Ok, so I see a GA of expensive brand new AAA release "might be fake, better check this dude's profile" so I enter the profile page and take a quick look to the right to see if he's given anything before. High lvl, thousands of $ worth in sent gifts and after a second quick look down I realise that this person has given AAA games away before and they are marked as recieved! "must be legit, let's enter!" so I go to the GA page and under a short GA desc I see a huge bold comment: "do not enter he's perma banned" I'm like WTF?! go back to his profile page and indeed there it is: "suspened, permanent" I take a closer look at his GAs. Out of over a hundred gifts there's only a couple marked as not received and they are not even those huge AAA names. So here is the conclusion why the f**k is someone like this banned?! Those "unsent" gifts? C'mon ha gave away games worth $60 a piece and he'd scam people on $5?! Bet those were trolls or sth like that...

Now to the point:

  1. Why are benned people's GAs still in GAs list?! (apparently after you get banned you have no access to your acc and thus can't tell where to send the gift) Shouldn't they be removed so people won't waste their points on them?
  2. Why can't we, regular users, see why someone was banned? IMHO if someone gets suspended you should be abled to hover over the red suspension indicator and get a tooltip saying why this person is banned or something like that...

Opinions? Questions? Ideas? Do you agree? if not, then why?

Why aren't banned people's GAs deleted when they got banned and why cant we see why person was banned on his/her profile page?

9 years ago

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Should everyone be able to see why someone got suspended?

View Results
only when suspension is permanent

This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

9 years ago

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I am not a stalker. Could you please share your secret knowledge with me?
Also, btw, if you're a stalker shouldn't you just stay hidden somewhere around and whatch the world burn without saying a word...?

9 years ago

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he cannot, as he will be calling out and will get himself suspended.

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

9 years ago

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Curiosity killed the cat, but satisfaction brought it back.

9 years ago

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Hmm, I may not know the reason, but with all of the Tools: Steam, Steamgifts, The old Steamgift Dev tool http://sgtools.tk/ and Steamrep. You can find out quite a bit about some one

9 years ago

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How soon is a blowout, fellow stalker?

9 years ago

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having thousands of $ worth of GAs doesn't mean you're above the law. No matter if you're level 1, 5 or 10, if you break the rules you will get suspended. And if you keep breaing them, or break serious ones - you will be perma banned.

As for reason for suspension - no. Because No calling out rule, for starters. And what would knowing the reason give you? Would it somehow make GA more enterable? ;p

9 years ago

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yeah, but since this site is primarily about giving what crimes makes us ban someone who made hundreds of people happy? This is why I'm curious. Also, no calling out applies to GAs for there's too many people who'd go and scream "scammer" because first thing someone is giving away is Skyrim, Civ V or MKX. That's ruining someones good name before he even has a chance to appear.
On the other hand: charges are public even if the trial is not. I want to know if the man I'm meeting was in jail because he was starving and stole a piece of bread to survive or had he rather cold-bloodliy killed his entire family while they where asleep. Same applies here: there's a difference between a notorious scammer and someone who said the f word a few too many times or forgot to tag a picture as nsfw...
And last but not least, even though I trust in our beloved mods and admins, to prevent the situation where someone hates chocolate ice cream and one of the mods loves chocolate ice cream so much that he decides to ban this heretic: "how can someone not love chocolate ice cream?! you don't deservetto use sg! BAN! BAN! BAN!" (or something like this ;P )

9 years ago

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First of all, you ąre wrong - No calling out applies to calling out anything bad, anz rulebreaking - not only fake GAs. If you cal out someone on being scammer on forums for example or mention that he got suspended for regifting etc you will be suspended all the same.
And no - real life laws do not fully apply. It's private site and it may use any rules it want - no calling out and not public charging included.
And noone will get permabanned for forgetting NSFW tag... Like I said before - to get permabanned you have to do something really bad - like scamming, feadback fraud, multiaccounts etc, or get suspended for the same thing multiple times and keep doing the same thing - for example if you get caught 3rd or 4th time regifting and has been suspended for it numerous times in the past yet you keep doing it - you will get permabanned.
As for mods permabanning without the reason (REALLY? o.O) - there are 11 staff members not 1 mod. Anyone of them can see the reason. Anyone can read ban/suspension appeal ticket. Do you seriously believe there's some hidden conspiracy where one mod goes on ban spree and all the others just turn the blind eye? Plus if that was the case - guy would just inform any of his SG friends "I got banned for liking chocolate icecream" and make a suspension screenshot. And this friend goes to forums and shitstorm starts. And what? anyone posting about it gets permabanned to get silenced as well? One must be really clinically paranoid to believe sth like that ;p

Oh and for "ban someone who made hundreds of people happy" - as you love real life examples so much: Let's say you run charity organization. You colect money to cure little children. Does it mean that if you pick up a machine gun and go on kiling spree shooting down multiple people you should not be charged? After all you made hundreds/thousands of people happy and killed ust a few... No. Rules are rules and they apply to everyone.

9 years ago

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as I said, I have faith in the staff around here, this was just yet another argument to use...
the point about killing... well, that's why I ask for the reason why someone gets banned. as I said: it's steamgifts site created (as far as I'm concerned) to give away steam games so if someone gave like a 200 games and out of those 5 were marked as "not recieved" is it enough to ban him? Should we trust 195 positive reviews or just those 5 negative ones? anyway, I'm getting sidetracked, beck to killing... your point here is a little bit... pointless...(?) first of all if someone goes on a random killing spree after beeing respected, rightfull charity owner for a bunch of years I'd recommend psychiatrist first... Secondly, consider the situation: if he was carrying the money for those kid to save them and he got attacked by armed robbers who wanted to steal the money and he just so happened to carry ak on him and killed them all in self defence does it make him a criminal or a bad person in anyway? Guess the law in some countries will say "yes" but IMHO no. Even if the attackers were only carrying knives. Anyway I think I'm getting off the point again...
But look at it in micro scale: you work for a company. your duty is to make money, but you're forbidden to visit facebook while at work. should you get fired because whenever your boss sees you you're on facebook even though you've made more money then all your co-workesr collectively?
And no, real life laws don't fully apply, but does it mean that they can't/shouldn't?

