A few early contenders, in no particular order:
I may or may not pick one of these, but they've resonated with me for one reason or another.
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Since you got alot of playtime in Deus Ex HR, why not try:
Complete Deus Ex: Human Revolution at its hardest setting.
Complete Deus Ex: Human Revolution without anyone dying by your hand. (Boss fights do not count.)
both beeing last Achievements you can get in Deus Ex HR. Or try to get both in one run!
Just pick a game you like and try to get a hard achievement in it I would say. Edit: Not sure if you would count that as "insanely difficult" or time consuming.
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My one DX:HR playthrough was actually intended as a Pacifist run, but as you may know it's a capricious achievement...people can die if you move their unconscious bodies the wrong way, or if you headshot with a tranq rifle, etc. So somebody died along the way. =(
Legend would actually be easier to achieve (in a Pacifist playthrough), except for that first boss.
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Legend is a roughly 3-4 hour task if you have already played the game. Same for Pacifist. Literally just keep on running and that's it. Oh, and pick up a laser rifle at least in Singapore. It's almost perfect for Foxiest of the Hounds too (I got it in a 4-hour run after I botched it twice gods-know-where).
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There's also The Take and The Fall that I don't have. Not as interesting and Pacifist, but a lot easier to achieve, and I get my DX:HR fix. ;-)
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I actually found the first boss the hardest in the game. I had no weapon skills (Pacifist run) and had never thrown a grenade (which I usually suck at anyway). It doesn't help that I kinda suck at FPS gunplay (hence the Pacifist approach).
I never played the Director's Cut version with altered boss fights.
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Hmm...good question. Although it's not a true "contest" with a true "award," I guess it doesn't make sense to give suggestions after I've already gotten #1000, eh?
Let's say through the weekend. I'll update the post.
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The 5-deaths achievement is complete and utter bullshit though since there are parts which run on an external world timer, essentially making life or death pure RNG. I'm an achievement whore, but after the fourth unsuccessful attempt I just said 'fuck it'.
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Good for you. Just say no to achievements designed to waste time instead of be the slightest bit fun.
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Well this one 'sounds' cool... but I think while going for this achievement you would end up with different one first. Plus I've never played this game and I'm guessing it's hard. I think I got most of my achievements accidentally :)
I Avoid Sleep Wherever Possible, So I Played AaaaaAAaaaAAAaaAAAAaAAAAA!!! a Whole Lot
Awarded for completing 4,096 jumps.
You could always Alan Wake
Boob Tube
See what's on TV...
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I doubt I'd be able to get "I Avoid Sleep..." first, but I've been wanting to try AaaaaAAaaaAAAaaAAAAaAAAAA for awhile...
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The Plan, an awesome game (?)
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Thanks for the recommendation-- I'll have to check that out.
It would be a bit too "cheap" for a 1,000th achievement, don't you think?
But an excellent choice for 1,001 =)
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Make it indie has really easy achievements where you can get 100% completion in 10 minutes more or less
You can also try to obtain the pacifist achievement from deus ex but this one might take some time
There are some easy-to-do achievements in Portal 2 that you don't have, for example: Drop Box
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Make it Indie would probably be too "cheap."
Pacifist would be too hard/capricious. Though some of the other ones I've missed (The Fall, The Take) are possible.
Portal or Portal 2 are definite contenders (except for the co-op ones).
Thanks for the reply. =)
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You know, I didn't even remember that I owned this game. I must've gotten it in a bundle and farmed the cards. LOL. Thanks for the suggestion.
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You're welcome. Its successor, Postal 2, is considered the best in the series.
If you loved both games, then Postal 3 is a must-play....though it is the lowest point in the series, still plenty of eye-candy; a graphical marvel the eyes can see.
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Portal - Transmission received. Easy achi, but very fun. I'd recommend it, since you have 13 hrs in Portal :)
Or if you want something more action filled. Go for OVERDRILL in PAYDAY: The Heist. Difficulty doesn't matter, but still it's a long but good achievement to do.
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I seem to remember that that's a very long, convoluted achievement that I'd basically have to have a guide next to me to complete. Or am I misremembering?
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Overdrill is convoluted but if you read through the guide once, you can do it. Or play with someone who knows how to do the hard part.
