What personality type did you get?
I used to be INTP
Can I join the club as ex-intp? xD
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By becoming more INFP? I am between T and F when dealing with problems. I used to be more strongly towards T, now I'm towards F
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I'm the same way with the forum puzzles. It's one of those puzzles where you either know it or you don't and those types dont' interest me. Or else you spend hours and hours googling to find the answer. I'm more interested in puzzles that I have a chance of figuring out logically with my brain.
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Assertive vs. Turbulent I think.
For instance mine says INTP-T
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As a student of psychology, I am finding (as well as other professionals) that the Myers Briggs test is unreliable and not always valid. It had virtually no research for the test to be based upon. The test and it's current uses in society are actually taking the role of entertainment and a bad method for businesses to categorize people in a rather arbitrary way. Almost as if it were the modern version of a business-horoscope.
For a more interesting read on the topic, check this out.
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What the hell is a banana? And a potato is that thing from Portal 2 right?
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I donna know... I would think a banana is kinda like them cute little Minion guys... a potato... I donna know, maybe that is a adult-child person that is an alcoholic and stays at home watching a lot of obscure TV...
Either way, I pick banana. Just because I am a serious goofball (and a student of psychology) and well, psychology does not define people by plants. Only bad psychology or people following fads use Myers-Briggs.
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Jung was as much a theorist as he was a psychologist. The MBTI may have not been based on substantial research, since it was a theoretical model founded on previous personality typologies, but it has since then found significant substantiation. From what I know, the MBTI is fairly accurate as a determiner of one's default core personality type. Of course the MBTI isn't incontrovertibly accurate and it makes some generalities which fail to capture the nuances of human personality. Every personality is infinitely unique, after all, and arguably changes over time. Nonetheless, its accuracy is close enough that it gets the vast majority of personality predictions correct. I would love to see some hard evidence against the MBTI, since I haven't seen any. If you know of any, please point the way.
Regardless of its increased popularization and misuse in the entertainment industry (which isn't uncommon; just look at so-called "brain trainers"), the actual psychology behind it is rather established. Just so you know, though: the 16Personalities test isn't just based on the MBTI. It has some adjustments (most notably the addition of the Identity dimension).
As for your link, it is paywalled and non-subscribers do not have access. Considering the title of the article, however, I'm a bit wary of treating it as much more than antilabelist rhetoric. Anyway, magazine articles are notoriously dubious. I'd prefer research studies and technical publications.
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The good old - 'as a student of psychology and have learnt that only clinical trials with case studies are relevant' mindset. Do you yet know how to help someone who is going through stress? No, you're a student and are just regurgitating what you've been taught. Use your brain and don't just let the university dictate the validity of life outside the belief system they've fed you.
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Clinical trials are for psychiatry and pharmaceutical medicine, not psychology. What exactly are you trying to say? Because it sounds like you're dismissing psychology and treating academia as some mass brainwashing machine rather than just the opposite.
EDIT: Since you already responded before I could edit it, I'll leave my original response as well:
You appear to be assuming that psychology is impractical. Psychology is the study of the mind, from identity and personality to disorder and abnormality. It is a highly practical field whose work is fundamental to therapy (behavioral and psychological) and the treatment of psychopathology. It has also contributed immensely to history, philosophy, economics, anthropology, and theology.
The third mistake you made is asserting the absurd notion that studying psychology does not help one who is experiencing stress. Psychology is the discipline which defines, explores, and formulates methods of addressing stress. Therapists are psychologists and it is their job to treat matters of stress. If you seriously believe that psychology doesn't help one understand "how to help someone who is going through stress", then maybe it's pointless to explain things to you, since your knowledge of psychology terminates on how to spell the word. Then again, you didn't spell the word in any of your text, so maybe you don't even know how to do that.
Perhaps if you used your cerebral organ, you wouldn't be assuming that any academic or student is some dogmatic ideologue slaving away as some brainwashed bydlo without a mind of his own.
You are either trolling, completely ignorant of psychology, or trolling. Hanlon's razor and good faith both suggest you're just stupid. Then again, at that level of idiocy, perhaps it would be good faith to assume you are just pretending to be.
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If he was a troll, he wouldn't have originally removed the post after I told him he might have misinterpreted what you said.
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I was fully aware of that. I also thought you were dismissing psychology as some impractical, useless enterprise and treating academics as brainwashed sheeple. I'm not fond of people who assert either folly, so I decided to call you out on your bullshit. Although I don't agree with SevenBlueSeven in the slightest, I find your seemingly anti-academic stance to be far more egregious and inappropriate.