9 years ago

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trust me - he did not get banned just for 5 gifts marked not received ;)
Also for real life laws - nocalling out and no public charging are very good things to have on SG. Because contrary to RL this is internet. People on internet tend to act much worse than in RL. Last thing SG needs is outrage of public shaming and rule breaking, and it would be just this without these rules.
As for your company example - yes. Prima pars est aequitatis aequalitas. Law should treat everyone equaly - if it does not it's not just. Without equality there cannot be justice, and any law without justice is pointless. So in your example - if company has rules that you cannot use FB, you don't use FB. Simple as that.

9 years ago

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oh, if I were to act much worse then IRL... ;)
the problem with law in general is that it's never fully OK. I have yet to see a country with law without any paradoxes... I pity that you haven't said "if it does not it's not fair" for then I could say that life is not fair ;)
and you know what? there is no equality. You may argue, but it exists only in theory. In fact the better lawyer the more above the law you can get. And to get a good lawyer you need money. Thus rich > poor aka no equality :(

9 years ago

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so then we have here even better than in real life :D: because like I said at the start of our argument - in here no matter if you gave away hundreds of GAs or 0, if you break rules you will get punished all the same :D:
So rich = poor!
Hurray for SG utopia! :D:

9 years ago

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I don't know if it has already mentioned. It seems you are under a wrong impression. You will not get suspended or banned for not delivering a game of your giveaways. It will "just" take away a giveaway slot. If you do this more often you'll run out of slots but you will not be suspended. "Typical reasons" for suspension are:

  • Regifting a game you did win
  • Not activating a game you did win
  • Gifting away a game different from the one you labelled in your giveaway
    Maybe others can add more
9 years ago

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I can even give you all of them reasons :D:
http://www.steamgifts.com/roles/guest -> scroll to the very bottom, you will have a list of all suspendable offences :>

9 years ago

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and that's cool. so why can't we have this little tooltip saying i.e. "multiple accounts" while hovering over someones ban?

9 years ago

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because of no-calling-out rule. How many times do i need to repeat that? ;p

9 years ago

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hey! scroll down! GauRocks made a good point about this whole "calling out" thing down there :)

9 years ago

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Oh, did I reply to the wrong person? I wanted to say this to Devirk since he seems to believe that not delivering a game will get you suspended. Ah, too bad, this way he probably will never see it -_-

9 years ago

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nope, you responded good, but you also said Maybe others can add more so I added more :D:

9 years ago

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Okay, then it is good. I totally forgot begging and no referals as "typical reasons". Things like leaking puzzles doesn't happen too often. But nonetheless I figured out that I should go to sleep. Good night.

9 years ago

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good night :)

9 years ago

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Thanks, I saw it :) Also, true - I was not aware of that list

9 years ago

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that's why I said he must have done something really bad to get permabanned ;) because as you can see on the list permabans are not given lightly - only most serious cases. Plus repeated offence - like you get caught 3rd time regifting and still doing it - you didn't learn first times you get punished, you prolly never gonna learn.

9 years ago

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Anyone can read ban/suspension appeal ticket.

Actually, not correct. Moderator and above only.

9 years ago

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I think it's not our buisness WHY someone got permabanned. So for this I say no, but I agree with idea of deleting their GAs once they got permabanned

9 years ago

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Maybe fake giveaways?....Card fraud..who knows..

9 years ago

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no public shaming, ever.
if he's a scammer, then he will probably have bad rep here or in steamrep.

9 years ago

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Likely referrals and registration requirements to competitor sites, but as I and the majority of people here don't work here it's just observation and assumption.

Knowing why can be helpful but it can be hurtful too. As someone who has had to give out bans for numerous reasons on several other sites it often is just a private matter taken care of quietly. I do agree however that any active giveaways should be canceled automatically. All that maters to you is that a given user has done something wrong and as a result you do not interact with them.

9 years ago

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"something wrong" you see - my problem here is that wrong is not equal to wrong. Was it "kill a person" wrong? "steal a TV" wrong? "leave the toilet seat up" wrong?
"private matter" look up. I'm arguing about it with zelghadis. Banning should not be "private matter" or people with power may start to abuse this power...
and how could it be "hurtful"? responisibility. You should be responsible for what you've done and be aware that you'll have to live with the consequences of it. Internet is really forgiving when it comes to this anyway... Just create a new account and BUM! magically your as pure as anyone around. (but in fact everyone around hates you for what you have done and they just so happen to not know your new identity...)

9 years ago

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there are just a very few things wrong enough that will get you permabanned. It was not a case of "leave the toilet seat up" wrong if he got permabanned.

9 years ago

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hey! it's not your comment! do not steal comments! :P

9 years ago

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well - if it had no logical sense, here I come to save the logic! No matter if my comment or not! ;p

9 years ago

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I don't care who jacks the comment tree, we're all just dropping our own opinions on the matter anyway. I have read a number of the other comments being made here as well as contradictions and statements made solely for the sake of argument. If you have faith in the staff then you can't be worried about some corruption conspiracy. They're either doing their job right or they're not, and so far I'd say things seem to be going well.

Private matters are just that and I don't really wish to go in-depth on the matter. If someone has been punished and you know them then you can talk to them about it and it is their choice on whether or not they share it with you. If you don't know them then it is not really any of your business what they did unless it affected you directly, in which case you'd already know. There may be less here to take action against but these things are generally handled in a similar matter no matter where you might go. Making a public example of someone, for instance, is often seen as lacking professionalism. You may not see what's going on but you don't need to if staff is giving you peace of mind, just like any other online or real world task force likely should do.

On our side of the fence all you really need is "Are they or are they not breaking the rules?". If they're not, then carry on with business as usual. If they are, then do what you must to proceed with the matter or ignore them, as people in the example have been instructed. We're not registering sex offenders here, so they do not need to be branded further. Would you like a publicly available record for every crime petty or otherwise that has been committed by yourself and all other persons living in your immediate area?

If you do feel however that you or someone you know has been handled wrongly then you're always free to forward your concerns higher up the chain of command. Nobody is perfect and some try harder than others to get there.

Edit: Also, people who evade bans are not as pure as you'd think. Staff can see them for who they are based on a number of things not publicly visible. Whether or not an automatic flagging system is in place for it I am uncertain of, but the people who do these things are usually caught in a reasonable time-frame. People who push the system hard would then be observed more closely as needed.

