What if some people want to whitelist the person they got blacklisted by and make a bunch of triple A giveaways to make them feel bad about them blacklisting the person?
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+1 What's the deal with everyone posting about blacklists?
They have been around SG for ages; just not officially and easily accessible. Nothing has changed.
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I think one thing has changed: blacklists are now valid for public giveaways.
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As far as I know, they were valid for public giveaways before, too.
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I think you may be right. Blacklists may have been considered "special rules."
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are you sure Zel ? i remember see BL on public like all of the time
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100% sure, just found my old ticket granting permission just to double check and copy-pasta says:
'I approve your use of a blacklist.
The list may not contain more specific information than the users' SteamGifts usernames, as it may result in calling out.
The list may only be used in private and group giveaways, excluding very large and public groups, such as the SteamGifts official group.
The list must be posted or linked in the description of all giveaways in which it will be used at the time the giveaway is created, and the contents may not change during the course of the giveaway.
The specific contents are not monitored or approved by SteamGifts staff in any way, and all questions, complaints, appeals, and so on are your sole responsibility. '
Ofc people may write whatever they want in public Ga, but it wouldn't be rerolled if blacklisted user won I believe.
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The only reason they weren't valid on public giveaways is the number of re-roll it would have created for support to handle. That's why it was considered a special rule.
Honestly, how big a difference does it make that they're applied to public giveaways too? It only means that the people who avoided public giveaways because they couldn't enforce their blacklist are more likely to come out and give a few games to a larger group of people. And since public giveaways you can't enter due to being blacklisted simply do not show in the main page, you would probably never know you're missing out.
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I think that was a joke comment from Captain Blacklist the head champion of blacklisting since SG v1.
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So much fuss over a feature that will barely affect anyone who behaves semi-decently and sticks to the SG rules.
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You are so right.
If only we could all just whitelist each other, there'd be no more wars. No more fighting. No more pain. No more brussels sprouts.
We should all get together and whitelist each other right now...
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Awwwww! I feel warmer and fuzzier than a grizzly bear in a microwave. I want to hug strangers, dance down the street, and wear garish flowers in my hair.
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Seeing this love, you are now officially part of my whitelist
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but i like brussels sprouts sniff
but that darn broccoli can die, DIE broccoli! shakes fist
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Definitely not bidirectional right now. You can test it for yourself pretty easily.
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Pretty much this. I don't care if someone blacklists me, they're still allowed to enter my giveaways. Just because they don't want to give me anything doesn't mean I'm not Ok with given them a game.
The only new features the integrated blacklist brings is less re-roll tickets for the staff and they now apply to public giveaways. And honestly, public giveaways is where they're gonna have the least impact. Having a handful of people in my blacklist would still mean thousands of participants on a public giveaway.
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Remember when I broke SGv2 when having you both on my White and Black lists?
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if you can't enter someone's giveaway - it's certainly a blacklist.
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Makes sense. Fair play. But not sure how it works if someone has already maxed out his/her blacklist when you blacklist them.
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for this exploit thing you talk bout (removing the guy from blacklist ->join his giveaway -> add him back) they could simply add and 10+ day limit.
"When player A remove player B from his Blacklist than player A still can´t see the giveaways from player B for next 10 days"
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This has been suggested before and I didn't get the reasoning behind it then either. Person A does something stupid or against the rules and gets blacklisted by person B. Why should person B punished for something that A did? In my opinion this would only benefit people who did something wrong, which makes no sense. It wouldn't matter too much anyway since most people who break the rules don't make a lot of valuable giveaways.
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but there are alot of ppl blacklisting for senseless reasons like someone said or said not thanks or someone want entrants to not say thanks....
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Everyone is free to blacklist for whatever reason. The fact that I'd be in someone's blacklist because I did something to offend them doesn't mean I don't want that person to take part in my giveaways. If that person hasn't done anything to me, I don't want to blacklist them back.
Plus, I've seen blacklist events where someone would do 7 giveaways for 7 days and blacklist every giveaway entrant so you can only participate once in the event, and removes everyone from the blacklist at the end of the event. I don't want him to be unable to enter giveaways just because he's providing an entertaining way to do his giveaways.
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the OP wrote that there could be several ways to make it all setable by user manualy
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Unless the setting is "Do you want to be put on other people's blacklist when you blacklist them?" it would still punish those who do creative things with the list.
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i am sure there is a good sultion for all this
"someone added you to their blacklist, do you want to add the person too?"
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^^^ Pretty much this. There should be no punishment for blacklisting someone.
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So, let's see... If blacklists is bidirectional... I blacklist you... Then I remove you from blacklist, enter your giveaways, blacklist you again... AND YOU CAN'T STOP ME. But, if blacklists are as they are today - I blacklist you, you blacklist me, and even if I remove you - I'm still blacklisted. Seems more fair.
