And the internet is not the best place to ask for advice. Stay away from the internet when it comes to matters such as this because in all honesty I would highly recommend you seek professional advice and not ask from people online.
If your medication has side effects, speak to your doctor.
I'll say it again. Don't come to the internet. The internet is a dark and deadly zone of trolls who will tear you to shreds and possibly cause you to do things to yourself that we wouldn't like you to do... yeah.
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open your eyes. look up to the skies and seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
i'm just a poor boy, i need no sympathy
OP dude, you need a "jolly up" :) something fun to take your sads away, a good sing song with drunk people usually do it (hence the Bohemian Rhapsody)
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Depression Hotline: 1-630-482-9696
Suicide Hotline: 1-800-784-8433
LifeLine: 1-800-273-8255
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Have tried the UK ones a few times, sometimes get a pretty nice person
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Every thing that just happened to you is ALL psychological, so fight back psychologically, remember that you are strong and that you can do it and get through anything life throws at you. You can do this!
And play lots of video games, especially funny ones like saints row the third, just relax and let your fun take the stress away!
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Nah, it can be chemical. Also, humor and stress relief frequently don't work- they just create a sort of bi-polar complement that makes the lows seem so much worse. Still, find some way to relax that doesn't bring on the emotional lows afterwards.
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I'm sure you mean well, but this is some some of the worst advice you can give someone who's suffering from (clinical) Depressions. The problem is that if you follow that advice, you may be able to function pretty normally, but you'll still feel like you're living in a perpetual nightmare. What that leaves you is socially functioning and chronically depressed. In some cases (hi there), that means the patient will live in this chronically depressed state for decades, because hey, he still somehow manages, it's just life, you just have fight through, and if you do, it will get better eventually again, right ?
A therapy, on the other hand, has the benefit of being able to actually cure depression, so you don't feel like that anymore.
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Find something to do that calms you down and makes you feel better it should help a bit.
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I am sure you have heard various things on what you should do, so I will try to make this less cliche.
To be honest, life is filled with some terribly horrible times. But life is long, and it also gives you some amazing times that really makes everything worth it. If you don't like where your life is now, it doesn't hurt to try something new. Go to a place you would never think of going. In the worst case, you will realize why you never thought of going there. In the best case, you will find something amazing. Hope things go well for you in your future.
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As someone that has suicidal tendencies, I have absolutely no advice for you.
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Is that Randy Pausch?
And to the OP, sorry I didn't mean to ignore what you're going through. It's just that you've gotten plenty of solid advice already. Hopefully you get things sorted out.
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Uhh...yeah, I was totally trolling. No way I would ever mix those two up. <.<; Whups.
Seriously, he does look like Randy Pausch in that gif. The grey hair & the background should've given it away though.
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uhh... yup?
I never said dont contact a doctor, that's a pretty obvious thing to do and has been suggested like 20 times if you care to read any of the previous posts. I'm suggesting something in addition, that most doctors don't recommend. Meditation has been proven to help with mental health.
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Ok. I just wanted it to be very clear that the most immediate thing he should do is seek professional help. Meditation is and can be great, but it doesn't address the OP's situation with adverse drug reactions (that could potentially be life-threatening) and the overall psychological state he's in.
Basically, I'm not attacking your advice so much as pleading with the OP to see a doctor in real life, with whom he can actually address these issues and find a solution. And you know what? Meditation, religion, etc. are oftentimes recommended by professionals to aid with depression. But internet advice is never a substitute for medical advice, so yeah.
There are far too many cases where I see people try to replace professionals as if we're talking about games and not human lives.
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Yeah I'd avoid the failed sleeping pills, talk to doc, get something that works, and hope one of the many anti-depressants help.
If the depression is caused by life experiences, I'd try to work through them with a therapist. If it's caused by a chemical imbalance and you're just stuck no matter what you do, I'd still talk to a therapist who understands the difference between the different types of depression about how to cope, and to at least have someone to talk to in a safe environment.
Still looking for the way out myself, you can add me if you need to talk.