9 years ago*

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ok, but what if I do indeed know someone, but not really IRL. Let's say I met this person here, on steamgifts. This person was a respected member of community i proved to be a good friend over the few moths of our short relationship. And suddenly this person gets banned. Now I have my concerns! Can I really trust him/her? Was our entire relationship based on a lie? I can go and ask but will I face honesty or more lies? What if it didn't affect me directly, but can possibly affect me in the future and there's noone to warn me and protect me! That's why I want to know.
Also wherever I've gone those matter where always partially released to public. What I mean is that always there was an explenation for a ban. "beeing rude" "beeing offensive towards users" "posting content encouraging racism" etc. Simple, short explanations, no details. And it was happening not only online, but IRL as well...

If I were caught, I don't mind my crime beeing publicly listed among the affected community. We are a group of people and we interact together. There shouldn't be one above us telling us what to do, where and with who. Otherwise we wouldn't be free...

9 years ago

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Rather large communities off the top of my head where infractions are not at all public would be GaiaOnline and Steam itself, among others. If you know the person well enough then you would pursue conversation through Steam or whatever other medium you may have them on and you'd go about it from there. Having already known the person yourself you should be able to on some level judge their character against whatever offense they have supposedly committed. Whether you take their word or that of SteamGifts staff is up to you and whatever opinion you can form based on evidence. Since you cannot have any actual affect on what has already occurred though, the only thing left on the line then is your friendship.

As far as matters that don't affect you directly but possibly could in the future... I'm not sure how that applies in the online world? If the user has already been dealt with and can no longer interact with the community from that account, then I'd say case closed unless they return on another account and in that case I'd defer to the previous post. In the real world and depending on where you live, there are levels of confidentiality involved in criminal cases, somewhat comparable to medical confidentiality with exceptions based on need and immediate danger of harm to others.

I got into an argument one night and ended up driving off in a rage. Nobody was injured that night except myself. And my vehicle. I went off the road through a barbed wire fence. It was a night of bad judgement, one of which I very quickly learned from and never repeated. Amends were made to the owner of the fence that I had gone through, as well as the tow truck driver and the state police officer that arrived on scene, along with a ticket for driving without a license. Now, this matter was stricken from my record as it was a single offense, nobody else was injured, I payed the ticket on time, and the owner of the property declined in taking action against me. Should this action of mine have become and remained publicly viewable? Should everyone then see that I once got into a car accident that could have been prevented, causing everyone from then forward believe me to be a bad driver?

The application of rules on the internet is often simplistic with minor explanation so that we may all get on with our lives, but it mirrors something much more complex. Contrary itself to how much I've already written on the matter, I find it often best to just keep things simple.

9 years ago

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there are levels of confidentiality involved in criminal cases, but I have yet to hear about a case where all the public know is "mr x i accused." or even better "the judge found mr x guilty.". So far I've always heard about cases where it was stated "mr x was accused of homicide and was found guilty." even if the trial itself is closed to public the caharges and verdict are not...

regarding your case: I don't think that you shoud have it tattooed on your forehead what you have done, but there should be (and probably is) a record of the incident somewhere in police files...

9 years ago

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Whenever a civilization has reached the point where its laws are applied to the poor and weak but not applied to the rich and powerful, that civilization has been on the brink of collapse.

Regarding the giveaways of those who have been perma-banned, such deletions will have to wait until the higher-ups can address them. Understandably, there are other things which are more demanding of attention.

PS. (Fluttershy is Best Pony.)

9 years ago*

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I heard something similar but don't know where :)

9 years ago

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well, the so called "western civilisation" is slowly collapsing now... If we won't do something about it soon Isalm will flood us...

9 years ago

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erm... you know, you responded it to a muslim, do you? :D:

9 years ago

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  1. I don't
  2. I don't care. I have nothing against muslims in general. But that's just the matter of fact. The so called "western civilisation" is collapsing and more and more muslims are migrating from middle east to western Europe and US. And because in Islamic Culture have a lot of kids is cool and "we the western culture" are switching to family model 2+1 thus we're getting (quite literally) flooded! I never meant to offend anyone if that's what you're trying to imply

And you're stealing comments again! :P

9 years ago

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but you are talking bad about a whole group of people based on a few radicals. It's no good. You can find radicals in any group through history. What about of hundreds of years of christian oppression in middle ages? What about western countries organizing crusades? What about right wing fanatic (Breivik) killing innocent children and teenagers? What about left-wing fanatics setting up bombs through whole 20th century? And so on and on.

9 years ago

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true, but I said nothing about radicals there. they are completly different thing. they are just a bad PR for Islam...
and I never said that catholics were saint! not that "western civ" is good in anyway. All I'm saying is that conservative catholic Europe is getting old. literally. society gets old, there's less kids etc etc... And there muslims come in. With bigger families. And "we the western civ" are just commining a sucicde by not breeding hard enough! ok, that sounds strange...

oh, and regarding mr Breivik - great example of pathological law: guns are illegal = law obeying citizens have no means of defending themselves while criminals and psychos are running freely guns blazing...
(not even mentioning how mr Breivik is treated now... luxurious private apartament, 3 meal a day cooked by a proffesional and all of that for free! tax payers will pay for it!)

9 years ago

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guns legal = a lot of other psychos can have guns and such an acts can occur a lot more often. We had breivik? Ok, it was horrible. But it was one big shooting terrorism incident in how long? And US with their "right to defend yourself" gets few of those a year. Not to mention things that don't get to international news - family argument resolved with guns, neighboors shooting each others, gang members having easy access to firearms, using them in robberries...

9 years ago

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gang members always have easy access. to everything. Also, do some research. All those incidents happen in those states that are not so liberal with gun access. Furthermore: there was some town in the US (or something like that, I don't remember the whole story in detail but I remember the point...) where the had gun banned for a long time. The had a lot of problems with a high crime rate. Suddenly they did governmental shananigans and BooM! guns are legal. Over 5 years they've dropped from one of the highest to one of the lowest crime rates in the US. On the other hand there was a similarly sized town which was liberal about guns. It was peacefull and quiet. But some day the authorities changed, the new people in power changed the law and guns were now illegal. I guess that now you know the rest: they've increased from one of the lowest to one of the hihgest crime rates in the US...
Yeah, sounds like some kind of legend, I know. But that's just me and the way I narrate. I could find you the actual article with all the figures and stuff but it's almost 2 am here so I'm kinda tired (not even mentioning lazy...)

9 years ago

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you know what? I'll stop it here. From public shaming, through "we must stop islam before they destroy our civilization" to god-loving-imbecilism - I've had enough. You're clearly a person I won't ever agree on anything. it's 2AM already so I will leave it here. HAve fun with your little middle-age-era world you build in your mind ;* Just please keep your guns, islamophobia and "justice" systems away from me. Thanks.