If I misinterpreted you, then I apologize. Refer to the response to which you just replied. I had deleted the message for a while because it was shown to me that I might have misinterpreted you, and I have since edited it. Seeing as you already replied before I could edit it, though, I decided to add the original text back in to make sure readers know what provoked your response.
If that is what makes someone a troll, then I certainly am one. SevenBlueSeven (presumably) sought to provide some information about the science (or lack thereof) off which this test is based in order to inform its takers that it is inaccurate. I disagree with this assessment, but I can only assume his intentions were good.
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I happen to have a masters degree in psychology plus I am a certified counselor. So, I know my stuff.
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Why would you start out describing yourself as a student of psychology and then jump to having a master's degree? You went from recognizing other professionals to being the professional. That makes you look like you're lying.
Which is it?
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If that's true, then I enjoin you to respond to my reply and please cite your sources. If you have clear evidence to debunk the MBTI, I'll gladly accept it.
Don't expect people to believe your bold claims about your degrees and occupation unless you have evidence to prove it. Otherwise, you could easily be lying.
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No personality-test is dead-accurate. While some are more basic like this, others are well thought-out, all of them will have a person taking them have fairly disagree with the results, while other subjects will perfectly agree.
It's also just an internet-test - but still a better one (not like "what flower are you if you would be a flower in Rilyeh...". In any case, it should be taken into consideration that some subjects will find the results perfectly pleasing and will gain a boost in self-confidence to keep on the track they're going, or will overthink the way they are and might be able to change them, given the results or even just the questions from the test can be a motivating factor in re-thinking about oneself. Sure, a lot of people won't do that, but even the impulse that is exerted, to reflect upon oneself while answering the questions and reading the detailed results might have a positive effect. For that alone, there is justification for this test, I feel.
Of course, the validity of these results is to be heavily questioned and explored when used in a psychological sense - here, we're just doing it for fun. In any way, subjects and testers alike should be aware that these things should be taken with a few grains of salt.
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Advocate (INFJ-A)
Mind: 70% Introverted
Energy: 14% Observant
Nature: 62% Feeling
Tactics: 16% Judging
Identity: 20% Assertive
I kinda went through it rather quickly, though.
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umm where is the option for ISFJ-T? is there more than 16? just 16 main groups they use?
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ISFJ is there. The -T and -A Identity traits are not included in the poll. They are also not present in original Jungian psychology or the MBTI. It's an original dimension added by 16Personalities.
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If I added the -T and -A then the poll would've gone on forever (figuratively).
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There's 16 main groups ... not sure how many people perfectly fit into their respective group. Think of the percentage you are in an area as a percentage and not as being concrete.
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ah right my % was
66% Introverted
38% Observant
37% Feeling
9% Judging
44% Turbulent
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I got INFP-A if anyone's interested.
Fits me fairly well but not exact.
79% Introverted
40% Intuitive
25% Feeling
14% Prospecting
9% Assertive
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Shots fired ... ow ... but it also says that they often feel selfish because they want to give and give and give but can't.
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Considering I'm an 18 year old soon to be college student and am saving up my money so I can afford an education without having to deal with boatloads of college loans. I believe you are being highly unfair and criticizing me for using a game giveaway site for its intended purpose (and also for being lucky). Honestly the ratio is just a number, not sure why people treat it as anything more.
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It's just that the first other INFP in this thread I looked at had a lot more giveaways than wins, so your profile surprised me on this count. Obviously you have every reason to be frugal, although now that I've seen the number of games you have...
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You are clearly being malicious. Yes, I have a lot of games (I classify myself as a collector) basically all I ever get for presents is Steam cash cards, but I tend to spend on my friends first (as I stated below) and then I do what I can here. I do not entirely believe your claims of innocence, especially after it appears you tried covering your tracks after I explained my situation.
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You have a rather rude way of playing then. By "covering your tracks" I meant that you were rude in saying "Problem with career choice? Seems like that's a common theme. (Not for me, luckily.)" Of which I assumed you were implying that I was poor or something similar and when I explained my actual situation you immediately tried to justify what you said and apologize in a way, "Obviously you have every reason to be frugal, . . ." Of which you immediately followed with statements that contradicted this and indicate that you are clearly trying to call me out on my Give:Win ratio and trying to find evidence that contradicts my statements.
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Hey, my reply didn't go through? Here it is again.