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I suggest meditation. Whether people hate you or love you, it doesn't need to stop you from doing/being who you want. Try to clear your mind. focus on nothing at all. Let yourself exist in a vacuum without judgement, anxiety, depression, hate etc. Let it all go. Don't be clever and smart, and don't be stupid or petty. Just be. Be still with yourself. Let everything fall away. Always trying to keep Judgement, and how you "appear (or want/think you should) to others" and all other such limiting and confining thoughts lose their power. What comes next is up to you? is a great site to guide the process. I'm not religious or anything, but i have had my own issues with sleep. It is important to have that "Mental Break". Tripping out isn't a bad thing really, its your bodies way of coping. Meditation helped me with that kind of thing. Focuses you, and strips away the garbage that normally goes away with sleep. Worth a shot i figure. Best of luck.
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Sorry, but when it comes to things as serious as this I don't fuck around. You can feel however you want about me; I don't care. But I'm not gonna sit back and just let someone with serious medical problems receive advice from non-medically qualified strangers.
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With all due respect, you are right, your are NOT an MD. Neither am I, but i can tell you from absolute first hand experience i know what this guy is going through. Consider that the topic he created is called "so i tried to kill myself..." do you not see that as an attempt to reach out to the community? I've experienced these things, and what he is talking about are common side affects to drugs (Anti-depressants and sleeping pills) , Yes. He absolutely should see a doctor about these symptoms. But when its 3am, and you've taken all the drugs you can, with the supervision of professionals and you STILL can't sleep, and STILL don't feel better... Well, you find whatever respite you can. I've had similar side affects. I used to describe it as "The Zombie Effect", where the drugs try to pull you into complacency to get you to rest, but your mind is still active. You feel undead. Colman is reaching out. I implore him to seek help, but in addition, to also take stock. To allow himself to not put all his hopes on drugs alone. As any doctor will tell you (Because i've been told the same by MDs), Sleep and depression are not magically fixed with drugs. You must do whatever you can, Mind Body and Soul, to get to where you need/want to be. Drugs are not an absolute. He is not combating the flu. In this situation Drugs are a tool, to help get you where you need to be, when you can't get there on willpower alone. Don't be discouraged OP
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This isn't a dick-measuring contest, so I'll just say I can also speak from personal experience and leave it at that.
Now, with that aside, it's admirable that you want to help and I hold nothing against you, but with all due respect your thoughts on medical conditions and pharmaceutical treatments have no weight whatsoever. I understand that you're repeating what MDs have told you, but not every individual is the same (nor is every case of MDD). Indeed, no MD would ever try to give someone advice without meeting them, discussing the situation, and assessing a course of action -- the exact thing [well-meaning] Steam Gifters are doing right now.
I, like you, want to help the OP. But we aren't doctors so what we should do is support him, not give him medical advice. And seeing as he's hallucinating and feeling lethargic, there's obviously something serious and wrong going on.
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Awesome. and now you've made your point. again... and again... and so on, in many threads here. I'm absolutely certain OP has read your comments. But this thread isn't just going to "Stop" because you want it to. You welcome to your opinion, and to discuss with other users. Please consider though, that going through and being critical of every thread here is not exactly making things better. You've made your point. "Go see an MD" has been said many many times by all, and in particular nearly every post you have made here. Much like talking to an MD, allow OP to seek a "Second Opinion". Considering that he is in fact the OP, and is soliciting this input from the community, he has made his desire for input clear. I think many of us speak as peers to this man. We only want to show support and understanding to his suffering. Encouragement to his progress.
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Why did you take the pills after one night of tripping out like that?
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You'd be surprised what even anonymous people on the internet can do if they just stop and listen for a moment.
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True i remember reading an article once about someone planning to commit suicide during an online game. The person reported the local authorities and they tracked the IP to a different country and reported the local authorities there. They actually got to the person when he was about to commit the act. I was looking for the article online so i can link it, but could not find it.
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Nah, don't worry, I read the same story. And that was just one incident. There's thousands more that go unreported. I knew a Greek woman on Mabinogi Europe who was going through some rough times. Ended up talking her out of some really bad decisions, just by showing that someone out there, even if they didn't really know her, could still care about her wellbeing.
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You'd be surprised by what awful, dangerous things people can say on the internet. Or actually, you wouldn't be... I hope.
