Also axyos is having the same problem. IG bundle too, you might want to check that out if you bought it
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Not sure about the details about how the system works. But it seems they disabled the keys, so unused ones just give you "Invalid key", but if you have activated the key earlier, game doesn't get removed from your library.
I just confirmed the first part, second part about keeping the already activated keys theory is based on posts on steam discussions which is removed by the developer...
It looks like LoevelsPatient mirrored the thread, you can see the posts here:
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Looks like the post you've linked to has been deleted.
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I mirrored that thread on steamgifts with screenshots from my browser cache since the dev deleted the real thread :(
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Same here
Edit: Indiegala Mixcellaneous Bundle 11.Dec.2015
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Mine from an IG purchase was just revoked too. It was used for a giveaway here. Still watching the Groupees copy.
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So this is a little glimpse of what can happen in the future with DRM games.. And we all know where "mistakes" can lead..
I can see street riots if that was something to do with games along the lines of Fallout, XCOM-2, GTA V etc etc.. Brave new world :p
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We just started receiving emails that Days Under Custody keys sold in bundles on have been revoked too.
From our end, this is the developer's fault and not IG's our ours, or somebody else.
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They are from the same batch I am afraid.
I just shot an email to STEAM (through some personal channel) and see why is this happening.
I am also contacting the developer.
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"Quick update on the situation, it was only supposed to be excess stock that IG had that was supposed to be deactivate (i.e. unredeemed keys), but Valve revoked all the keys for some reason. They've been contacted to get things sorted out." - cyanic from groupees
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Geez Valve...anyhow thanks for the update. Hopefully it gets reversed again soon.
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Let's wait and see what happened.
I have sent an email to STEAM, IndieGala and chasing the developer.
The incident is not isolated to IG and apparently. It happened to keys sold by us too.
From my end, this is purely the developer's decision and I don't see why this would happen.
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Above... There seems to be larger issues going on...
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So glad I got mine from the Be Mine bundle, it's still there :D
Edit: hope it stays this way as I heard all keys are being revoked.
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Indiegala also sent this as bonus games for purchasing on their store months ago. I got one by that way and it was revoked.
The key begins with letter "H".
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This affected purchases from DIG51 / Solo sale / etc. All our keys are from the same batch.
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Sorry, but this really isn't our fault.
In our case, we purchased and paid the entire key stock upfront, so this is RIDICULOUS!
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i think they will have it until they log on and off
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Well if it was from a different batch it won't get revoked
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Im afraid they have done it in waves, because first IG keys seemed to be revoked.. Then DIG, so time will tell I suppose..
I had the game revoked from my acc but stoner as I am I have no damn clue were I got my own key from & retard as Valve are they don't tell anything more than that they revoked a game from a certain date.. Id like an email, what product code I used.. But nah, just a red info thingy to scare they shit out of you. :]
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I've been doing the same, Sir Bean of Fruit, and haven't seen any without it in their library.
Keep your fingers and toes crossed :X
This whole fiasco is setting my OCD off something fierce LOL. :X
we give away games to make people happy, not unhappy, right? ;_;
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In our case, the developer sold us the batch of keys and we paid him upfront.
This is absolutely RIDICULOUS!
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yes, indiegala also pays up front for some large batch of keys. i imagine they're just as pissed, just don't have a presence here
(probably more pissed, since i imagine they have to deal with thousands of complaints vs hundreds)
ed: but i'd think that DIG would have a much easier time proving damages
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This game, right?
I still have mine. Though I'm unsure where I got it from. Grrr I need to find out.
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Mine's still ok, pretty sure it was from Groupees Be Mine 23.
Sitting on 5 unused ones from IG and 2 from DIG which I assume are useless at the moment.
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happened to me too, and I can't for the life of me figure out what bundle I got it in....I checked IG, and never bought the mixelanious bundle, I checked DIG and didn't buy super bundle 51...Checked Groupees and didn't buy be mine not sure where I got it from :s
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It was also given out free for any purchase on the IG store before, barring that i'd guess keydrops and giveaways at large.