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Sorry-- should have mentioned-- single-player only achievements, so no Overdrill. I've updated the post.
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if you want something quick start playing Divinity: Original Sin and you will get some achievements.
if you want something more special then go for Deus Ex HR "Pacifist" is more rare than "Legend" everyone suggests.
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My one DX:HR playthrough was actually intended as a Pacifist run, but as you may know it's a capricious achievement...people can die if you move their unconscious bodies the wrong way, or if you headshot with a tranq rifle, etc. So somebody died along the way. =(
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bodies die only if you throw them from some height,if you are carefull enough there is no problem.
i got both "Pacifist" and "Foxiest of the Hounds" in the same run and the really difficult part i remember was getting past those zombie-like people towards the end game.
also here are some tips
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Yeah, I used to live on that site. ;-) Even made some contributions/edits.
As the site says, you can kill someone with a tranq headshot. I'm pretty sure I did this in some Detroit apartments.
Also, I remember in the DRB Hideout, I knocked out two guys inside near the entrance, and at some point later, I noticed they were dead. Not sure what happened there.
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LOL! I tried to get it with some of the exploits work-arounds mentioned in guides, but either they fixed it, or I did it wrong.
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LOL, I'd forgotten that game even had Achievements.
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Agreed-- some perfectly interesting achievements are straight out because there's no way I can achieve them without getting others first.
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Since you want it to be your 1000th I guess only achievements from games were you have most of the other already, or early game achievements from games that you haven't played yet, are liable choices.
So I thought I take a look at some early game achievements. So I wanted to suggest The Quest Begins from Chip, cause 1000 achievements obviously are only the beginning. But you don't have the game. So maybe And So It Begins from XCOM, but again you don't have it.
But I'm not giving up that easy: Humble Beginnings from Kingdom Wars. That one is free to play so you have it ;)
Just found that Postal has And so it begins... too.
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Hmm...I don't really MMORTS, but Kingdom Wars does look kind of interesting. I'll keep it in mind.
Thanks for the reply! =)
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Without a doubt: Nihilumbra "You are Born"
I thought it was pretty good game too.
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Not a bad idea. It will mean committing some time to the game (so that I don't have to carry around a 5% completion), but maybe it's worth it. I actually played a bit of it on an iPad and it was fun. Thanks for the suggestion.
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Thanks...I don't actually own the game, though I did buy a couple copies during the summer sale for giveaways. I guess I could activate it and play it...I enjoyed the demo.
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The Plan (free to play)
The "game" is only 20 minutes, the achievements it's for finish the game.
You have to try it!
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Somebody else suggested that, and I agree-- though it seems a bit "cheap" for #1,000.
But perfect for 1,001! =)
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Remind me not to create a "Suggest my 26th Game to 100%" thread. :-D
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Is there a way to have Steam remove a game from my profile? We don't want any riots, do we?
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haha no this is absolut a hard one... you can try Maddie's little game... it is not so hard and will give you at least one achivement in the game :)
oc not for the 1000th :D
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Yeah, I could probably pull off Maddie's little game and the one Sanctuary achievement...but I have no hope at the others and I'd be stuck at, say, 12% completion. Horrors! :-O
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You could do Drugglejug for 100% achievements in Deponia. If you can't remember the dialog, probably use a guide.
You could do the wrong way in limbo, as it's a joke on Mario games (how we are all used to going from left to right in 2d platformers.
Or you could go bat shit all in and do Deus Ex human revolution in hard mode or even the no kill version. Both difficult I guess (although I have them all on the DC).
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Yeah, Drogglejug and Limbo are solid suggestions (see my first comment in this thread). DX:HR's are probably too much work for a game I've already played.
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I'm sitting at 999 achievements. I'd like to hear suggestions from the SG community what I should try to get for my 1,000th achievement. Take a look and give it a shot. =)
If I pick your achievement, you get
automatically whitelistedprivate entry to a GA for a newly released AAA gamemy thanks for making my 1,000th achievement a little more fun.Should I dust off an older game and get an achievement I never got?
Should I get one of those hard-to-reach (but still attainable) achievements?
Should I try out a brand new game and get its first achievement?
A few things [sorry, this got longer than I intended]:
Thank you for your participation! I'll pick my target 1,000th achievement Monday morning, US EDT. =)
*other than card farming
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