Nobody should be giving the OP advice on a medical issue that doesn't start with "See a doctor." It's completely irresponsible to do otherwise. People here are either: 1) making shit up as they go; 2) basing their reasoning on anecdotal or personal experience; or 3) basing it on movies and TV.
Please don't encourage people to seek life-changing medical advice from anonymous, uneducated, unqualified strangers.
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If you can't at least give a listening ear to someone's pain and just spout "Go see a doctor", you're helping even less than the people who do give retarded advice. The least you can do is show some compassion instead of telling everyone who's trying to help to STFU. Yes, shut down the silly ways to help, but don't tell people to sit down and shut up if all they're doing is letting someone know that they're there if they need to talk. That's all a lot of people need. Not saying that's all that should happen (in a lot of cases, they should go to a doctor), but in a lot of cases, going to a doctor is not necessary at all. They just need someone to actually really acknowledge their existence.
I may not be a doctor, but I do know something about this. I don't take this sort of thing lightly at all and I do not appreciate your comments implying that I do.
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The OP didn't post about how he's feeling bad, he posted about adverse reactions to prescribed pharmaceuticals. At that point, the only thing anyone should give is basic "see a doctor" advice. Anything else is dangerous and irresponsible.
I don't care how much you know or do not know about the topic. You are not a trained or qualified medical professional and you're offering medical advice to someone who's dealing with psychological issues and serious adverse drug reactions. And you're doing so without even meeting him in person.
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Rather ignorant aren't you?
Its like saying an artist can only be deemed an artist if they go to art school and graduate.
Or better yet, its like telling a person who used to have such ideas but fought them to shutup, because HIS advice doesn't matter since he isn't a qualified professional.
OP asked for advice ambiguously, so therefore he is getting some.
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OP attempted suicide, was diagnosed with MDD, received prescriptions to strong drugs, and experienced major adverse effects as a result. Nothing anyone is saying here matters at this point because nobody here is qualified in any way to address the issue at hand (and if someone was, they would never do so over the internet).
Art is not science or medicine. Artists' work is not life or death. The two are very different. And yes, I'm ignorant -- I am not an MD, and accordingly I am not giving him advice that only an MD should.
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Except your logic was not based off of life and death, but of credibility and authority over the issue. I have also edited my previous post to include the second example which you may have not seen.
And sorry, but you are being entirely ignorant, yet you fail you acknowledge it.
Your statement about his drug use does prove that hes facing a serious issue here, but does not even correlate as to why I'M the ignorant one.
You're telling us all that OP should ignore everyone and just go see a doctor. You're telling everyone that even if they are knowledgeable in certain aspects, their advice is useless because they don't have qualification in that area? Oh please.
I know its through the internet where sources are less credible, but we have the logic to interpret, and the frequency of the suggestion to make up for its credibility as a good/effective option. Also keep in mind that this is Steamgifts, where people aren't actually senseless and cold-hearted, the community here is full of care and a decent amount of kindness. Asking for advice here from a largely capable mature community is a better place than most others.
That said; theres barely anything wrong with asking people for advice here.
Calling others stupid-fucks because you fail to consider these simple factors actually makes you the stupid one.
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Did I ever say people here are malicious, uncaring, or bad in any way? All I said was people here are not qualified to talk about the OP's current situation, and I'm absolutely correct. We can caring, open-hearted, mature, whatever -- but it doesn't matter at all. No one who posted here is a medical professional and as such, their advice should not preempt a doctor's advice in any way. If the OP wants to speak to his doctor and ask about things he read here, wonderful. I'd actually argue that's a good course of action.
My logic is absolutely based off life and death, which is precisely why I'm advocating for professional help over random internet help.
And as a sidenote: you're using quite a few logical fallacies in your line of thinking. For example, something being recommended in high frequencies doesn't make it any more correct and someone's moral character doesn't in any way make them more qualified.
And yes, I'm ignorant. I absolutely agree with you. That's exactly why I'm not going to tell him how to deal with his drug interactions or how to deal with his depression considering I haven't met him, I don't know his situation in detail, and I have no foundation to give advice this important. I don't take these things lightly.
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There are actually sites where doctors share advice through the internet. Are you going to disregard those and just say that its bad because it comes from the internet?