Oh and as a bonus, I won't tell you a bedtime story I cannot find sources for, I'll leave you with hard actual data: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_firearm-related_death_rate (sort by total, not alphabethically). USA - 10.64 - 13th place in the world, just below Mexico that is obviously known by it's safety provided by guns (sarcasm mode off). Highest European Union Countries on the List? Finland and France (3 times less than US). My country that is so unsafe because I cannot have a gun to defend myself and all gangsters are runing around shooting at me? 0.25 - over 42 times less than in USA.

9 years ago

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now you're offending me. Where have I said "stop Islam"? I have nothing againg muslims, jews, catholics, atheists, pastafarians nor anyone else!

Total 0.25 - Poland. No jasne! Z kim innym taka rozmowa jak nie z rodakiem xD Aż dziw bierze że sam nie pojechałeś po arabach jakby się można było spodziewać po typowym "polaczku-cebulaczku"...
Nadal tylko nie wiem co Ty masz do mojego stosunku do nich. Bo ja do nich nic nie mam. A bardziej mam do naszej społeczności że doprowadza do samozagłady... Krde, siedłbym z Tobą przy piwie i pogadał. Oj dziaołoby się! :P
A jeszcze taka dygresja co do tej broni: ogarniasz mniej więcej jak ciężko jest dostać pozwolenie na broń w Polsce?! Minimum obycia z bronią nauczyło mnie że strzelanie to, co najmniej, świetna zabawa. (I nie mówimy tu o strzelaniu do ludzi czy coś takiego... normalnie do celu, na strzelnicy) Prawda, mógłbym pójść na strzelnicę sobie postrzelać i nie potrzebuję pozwolenia ani nic. Problem w tym że strzelnice puściłyby mnie z torbami. Przebitka na amunicji jest (zależnie od kalibru) x3 albo i więcej.
Ale nie mogę sobie w sklepie kupić 3x tyle amunicji żebym mógł na tej strzelnicy 3x dłużej strzelać za te same pieniądze bo nie mam pozwolenia więc nikt mi amunicji nie sprzeda...

9 years ago

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erm you pretty much said we hve to do "something" about islam otherwise they wil flood us "westen civilization". First of all this sentence clearly indicates islam as our enemy then it cals out for action against islam to defend ourselves. How is it not calling to "stop Islam"?

9 years ago

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I never said we have to do something about islam, I said we have to do something about our civ collapsing.

9 years ago

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Co do broni - wiem jak ciężko o pozwolenie - i właśnie dlatego pisałem wcześniej, ze to dobrze. Bo dla ciebie czy mnie ciężko o pozwolenie i o broń - ale tak samo ciężko dla każdego ulicznego bandyty, tak samo ciężko dla pato-Janusza ochlejusa terroryzującego po pijaku rodzinę i sąsiadów. Tak samo ciężko dla każdego emocjonalnie załamanego dzieciaka wściekłego na cały świat. Tak samo ciężko dla półmózgich pseudokibiców. A teraz wyobraż sobie bandy kibiców ganiające się nie z pałkami kastetami czy nożami, a z glockami pod pachą. Strzelaniny na ulicach przy okazji derbów Krakowa, Wawy czy Łodzi. Kule zagrażające postronnym ludziom. Wyobraź sobie ulicznych bandytów z dostępem do broni - dresiarzy już nie wołających "telefon albo wpierdol" ale przystawiających ci klamkę do łba. Wbijających z tą klamką do osiedlowego sklepu (tego typu napady są nagminne w US). Wyobraź sobie patologicznego agresywnego pijaka z dostępem do broni palnej i pomyśl do jakiej tragedii to może doprowadzić. Wyobraź sobie tego "skrzywdzonego przez świat" nastolatka który zamiast słuchać jakichś emo-pierdół bierze karabin z tatusiowej szafy i idzie do szkoły wymierzyć własną sprawiedliwość.

Fajnie, że masz hobby. Lubisz sobie postrzelać do tarczy - nic mi do tego. Chujowo, że to drogie hobby i nie stać cię na jego realizację w takim zakresie jakbyś to sobie życzył. Ale nawoływanie do czegoś co znacznie zmniejszyłoby bezpieczeństwo całęgo społeczeństwa w imię tego, zeby mieć tani i ątwy dostęp do realizacji swojego hobby jest zwyczajnym egoizmem.

9 years ago

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tylko widzisz, typowy bandzior jak będzie chciał kogoś zastrzelić, to i tak broń zdobędzie i kogoś zastrzeli. A teraz Ci się tak wydaje że osiedlowy chuligan by wbił do sklepu bo by miał broń. Oni teraz wbijają i mają wywalone - przystawi kasjerce nóż do gardła i sprawa załatwiona. A gdyby miał świadomość że na jego wejście do ze spluwą do sklepu sprzedawca wyciągnie shotguna to by się dwa razy zastanowił...
co do kiboli? a niech się wystrzelają. margines społeczny psychopaci i tyle. Ja już się boję pójść na stadion. Bo ja nie pała, jak nie kastetem to i tak zawsze mogę nożem między żebra dostać... A niech bym nie daj Boże sam takiego ciachnął, albo już nawet, niech będzie, gazem pieprzowym prysnął! To się oczywiście do mnie sąd przypierdoli i ja będę miał problemy...

Z resztą, nikt tu nie mówi o dostępie do broni takiego pokroju że sobie wchodzę do biedry czy innego lidla i kupuję bułki, mleko i glocka! Ale to czy ja mogę mieć broń czy nie zależy od "widzi mi się" pana komendanta to jest patologia.

