think I somehow understand you hug
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Yeah I was always lonely and sad as a kid too :( I could be in a crowded room and I still felt alone, so I definitely agree I think we understand each other well. I'm actually Disabled from my mental illness, so it's nice not to have to go to work and everything, but that only adds more depression because I WANT to go to work and I want to be a part of the work force.
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Yeah, I still have that problem. Sometimes even with family or close friends. I'm just sitting there and it feels like everybody is... dunno a million miles away and I can't reach them, whatever I try to do. If I have the strength to try and do something.
I know. I would like too as well. I just don't know where and how and... yeah. And here I am -.-
Well at least the sun is shining and I have lovely (baby)cats who cheer me up :) (Just realized your ava is a cat ;) )
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I'm sure we could talk about depressing stuff all day so I agree... Cats!
I have a cat that just came up and sat on my mouse :), Lucky and Snickers 2 female tabbys 1 is orange and 1 is grey. The one pictured is Snickers.
Lucky is the one that came to sit on my mouse, she's my baby, and the orange one.
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Life is depressing enough. So absolutely: Cats! :D
I have an old cat (15 years) and she's like every old lady is: Lying and the heated windowsill and sleeping. My two Baby-Tomcats (Ameno and Tizio) try to get close to her without her noticing them. Is rather funny. The moment she looks, they like jump away because she would just start hissing.
My little (ok, he'y already 5kg, so not thaaaat little anymore :D) Tizio is the cuddly cat (do you say that? Looks funny. Cuddely...?) and loves to lie on my lap while I'm playing. A real cute one. The other two are cute as well! :D
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Cuddly yes, Cuddley looks funny lol....
Lucky was a dumpster kitty, she and all her brothers and sisters were thrown in a dumpster outside of my moms work. The humane society was called and they came and collected them all... But they missed one, when my mom got off work it was late and Lucky was already cold and hungry and was meowing. She brought her to us and she was so tiny, fit in the palm of my hand. We got some mother's milk from an all night clinic fed her got her warm and saved her life. Now she's 2.5 and 10lbs
Snickers was a dog in a past life, she plays fetch, she growls at the door when people are nearby, she's just awesome. She was outside in a snowstorm and a stranger took her in with intention of keeping her, this did not last long and posted an ad on the internet that she had to get rid of her "today" so I called and collected one awesome kitty. Thing is I just don't know what would've happened had I not been there, she could've just thrown her back outside and her length was only about the height of your monitor when we got her. She's about 2.2 and weighs 7lbs.
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I don't get how people can do something like that to any living being. They are some really lucky cats, having found you and a home at your place :)
Ha, ball fetching is much loved by my two babies! The ball rolls down the stairs, one off them rushes down and carries the ball back upstairs. Just to play it again.
Anyway. I hope you're going to have a nice day (with your cats ;) ). I'm getting visitors for teatime (maybe I should rather say Caketime), so I'll be gone for a couple of hours :)
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Involuntarily coming up on the 96 hour marker without sleep. I am heavily medicated, 300mg Trazodone (350 on nights like tonight), 10mg Ambien, and a plethora of other medications that "cause" drowsiness that I wont list because it''s none of your business HA! lol... I'm actually usually able to sleep on my "cocktail" but have not been able to as of the last few days for unknown reasons. Just wanted to see if anyone else on here suffers the same fate, and if you do I'm sorry! Let's talk about it!
Now 2 hours of sleep stronger! Going into my next day (don't make me do the math right now too tired) with 2 hours of sleep for coming close to a week without (I think). Yay!
EDIT 2!!
Finally went through all the posts and responded to most everything that had anything meaningful other than, "No I've never slept." etc. If I missed you yell at me again so I can respond, this has been a really interesting and enlightening experience and I've made some good friends! I think I'm going back to bed for the night just going to toss and turn tonight and see what happens so the thread wont be as active tonight. Wish me luck!
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