TL;DR: I don't want bi-directional blacklists, it's exploitable
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If I stay blacklisted - it's not bi-directional, you know.
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It's fair because I can blacklist him too. If I want. I don't need some automatics do this for me.
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but how do you know that he blacklisted you?
from the poll i made it seems like 70 people blacklisted me, far now only found some that could not read or notice that was a joke so i'm not sure if i was really blacklisted by 70 users or not, and they probably joined my giveaway lol
after all if i'm free to choose who will not join my giveaways i can also choose who dont want me to join their giveaways
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Then you will never get any CV, because your giveaways will have 0 entries.
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Only if it was optional. Also Id also prefer if it was anonymous, eg "X amount of people have blacklisted you, do you want to blacklist them? yes/no"
If the manual blacklist on you is removed, the auto blacklist could also be removed (optional?).
This option obviously wont let u pick and choose b/w the people who blacklisted you, but all blacklists would remain secret.
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+1 for bidirectional blacklisting only (not unlist)
i think i got blacklisted for participating in SG forums and sharing my opinion and some ppl have an other sight of things
thats a reason for blacklisting me?
i have only 1 person blacklisted cause he scammed me for 15€
so this is a must have #1 to do list thing for cg
and something like this
should be too
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If you know that someone blacklisted you - just blacklist him too. You don't need bidirectional blacklisting for this (unless you are too lazy).
And, if you don't know that someone blacklisted you - why do you even care about it?
This feature seems just useless.
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cause i dont see a reason to blacklist me for having the opinion that simle posting "thanks" in a GA is harassing
so this persons need to be listed by me
why participating in the forums at all when you you just risk to get blacklisted for having an opinion on something
means lazy not to click trough all the thousands of SG users? and their GAs?
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Considering saying "thanks" is actually encouraged in the official site's guidelines, it is definitely not harassing but simply good manners. I have not read that particular thread, however the blacklisting usually doesn't come from having an unpopular opinion but in the way it is discussed. I have no issue with people who disagree with me in the forums (there are plenty) but if they start to cuss at me or call me names, they will most probably end up in my blacklist.
And personally, I still don't see bidirectional blacklisting as something useful. First, it would be either useless if things stay the way they are now because I could simply take the person out, join their giveaway and put them back in.
If the unlisting was not automatic, it would be error prone. I've blacklisted a couple of people by mistake while actually going to whitelist them (some things shouldn't be done on a tiny phone screen) so with your suggestion I couldn't enter their giveaway anymore because of a misclick.
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I don't fully trust this comment as opinion seems to matter in fact, for some people
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Why do you need to check all SG users? Maybe you would never enter they giveaways, why bother? All is simple - you try to enter giveaway as usual - you see that you blacklisted - just blacklist giveaway creator. If you want to know a reason - you can of course contact giveaway creator and ask, but he can just forget it)
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People are free to blacklist you (or me) for any reason, or even no reason at all. Why do you demand unconditional love from the universe?
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If it would be bidirectional you would have to think twice if you add someone.
Also I wouldnt want someone winning from me who hates me that much that he blacklisted me.
I only blacklisted a few rulebreakers and easy steamgifts scriptusers, and It would be totally fair if I couldn't enter giveaways from them.
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I agree, but it should be an option.
Some people want to give away games to anyone, regardless of contributor level or the like, so they'd disable the option.
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"This would encourage people to use blacklists more reasonably, and perhaps reduce some of the drama associated with them."
Is there really any drama involved? Are people really so focused on winning this freaking 10-30$ that this has become such a huge problem? Come on people, get your shit together.
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I've seen only a couple of users make drama about this, the large majority don't seem to care at all.
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Then it seems every single one of them makes a thread about it. I've started lurking the forum like 2 weeks ago and I'd seen more than 5 topics about blacklisting such as deleting this option, make it bidirectional etc. I'm no support but I can't believe that there are more than maybe 2000 users blacklisted overall. I might be wrong however.
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I'm not sure if this is really necessary, but since there's been a lot of discussion about the new blacklist feature...
I think it'd make sense to make blacklists bi-directional. That is, if you blacklist someone, it makes it so you can't see or enter their giveaways, either. (Obviously if you were aware of a giveaway you could 'cheat' by taking them off your blacklist for five seconds to enter it; but since you won't see their giveaways in the list, you generally won't know to do this.)
This would encourage people to use blacklists more reasonably, and perhaps reduce some of the drama associated with them. It also makes an intuitive sort of sense -- if you think that someone is a scammer, or a jerk, or a terrible person, why are you accepting gifts from them? If you feel strongly enough about someone to block them from entering your giveaways, I think it's fair that you should refrain from entering their giveaways.
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