Also, what I meant was that the community here is reliable based on those factors. True, a doctor may supplement better advice, but its idiotic to say that others advices are matterless because they are of no official credibility. The point of advice is something for consideration. By asking the community here for advice is nothing that should be disapproved of, qualified or not. Anyone who is hearing advice would ask themselves of its effectiveness, and whether they should grasp it.
Also; high frequencies in the advice spread of moral characters would be one advice to consider, as many implicate its effectivity, I hope that clears that up.
Anyways, while I disapprove of your mentality of the issue, I do have a lot of respect for it. Good night!
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Once again, there are still glaring fallacies, but I'll just ignore that. Random advice may not necessarily be idiotic, but it should never preempt that of an MD (which is really all I'm asking of the OP). If he sees something here, he should ask his doctor about it and not take it to be a medical truth because no one here has any justification to make such claims.
And as far as sites where doctors share advice go, actually go to one. They unanimously tell patients to see a doctor in person first and foremost and they never give absolute advice because they know better. Here's one if you don't believe me and here's another for good measure. Notice how every doctor essentially speculates and always tells them to seek in-person help? Yep...
P.S. Maybe calling people stupid was dumb of me to do. I don't actually have any ill will to people here for trying to help, I'm just of the mindset that people in serious real-life situations shouldn't accept anonymous unqualified advice as if it's from experts themselves -- be it medical, legal, or whatever.
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How is any of this directly helping the OP, SgtColman (as much as we can)? Please, take the discussion to a sidebar (chat, or whatever you prefer). You're both right, about different things, in different ways. :)
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And no-one I've seen so far (haven't read the entire thread yet since I woke up just now) talking about the actual physical aspects (i.e. the hallucinations and other effects the drugs have) without stating that seeing a doctor is good. The advice people are trying to help with is the core issue, the suicide attempt, which is something the general public is more than qualified to help with.
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I'd go back to the Doctor and tell them and get another prescript.
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i think you should get advice from a more professional place like 4chan either that or you could you know ask some support from your family?
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Since most advice is bad advice.
I'd say try to do 4,000 push ups.
While this is a grand goal and the most i've ever done in a row was 1,000 when I was in the best shape of my life just aim for 4,000 push ups.
For me after a match of any kind just do 10 push ups and 10 crunches. (im lazy)
It easily adds up.
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First, you're not alone. Many, many people struggle with depression and thoughts of and attempted suicide. Don't quit, it's worth fighting. Never quit medication without talking to a doctor. Much as medication is frequently a shot in the dark, it is important to review with a doctor the impacts of any medication. If you're religious, I suggest prayer or meditation as something to bring peace in the stress of life. If you're not religious, I recommend finding a calming activity that can be done repeatedly that doesn't mess with your life too much. I don't know your situation, so there isn't a lot of help I can give (and even if I did, it's hard to relate even if you've been through the same because each case is so different), but I hope you find a solution that leads to a healthy, at peace life.
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Talk to the doctor who issued the prescription and stop asking medical questions to stupid fucks on the internet. And if you need to, seek counseling.
And do not listen to any advice here that says anything other than for you to see professionals.
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You realise that doctors can be fucking incompetent too, right? And that just because we're on the internet does not mean that a) our opinions are worthless and b) we stop being professionals if we actually happen to be one.
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Of course I know doctors can be incompetent. I also know that they're far more qualified to give medical advice than anonymous strangers.
And if someone here is indeed a medical professional, I'll withhold any criticism. That said, no one here has even insinuated that they are in any way and no actual professional would post to begin with -- it is a serious violation of medical ethics.
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Whereas refusing to turn a kind ear to someone is merely a violation of human ethics.
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If you're actually concerned with helping the OP from an ethical perspective, your first piece of advice would be to see a professional. It would not be to offer your own unqualified advice.
*Note: When I say "you," I'm not actually singling you out as an individual.
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A "professional" will see this kind of thing quite often. It's probably not hard for them to disassociate from the humanity of it, let alone the individuality of it. Although there is absolutely value in getting professional medical help, the insinuation that there is no value in the help that a stranger can give is, frankly, a sad point of view.