9 years ago

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"i tak broń zdobędzie" - jeden na iluśtam. A ty chcesz dać każdemu kto tylko zapragnie dostęp do broni.
Co do wbijania do sklepu - nie tak łatwo schwycić kasjerkę przez ladę. Nie tak łatwo złapać ją na tyle szybko, żeby się nie wyrwała i odpowiednio przystawić nóż. Nie tak łatwo położyc powiedzmy ochroniarza jednym ciosem, chwytem, rzutem zanim zareaguje. A wiesz co jest łatwo? Wyciągnąć guna - ktoś może być poza zasięgiem twoich rąk, ktoś może byćszybki -ale każdy będzie miał świadomość, że od kuli szybszy nie jest. Oczywiście, że teraz może do sklepu wbić bandzior z nożem - ale ilość osób gotowych na napad z nożem jest niewielka, ilość potencjalnych desperatów, którzy będą mieli w rękach śmiercionośny, banalny w obsłudze środek nacisku będzie wielkoroć większa. Każdy drobny pijaczek, każda życiowa popierdółka dostaje do ręki narzędzie które czyni go panem i władcą życia i śmierci.
Pozatym już kuźwa widzę tę biedną dziewuchę stojącą za kasą, zarabiającą grosze na śmieciówce, która w obliczu glocka wycelowanego między oczy zrywa się, sięga po shotguna, rzeładowuje w 1 ręku siłą bezwładności i strzela drabowi w klatę niczym w amerykańskim westernie. To już prędzej ta popierdułka ucieknie ze sklepu nie tylko z utargiem ale i z owym shotgunem.
A co do kiboli - jasne, niech się wystrzeliwują, najlepiej na twojej ulicy, pod twoimi oknami, żebyś drżał ze strachu, że twoja żona czy dziecko oberwie zbłąkanym pociskiem. Kibole to margines społeczny, ale margines społeczeństwa które otacza ciebie i twoich bliskich. Bo szansa, że ta pałą kastetem czy nożem oberwiesz to jest ale tylko kiedy już znajdujesz się w ich bezpośredniej bliskości. Ile od tego kibola musisz być żeby oberwać? 2 metry? Czyli albo sam się prosisz samemu biorąc udział w bójce albo masz serio pecha znaleźć się w złym miejscu o złym czasie. A zbłąkaną ulą czy rykoszetem oberwać możesz po drugiej stronie szerokiej ulicy.

9 years ago

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  1. nie każdemu - jak mówiłem nie chce permanentnego zniesienia pozwoleń na broń a jedynie zlikwidowania patologii w której moje podanie o owo pozwolenia może zostać wywalone do kosza bo akurat pan komendant ma zły dzień. A obecnie najwięcej do powiedzenia czy ktoś pozwolenie dostanie czy nie ma komendant powiatowy (a może wojewódzki? nie pamiętam w tej chwili ale i tak nie ma to większego znaczenia) policji...

Z resztą, też nie każdy chłystek będzie w stanie wbić do sklepu i strzelić do kasjerki. Po pierwsze to się tak wydaje, ale trzeba mieć jaja żeby pociągnąć za spust wycelowanej w kogoś broni. Po drugie to strzelanie też nie jest takie łatwe jak to w grach czy filmach pokazują. Bardzo prawdopodobnie że taki gnojek z bronią, bez odpowiedniego przeszkolenia to i z 5 metrów by nie trafił, a przy odrobinie szczęścia zrobił więcej krzywdy sobie niż potencjalnej ofierze...
A skoro już jesteśmy przy szkoleniu i tej nieszczęsnej kasjerce - to przy zatrudnieniu na takie stanowisko dziewczyna by była odpowiednio przeszkolona. Więc IMO bardziej prawdopodobne że przeszkolona kasjerka trzepnie draba z dwururki (bo nie każdy shotgun musi być przeładowywany 1 ręką i siłą bezwładności) niż że gnojek który pierwszy raz trzyma gnata w ręce coś jej zrobi...

Już całkowicie pomijam fakt skąd taka "życiowa popierdółka" czy inny "drobny pijaczek" miałby wziąć broń jak go nawet na szlugi nie stać i musi sępić albo ze śmieci niedopałki wybierać...

9 years ago

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this topic reminds me certain blacklist discussion from ~2 months ago... you shouldn't waste so much time on it.

9 years ago

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  1. That's not how Islam works.
  2. That's also not the scenario that is being played out (yet again). Those who do not learn from History are doomed to repeat it.
  3. In the end, the task before each individual is to enjoin what is right, forbid what is wrong, and do the best he/she can to be a positive force in Life. If even a simple majority of the world's population focused on that, the condition of humanity would improve drastically.
9 years ago

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I said nothing about how Islam works (except the kids part up here, but your comment was before that)
what scenario? are you trying to tell me that ammount of muslims in "western" countries is not growing? And I know that roughly 2000 years ago Catholicism was flooding the world (and it kinda succeeded)
and I know that we had the crusades which were theoretically like catholic's holy war...
but hey, no offence but all those terrorist and the so called "islamic state" are really making you a lot of bad PR. Thus IMHO the real Islam should show the world that it's not about killing everyone and fight with the "islamic state"...

9 years ago

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"If we don't do something about it, soon, Islam will flood us."

That statement was the only thing I based my response upon. By "flood," I assumed you meant "with people," but I suppose I could have been mistaken.

As a Muslim, I find the idea of Islam "flooding" anything to be both odd and understandable. Odd from the standpoint of what I mentioned in my response; Islam does not "flood" anything. Understandable because the non-Muslims are so misinformed about Islam and Muslims. That is by design, of course. Those who fear and/or hate Islam are in a constant battle to prevent people from finding out the truth about it. The only way they can hope to prevent Islamic ideas from "taking over" is to spread lies about the religion and stir up the population against it in a modern "Crusade." It didn't work before, and it won't work now. The truth will always "out."

That is why we Muslims are not overly concerned with "bad PR." We get it all the time, and it flies in the face of reality. All we hear, day and night, is about the problems caused by "fundamentalist, Wahhaabi, Islamist, jihaadi terrorists." What a load of rubbish. Of all those adjectives, only "terrorists" might conceivably be applicable, but even that is a misuse of the term..

  • All Muslims are "fundamentalists." If you aren't, you're in violation of one of Islam's core tenets and are considered non-Muslim..
  • "Wahhaabi" is a term invented by the Sufi's in their struggle against those who kicked them out of power in Arabia. There is no such thing as a "Wahhaabi."
  • All Muslims are Islamists except for those who don't know enough about their religion to even practice it.
  • The term "jihaadi" is straight-up invented by the non-Muslims. If it were applied accurately, in accordance with what the word "jihaad" means, it would apply to all Muslims. The way the non-Christians use it, however, it doesn't apply to Muslims at all. No, not even ISIS.
  • "Terrorists" is not really accurate, either. A terrorist is someone who uses fear as a means of coercing a population. Groups like ISIS, The Muslim Brotherhood, Al Qaedah, and so on have zero interest in the cooperation of non-Muslims.