By ""Problem with career choice?" I didn't mean to insult you. People (especially INFP, apparently) often make career choices that don't make a lot of money. I was curious if that was the case for you, and mentioned that luckily for me that's not the case. Clearly you're not there yet.
I'm just trying to understand you and I'm judging you based on my ideals, which I guess is the INFP thing to do. And INFP are also sensitive to criticism, so it doesn't end up working too well.
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I'm sorry but your "criticism" sounded very much like insults and calling out. I can understand where you were trying to come from however I would advise it being more clear next time.
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Perhaps if it was worded more in the form of constructive criticism I would have understood. But from the way it is worded it appears to be more of an attack than anything else.
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An INFP would likely give gifts without wanting to have a higher status than other people as they are humble. Obviously there is no tally on this site for giving love and acceptance so you can't see how much of a giver mushclone is. INFPs value that more than money.
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I also tend to give to my friends first as they are the ones who have supported me, but I give on this site when I can.
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I don't feel like INFP completely describes me. I feel like I'm more of a conglomerate of a few of the personality types.
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I do feel connections to other types. Rather strong connections with four overall. The order I would put them in by strength would probably be:
I feel like some sort of mix of those four types would match me spot on.
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Fellow INFP here. :) It's funny since I took a similar test maybe 7-8 years ago and I got exactly the same result. Some percents have changed, but the overall result was the same.
I agree it's not completely reliable and the idea of having only 16 types of people in the world is unrealistic, but it has some sense in it providing your basic shape as a person -usually-.
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You're not the old man that I hear everyone talking about are you?
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Just because you forsake any sort of taxonomy or classification in favor of a vague, indistinct ideological nebula, that doesn't mean you cannot be distinctly classified. If anything, I'd just say "loose classification" implies lack of identarian examination and a lack of knowledge on the nature and accuracy of the classifications.
Of course human personality is infinitely nuanced and complex, just as is ideology, philosophy, science, art, and even mathematics. That does not preclude taxonomy, though.
Perhaps it's not that you lack distinct classification, but you don't want to be classified?
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Calm down Nokk, clearly ET3D is just saying that they are only slightly bound by the laws of human psychology because they are only humanoid in physiology and psychology.
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We've both stated what ours are ... just gotta find the comments. ;D
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I deleted my comment because Mushclone298 pointed out that you were probably joking. Instead of keeping up a post based on a mistaken interpretation, I removed it. Unfortunately, he commented toward me anyway (despite how he was already speaking to me in PM), so there's no point in keeping it hidden.
You can find my comment here. I am INTP-T and consider INT to be the core of my personality. I believe both INTJ and even ENTP to both describe me as well (despite my almost exclusive introversion, I have an exception for debating), to NT is definitely accurate. ENTJ does not accurately describe me because I lack that the dominating leadership element which characterizes them. And yes, I do believe the test is accurate.
I have restored the comment. Feel free to read it now.
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I think that you didn't get my meaning. As an AI of alien origins the term "person" only loosely applies to me. However if the term is applied, then the classification of the type of "person" I am is surely possible. I'm sorry that I didn't make my meaning clear enough.
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By only some definitions, and in only some dictionaries. That's only because humans are the ones defining it, we know of no other organisms which qualify as persons, except perhaps primates or dolphins, and dictionaries typically only define common usage.
In philosophy, you are a person. I'd say that's clear enough.
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Yeah, ISFJ-T.
Mind: 61% Introverted
Energy: 20% Observant
Nature: 25% Feeling
Tactics: 45% Judging
Identity: 37% Turbulent
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Mediator and I completely agree with that assessment. Apparently only 4% of the population is INFP so I guess we are an endangered species.
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I'm sure we aren't. It was a neat test, especially reading all the information on the personality type afterwards. It describes me perfectly even in the career types. I retired from the military and it was just a "safe" choice for me. I had no idea what I was going to do with my life. I have a million things I would like to do now though.
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MEDIATOR (INFP-T) here as well
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Personality: INTP ("The Logician")
Variant: Turbulent
Role: Analyst
48% Introverted
45% Intuitive
43% Thinking
67% Prospecting
41% Turbulent
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I'm just plain curious, to be honest. Here's the test:
I know the poll is very long but there's 16 personality types so ... what did you expect! Might add a giveaway at some point.
It's not much but it's the best I can do: http://www.steamgifts.com/giveaway/D55x9/proxy-blade-zero
[NOTE: Anything under 20% means you may not fully represent that trait. If your given personality doesn't quite match you try looked at other types that you would almost fall into. (E.g. INFP with 10% in F, feeling, so try INTP)]
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