Since there's a no call out rule I'll just say this: Do extra research when trading for S.T.A.L.K.E.R: Call of Pripyat this week on SteamTrades as there have been some conspicuous trades going on. Be sure to check every users rep + how far it dates back + ask for the source of it + if they have an abundance of them simply ask why.

10 years ago*

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10 years ago

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Conspicuous trades? Like, ones that are easy to find?

10 years ago

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And the fuck you meant by this?
Stealth region locks? Revoked? No english localization for gifts from non-english regions?
You went first and the guy ran?

10 years ago

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I just bought a Call of Pripyat key from a dodgy looking trader (10+/4- rep), but honestly I don't care even if it's revoked, he gave me the game for a Kane & Lynch key from the HB Square Enix 2 so no big losses.

You got me curious though, why the PSA?

10 years ago

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He is the hero SG deserves - risking suspension to save the community from scammers. Unfortunately, he can no longer name names.

10 years ago*

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Ah yeah, that makes sense. By the way there are many traders who may seem to be scammers but in fact they aren't, just the users buying from them are idiots misinterpreting the trade and being a pain in the a** in general huh?

10 years ago

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I think I got my Call of Pripyat from the same guy as you... Yeah, I admit I was a bit concerned but I took a chance anyway. I traded him Hard Reset, a game I've never had any interest in and that had been sitting in my trade list for quite some time. We'll see how it goes... and if I still have Call of Pripyat in my library in a week or two. ;)

10 years ago

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Aye, at this point it's really a great deal, or just a matter of losing a game worth like 20 cents. I can take the risk. (it's not like losing 350 keys on a PayPal trade lol)

10 years ago

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That's exactly why I decided to give it a try... If the guy had been asking for keys or paypal instead of games, I would have never traded with him. But for a bundle game, why not?

10 years ago

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Closed 9 years ago by randomperson321.