So, what word accurately describes those causing such a fuss in the world? The answer is "extremists." Despite all of the varying names, they're all the same and should be considered one group. They have one overriding principle: by any means necessary, and that principle is in direct conflict with Islam. Yes, it is indeed true; the natural enemy of extremism is the body of Muslims and the true Islamic State (at such time as it is re-established). Had the non-Muslims left us alone to found a new Islamic State, those groups would have been stamped out. Since they prevented every attempt, however, those groups continue to pop up and spread like a mold or fungus and have been left alone to flourish. Not only do the non-Muslims not know how to deal with this group, they don't even understand what they are up against.

OK, I think I've rambled on quite long enough. Soapbox off.

9 years ago*

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I think I got your point here.
Anyway just to clarify - I never meant to offend you nor anybody else. If you felt offended by what I said then I'm really sorry.
Soapbox off. :)

9 years ago

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I wasn't offended, you just touched a sore spot. The ship of the world is sinking, and the ignorant masses are drilling holes in the bottom "to let the water out." It's quite frustrating. P

9 years ago

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Oh wait! You're support! Didn't notice at first... Now that I'm on TV I'd like to thank my Mother: You're awseome mum! I love you! :D

But seriously now: can you, as someone with probably a little more knowledge and power then us commoners, tell me simply why either of this is not a thing? Have anyone ever though about telling the public the reason of bans?
Also, I guess that banned users' GAs deletion could be handled automatically... btw you're sure you're doing fine? As support in general? Don't you need more hands to work or sth? For sometimes I really got the feeling that there's not quite enough staff around here and you're quite overwhelmed with work...

9 years ago

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Nevermind extra hands, how about more time and a reduced need for things like sleeping and eating? Then, again, that might be even worse. I'll just be grateful for the blessings I have, thanks.

The same rules apply to us as apply to you. It would be improper for me to divulge someone's private information in public.

9 years ago

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not sure if you're joking or just didn't get my metaphor...

anyway I don't think I've asked for any private information. Unless the fact whether the sg staff debated about showing reasons of bans to public or not is so "private"... And the reason of bans itslef: if you'd treat the ban as a punishment for some kind of misdemeanor then, well, said misdemeanor was commited against the community so it's not really a private matter, is it?

9 years ago*

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I was partially joking in the first part of that.

Anything having to do with the moderation of your account is considered private information and will not be given out to the general public.

9 years ago*

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I was recently banned for 10 days because I (supposedly) didnt mark two region locked keys as not received. I guess I forget to wait fuckin' week after they ended to mark them.

Strange thing is that I got supsended for them at the same time, even though there was over a month between them.

Finally beer pic, enjoy.

View attached image.
9 years ago

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YOu have to get spotted and reported by someone before you get suspended - SG don't automatically check your wins and don't issue autobans (it cannot be done because of Steam API bugging a lot, so with automation system there would be a lot of unfair suspension).

Also no supposedly - you did break the rules. You should contact GA creator or support and you should mark not received. You did not and you got punished.

Back to first point - someone spotted your not activated gifts only after you didn't activate 2nd one. He reported you for both of your rulebreakings and you got cummulated punishment for both of them.

9 years ago

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I guess it counts as Misuse of Giveaway Feedback... theoretically permaban...

9 years ago

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nope - it counts as not activating, misuse is used when you get a game and mark not received to screw over contributor. Or more hardcore case - CV boosting scheme - group of friends making fake GAs and giving false feedback for things that were never given away to boost their CV.

9 years ago

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but when you can't activate 'cause you've been given a key that's not for your region?

9 years ago

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then you contact Ga creator and demand ROW version. If he refuses you mark as not received and move on. If you mark as received how can SG know it was a locked key/gift and not you not activating?

9 years ago

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And yet here you are:

With both of those games STILL marked as "recieved". People are going to be continually reporting you until you click on the "Not received" buttons for both of those in your wins profile.

9 years ago

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Thief town key is duplicated, remarked it but the caster is marked as not received, wtf

9 years ago

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i once had a troll recieving my gift, and after the week he marked it as not recieved and i made a ticket for reporting him, because i clicked at recieved, and i won, my ga got marked at recieved and the guy got at first time-banned but after one day it said permanent ban!

9 years ago

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Why people would even do stuff like this? I don't get it =\

9 years ago

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they want to make YOU looking like the bad guy
i got only one not recieved and that is from the beginning of my Bundle time, i messed up with the HB links and i put in a link that was used already ._. since then, i'm only using keys and i TRIPPLE check if the key is redeemed or not :D

9 years ago

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Ok, stupid question (since I am new to this): how can you check if the key was redeemed or not?

9 years ago

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I don't think you can :( The easiest way would be to try redeeming it yourself. If it's used, steam'll tell that it's used. if it's not steam will tell that you have that game. the problem is when you don't have the game...

9 years ago

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that's my problem. i bought a couple of indie bundles on GMG and wanted to give some of the games away but when I go to "my library" it just gives you a bundle name and list of keys. It doesn't even have game names, just bunch of keys (it is pretty stupid if you ask me).
so, yeah, i wish there was a way to check a key without redeeming it

9 years ago

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as far as I'm concerned you can ask steam support to tell you what game the key is for, but don't quote me on that ;)
I don't think the could tell you if the key is used or not
And that the reason why I mark all used keys...

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

9 years ago

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Everyone wishes there was a way for you to check to see if a key is unused without having to redeem it. P

9 years ago

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i never use GMG i bu my bundle at DIG, indiegala, bundlestars and pretty rarely at humble bundle... in my opinion HB got worse in the past months

9 years ago

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HB was great, then for a period of time they were much worse than IG and bundlestars, but recently I see more and more great bundle from HB again.
Also, they have great key management system :D

9 years ago

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indiegala has great management for keys, when you do gift-links, it says if the gift link got reddemed, didn't saw that on HB till now :D

9 years ago

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ohhh, I see... I don't use gift links so I don't know how these are handled :(

9 years ago

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same, but i did at the beginning of my trading/giveaway carrer :D

9 years ago

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Unfortunately it works in different way: if you have the game, steam will tell you that you already have it even if the key has already been used on other account. You will see warning about used key only if you don't have that game.

9 years ago

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is that so? I'm pretty sure I've been using it the other way around...