Opening up to "people on the internet" can be cathartic. They don't owe you anything, and vice versa. Also, they probably don't know you and you'll likely never run into them in real life. It's unlikely that you'll ever have to feel embarrassed or guilty about what you shared. Most real-life experiences won't offer that.
From a purely clinical perspective though, yes, the OP should check with their doctor. If I were having issues like this though, I would not want solely clinical advice.
My non-doctorate 2¢.
[edit] Seeing your recent reply to Incog, I get that the medical advice is just your priority for the OP right now. Cool. [/edit]
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Medical professionals will almost always recommend you talk to friends, family, whoever. The point is (as you stated), people on the internet are anonymous, owe you nothing, and are completely unaccountable for whatever incorrect or dangerous things they may say, regardless of the facts behind it. And seeing this thing quite often doesn't make someone less qualified to help, unless you honestly believe uneducated people should be giving life/death advice.
It's inexcusable to dole out medical "expertise" if you aren't a medical expert -- and it's inexcusable to do so over the internet even if you are. No doctor will ever offer any advice other than "Talk to a doctor in person" online simply because it's impossible to help without incomplete information (in other words, the "individuality" of the patient you were talking about cannot truly be assessed).
And it's worth noting that the OP isn't just feeling a little sad, he attempted suicide, has been diagnosed with MDD, was prescribed strong medication, and is experience serious adverse effects. This shouldn't even be a discussion, he needs to see a professional.
Edit: Yep. I'm not attacking people here for genuinely trying to help; I'm simply trying to make sure the OP actually receives the best advice he can given the severity of his situation. I don't want something horrible to happen because he was unwilling or misled by someone who shouldn't have been talking to begin with. It's wonderful that anonymous strangers care so much, but they're exactly that: anonymous strangers.
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I understand this but all I will say to this is that everyone needs an outlet, he probably should not take most advice to heart here but personally I have known people that relieve stress by talking to anonymous people online, its sometimes easier then talking to friend and family.
Its nice to vent. Also many doctors are...ugh let me just say bad experiences left me seeking various peoples advice on a multitude of things. Yeah seek professional help, then go online and discuss that help, I knew someone that got prescribed two different drugs once to take together, took them, wondered why she felt like she was about to split in half, looked it up online, guess what? Those two mixed could have killed many quacks out there, you need the internet for advice sometimes.
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Yes, of course there are quacks out there and I'm not saying doctors are gods. What I am saying is they are, as a whole, almost infinitely more qualified and well-versed on issues like this and if we actually care about the OP's well-being, we should be telling him to seek advice where it is most likely to help. Some doctors may give bad advice, but far more people without medical training will do the same.
And the internet isn't a terrible tool -- there's a wealth of helpful information out there. The OP should take a look at WebMD or the Mayo Clinic's site if he wants, but he shouldn't ask a group of anonymous gamers how to best handle serious medical issues.
Keep in mind that his situation isn't just one where he needs a place to vent and relieve stress; he just took some strong prescribed drugs that are interacting with his body in ways they shouldn't. If that isn't serious enough to see a doctor and ignore anonymous gamers, I have no fucking clue what is.
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I agree, he should immediately seek professional help, he might wanna check out alternative things though like mentioned here, meditation is great, I am sure there is other things that could help him also, an alternative doctor(If affordable) + his regular doctors of course are recommended, but meditation is a good bit of advice imo. The meds he is on right now seem to be to dangerous, he should make an emergency appointment asap.
Yeah, guess so, though its part of it I am sure, but he probably should take all the advice here with a grain of salt.
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Find a thing (hobby, an item, etc.) that you can be happy with. And make sure that it's not a human.
If the medicine is hard on your body, tell that to your doctor; not us. Because everyone's (well, except trolls) opinion would be the same.
Read the other users comments about the drug and how they react to it. Some of them may even written how to get out of depression. (:
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And now I'm taking anti depressants and a sedative to help me sleep. Only problem is this sedative is meant to take me out or whatever, however, I'm now on day 4 of this sedative and each time I've taken it, I've just hallucinated and stayed awake for the next couple of hours generally tripping balls and feeling shit, and worst of all it makes all my limbs feel heavy and I struggle to move easily, so end up just lying in bed tripping out...
Suggestions on how to continue?
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