9 years ago

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if you own the key, it will tell you only, that you own the game alredy, if not, it's easier to check, i mark all my keys with special brakets :D
( is for GAs
[ are reserved for trading
< are for Games i give away for my group or in my group, but most keys i give away are in my steam inventory and not as a key

9 years ago

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the person clicked recieved in the first week and changed it after the week was over, then he clicked not recieved, you understand it now?

9 years ago

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Given that the suspension or ban is public, the reason should probably also be public. Or at least open to discuss. I don't see any reason to dance around the calling out rule when there's a big red "Suspended" right there for everyone to see. The site is already doing the calling out.

9 years ago

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+1 Finally! One reasonably thinking person! And you've found the point that I've totally missed myself!
Sir, a beverage of your choice, on me! You deserve it :)

9 years ago

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and what advantage exactly does it give to us? What good comes from knowing what was the reason of suspension? This person is permabanned already, so it's not like you will encounter him on SG ever again.
But you know what bad can it bring? Public shaming, calling out, spilling even more hatred over the forums that we're having right now.
Public shaming and hummilating doesn't bring anything good to the community in whole, only may bring some joy to puny little people who find fun in bashing others, but on the cost of lowering community standards even more? Never.

9 years ago

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So people won't bother that mr X is suspended but when someone will tell them why mr X was suspended then suddenly shitstorm?
I am not convinced...
If people want to they'll bash others. Even if they don't know the reason

9 years ago

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did you miss my whole part about public shaming and public humiliation? You know, this western civilization you want to defend so much, left public humiliation punishments behind in middle ages...
Also you did not respond to my main question - what does it give to you that he's publicly called out on his profile on what he did? What good dies it give to you? What good does it gove to the community as a whole?

9 years ago

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did you miss the whole part about people not giving a F about the reason and will humiliate anyway?
and the whole part of me not defending wstern culture?
what it gives me? peace of mind. want something less prosaic? here, I'll strike you with yet another quickly assembled real life example:
Imagine country. Criminals in that country are just beeing put to jail. No explenation why nor anything. How can people prevent crimes and thus reduce the crime rates if they don't even know where the problem is?
Why won't you try to see the good people around you? All you said from the beggining of this conversation is how bad everyone is and how everyone is traying to hurt others! Is this really your world?! If so, I'm really sorry for you. But I can tell you that there are many good, kind and honest people around. Even here, on the interwebs, which you seem to present as babylon of our lives...

9 years ago

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Imagine country. Criminals in that country are just beeing put to jail. No explenation why nor anything. How can people prevent crimes and thus reduce the crime rates if they don't even know where the problem is?
ohh, so apparently you need to see criminal put in jail, see him personally, with publicly knowing waht he's sent there for (let's go further! let's burn a mark of shame at his face - like we used to do in middle ages!) in order for you to not commit crime? Dang, man, considering amount of different crimes we have it must have taken you months of observing criminals until you learned to behave...
Let me tell you how it works in real life for normal people. Normal people know stealing is bad. Normal people know murder is bad. I have never seen a murderer in my life. Heck I have never been to prison, so I've never seen any imprisoned criminal... Yet somehow I never killed anyone and don't intend to. Not because I know this guy, let's say Jack, and I know he murdered someone and I've seen him taken to prison with megaphones loudly speaking "Here goes Jack, bad murderer, sent to jail for being bad murderer! So you guys just know - don't be bad murderer like Jack!" but because I know that killing someone is bad.
And to answer actual question: People need to knows what punishable crimes are. To that they don't need to know Jack the murderer, knowing that law states that murder is a bad thing should be enough.

9 years ago

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and you're misinterpeting my exapmles again...
If you really want to talk about it then keep in mind that IMHO imprisonment is not a valid way to treat criminals. Someone commits a crime, goes to jail, leaves after half of the sentence, gets out for good behavior or sth like that and commits the same crime again...
I don't want to brand anyone, but still I can't see why would marking someone as "banned - 4 days - begging" could hurt them more then marking them as "banned - 4 days" They already get branded! People who'd like to abuse that fact have already seen it and they already abuse that knowledge! Why can't we, humble, honest users, know whay said person was branded?!

9 years ago

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and i will repeat myself yet once again - how will seeing that someone got "banned - 4 days - begging" help you with anything - regarding SG itself, not fullfilling your won curiosity? In no way. So public shaming in the name of "Because I want to know!". Also 2 mods already stated here in this topic - reqasoning is a private thing between staff and person suspended/banned.

9 years ago

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It gives closure, for one. When the person banned is a friend of yours, or someone you've talked to quite it a bit, it's natural to want to know that happened. And like I said, they're already being shamed and called out on their profile with a big red note that they're suspended. Adding in a reason isn't going to make that any worse, especially if it's a permanent ban anyway.

I've always been of the opinion that ban reasons should be public knowledge. People who want to argue about whether or not it was fair or deserved are going to show up either way, but there's no sense in hiding the reason for the ban when the ban itself is publicly visible. For suspensions, I can see hiding the reason when the suspension is over, since that user has "done their time" and a permanent black mark will just encourage hatred. But while the punishment is obviously visible on someone's profile, I see no reason why the reason needs to be some big secret.

Even in real life, arrest records are a matter of public knowledge, including the reason for the arrest.

9 years ago

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if it's your friend - ask him/her. He/she wants to tell you - he/she will. Doesn't? Then it's his/her personal decision. You know she's suspended/banned and that's all you need SG related. The red banner has to be there for SG sake - so for example you don't send wins to banned user because he cannot mark them. The reason for suspension has no reason to be there for site functionality.

9 years ago

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now, finish it. you go over the same thing all over and over. I'm gonna ask one simple question, and expect one simple answer, no bulls*it, ok?

How can stating the reason of the ban hurt someone more then the publicly visible ban itself? (especially if it's permanent)

9 years ago

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because it's giving away his personal data.
And like I said many times - you repear same question, so so do I - How can stating the reason of the ban can help anyone SG/community related? It does, except for helping your curiosity, which is not SG related. All the info SG related you need is to know that someone is suspended or permabanned (so you don't send gift which cannot be marked, remove from blacklist to save space on it, remove from whitelist as he will no longer enter GAs, don't wait on his comment response etc). These are valid reasons regarding Site functionality for marking that someone is suspended/permabanned. There are no valid reasons from site functionalities perspective for stating reason for a ban.

9 years ago

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I was thinking about stuff like this recently. There was a very high level person who got permabanned, to basically almost everyone's surprise.

The thread talking about it was locked with the comment "The people who know why aren't objecting", but I don't know why, so I object.

To me, the question comes down to this: Is this the kind of person you want on the site? The other person, I'd say definitely. She was a huge boon to the site and community, and we definitely lost something when she was banned.

Could she have done something so bad it outweighed the good? Maybe. But without knowing the reason for the ban, I'll never be sure.

Plus, without knowing which violations are causing these people to be permabanned, we can't argue against bad rules. We can't even have a real discussion about what's going on, because that's against the rules. I understand the reasoning behind the no-calling-out rule, because without it people can tend toward witch-hunting, but there is reasoning against it as well.

(I know, I know, if I don't like how things are done here I can make my own giveaway site, with blackjack! And hookers! You know what, forget the giveaway site)

9 years ago

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hush! don't say "she" or mr weed-leaf here will go nuts on you for calling people out! j/k

I'm in the same situation. I don't know why, so I object. I just wanted to keep it names free (damn, mr weed-leaf most likely would have recked me if I said the name out in public!)

9 years ago

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I understand your frustration, but be a little nicer to zelghadis, please. He's one of the ones that has been a real plus to the community and the site.

9 years ago

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yeah, sorry, I got a little carried away... But just look at this thread! He seems to be trying to prove me wrong no matter the cost! A little bit more and he'd claim that the Eartth is flat just because I said it's not! That's how I feel it...

9 years ago

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there are 3 ways of permaban i found:

  1. Misuse of Giveaway Feedback Permanent
  2. Scamming Users Permanent
  3. Using Multiple Accounts Permanent
9 years ago

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also repeating same offense several times after being suspended for them. Like you regift, get suspended, then regift again, get suspended for longer, then keep regifting proving that you clearly don't learn and don't mean to follow rules no matter how many times you get punished.

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

9 years ago

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Oh, I trust the staff as well. I'm honestly impressed with their work and how well the site prospers. But they're just humans. And nopony nobody is perfect.
As I said before it's odd for me, because I've been (more or less) active in many communities and that's the first one where I can't see the reasons for bans under them. And yet all of this because one person, who in my opinion had flawless reputation, gets banned, and I don't even know why...

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

9 years ago

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k, but can you, as a mod (not here, but still) tell me what is, if there is any, reasoning behind it? (not making the reason of the ban visible to everyone)

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

9 years ago

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OH! Are you saying that satisfying my curiosity is not enough of a reason?! ;(

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

9 years ago

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It probably has to do with the mass advertising for their giveaway site I would guess.

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

9 years ago

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All of his giveaways linked to some competing GA site.

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

9 years ago

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But how can you possibly know who I was talking about?!
it's not like I've left any comments anywhere nor anything...

View attached image.
9 years ago

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and actually, the whole advetising thing is quite confusing...
'cause if advertising is indeed forbidden then why aren't all those people advertising their yt channels banned?

9 years ago

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It's obvious. I also had a ticket in to delete the last set of GA's as the user was permabanned, but it was not gotten to in time.

9 years ago

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Nobody is perfect, but typically when a user of a high level gets permanently suspended, there's a discussion between mods/admin regarding it. Not that they should be treated differently, but more of a "hey, check out this user, he's a strong community member, but... look what they've done". If there's doubt, it can be discussed, and even if we're wrong, it can be clarified by the user in an Unsuspend Request ticket.

As has been stated multiple times in the thread, there are a few things that are permanent bans. Alt accounts, scamming, and "Misuse of Giveaway Feedback" (creating fake giveaways with friends to boost levels). In addition, repeated violations of other rules after serving suspensions for them (3 strikes, you're out). Also sometimes used when someone manages to register an account that doesn't meet the $100 minimum registration value (due to free weekends). It's also been used for users attempting to trade/sell Steam accounts.

The user in question falls under one of those.

I suppose the giveaways weren't deleted simply by oversight of the suspending mod. Because we aren't perfect.

9 years ago

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I don't care WHY they were suspended. That's between the staff and them. It's none of our business. We don't make the rules so what good would it be to discuss them or the consequences for not following them? When I joined here I read the F.A.Q. (imagine that!) and agreed to the terms by creating and entering giveaways here. If I screw up I will accept my fate. I sure as hell don't need a bunch of people talking crap about me when I'm gone and have no way to defend myself because I'm banned from here. We have enough drama going on here with all of the regifters and people whining about blacklists. Do we need more?

9 years ago

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Good for you! I've read the F.A.Q. as well! :)
Now, what makes you think that when you get banned without any reason for it won't cause (or cause less) shitstorm that would be created if you'd get banned with a reason?

9 years ago

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It seems to me that some people feel that having additional drama in their lives is a necessity. I do not. I just want to give away and win a game on occasion with no hassles. There's more than enough people on this site that losing one isn't going to hurt it any and I have seen no indication in the 2+ years that I have been here where anyone was banned for the wrong reasons. Unless/until I do I see no reason to change things from the way that it is now. We have already lost several high contributors because they don't like some of the changes that were made recently. That concerns me more than knowing what happened to someone who messed up and was handled accordingly by the staff.

9 years ago

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multi-account i guess ;)

9 years ago

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quick story: when i was new here (like the first few days), i got permabanned because of multiple accounts. i didn't use more than one account. but the friend who told me about the site, and who is also a colleague at work, was online at the same time as i. and in the company, we have the same ip address. so yeah, that was that. luckily support was willing to help after i told them what really happened, and my ban got lifted. so if someone is perma-banned permanently (you know what i mean... ^^), i assume there is a really good reason for that. because if there isn't, at least from my experience support will help.

9 years ago

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yeah, for a while I was using sg on my phone wherever I could have grabbed a bit of free wi-fi :P Then I realised that someone else might be using sg there as well and I could get banned so since then I stick to my home network only :P

9 years ago

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um TLDR .

It seems like a bad idea to show why ppl got suspended / banned .
Tho if its permanent , i dont see why it isnt shown ... so it can serve as an example ( if spotted by stalkers ) for stuff you should NOT do ... no matter how good of a member you are ( in this case )

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

9 years ago

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  1. I wasn't aware of that (but now I am) and as I said somewhere up there: I bet it won't be too difficult to automate this process

I guess you read wrong newspaper then. And ofc I'm not talking about a whole list of everyone who commited any crime. But I personally see news like "Mr John S. was accused of killing 12 people. Trial will start on Monday" or sth like that. Especially if mr. John S. was more or less renown person...

9 years ago

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Closed 7 years ago by Devirk.