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yep! Yer right, it was in an IG purchase when I bought Lonewolf from them...they included it and I guess Bedlam.....Just contacted them..hopefully it gets sorted. Thanks for the suggestion! Forgot to check regular purchases cause I knew it wasn't something I would pay for outside of a bundle.
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cyanic - Groupees HQ - 01:33 - "Well, heard from Jonny. Only the extra keys IG had were supposed to be deactivated, but Valve revoked all the keys for some reason."
Either they're lying, or there was a misunderstanding between Groupees and Valve. Hmm...
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Riiiight...... and yet Groupees keys for this seem to be magically unaffected. I haven't seen comments from people confirming revocation of keys from that source, only Indie Gala and DIG. Groupees are probably lying through their teeth as they sit there and smile innocently. I stopped trusting them a long time ago when they went to the dark side.
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You've bad-mouthed groupees a couple times in this thread but haven't given any specifics. Do you have any basis for the wild speculation you're throwing around?
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I'm afraid I don't have time to write an essay but people familiar with their history from the beginning will have a sense. Their 'pre-order' business model is and always was shady ever since it was first instituted (probably because much of what they peddled in recent years is shovelware). Also have a look at how Nekro keys were previously revoked from Be Mine 13 and they did basically nothing about it. They would tell people that they were working with the dev to sort it out, blah blah blah, just to tell them what they wanted to hear so to speak and satiate them, but were not actually solving the problem with something that they sold and for which they took good money from people. In the end it ended up taking many people months to get their keys replaced from the dev directly, which was simply unacceptable. The dev is certainly to blame too for sure, but Groupees are the ones who took people's money.
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no offense but when a bundle site have issues with some keys for 1 game and that site delivered keys without problems in the past for 1-2k games you understand that propably it's not their fault right?what exactly you wanted them to do about the nekro keys?
btw about days under custody i think groupees failed too,not only valve.
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i agree,but you didn't answer my question.what did you expected from them?refund the entire bundle and let you keep the other games?the publisher didn't have the will to replace the keys.even way bigger sites like humble bundle took them 1-2 years to deliver promised steam keys for samorost 2.
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I did answer the question. I expected them to stand behind their sale to paying customers. I expected them not to feed those people some bs and to be straightforward and honest instead. I expected them to do more than they did (i.e. nothing) to make things right for what was primarily their responsibility as the vendor. I expected them to push harder to replace the keys, and having failed that, offer full refunds to customers.
On a side note: I'm not sure Samorost 2 keys were actually promised at the time. I could be wrong but I swear I remember it being DRM-free only.
Edit: found the blog post from Humble regarding Humble Weekly - Amanita Design
Here's the relevant bit:
"Steam redemption is also available for all titles except Samorost 2."
Now if keys were promised at a later time (whether by Amanita or Humble) that is a differently story, but it seems like when the bundle was sold it was advertised as not being included.
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"Steam keys are currently unavailable for Samorost 2. They will be added should they become available".
groupees earnings from that bundle with nekro was propably around 10-20% and you are suggesting to refund all the money they received when they already gave the rest of the money to developers?do you think it was even possible?you should rage at nekro developers,not groupees imo.
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I did criticize the developer harshly. Still doesn't change the fact that Groupees had a responsibility as the vendor. Good businesses do what they have to to make things right for the customer, not ignore their concerns or sweep it under the rug.
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no you are wrong.right now the developer of any game can revoke any game you bought outside you think the vendor will give you full refund if they already paid back 70-80% of the earning money to the developer who revoked the keys?no,just no.i blame more the lame/crazy developer and steam itself,not the's not their fault.
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He also seems to be claiming that he knows exactly how the communication between groupees staff and the Nekro dev went, and thus that groupees "fed customers some bs". It's unlikely that he knows the latter, and impossible that he knows the former. When Sandukos pressed him about what he expected groupees to realistically do, he said that he expected them to "push harder", for the keys, when, again, there is no way for him to know how hard they actually pushed. Then he claimed that the next option was to offer a full refund for the bundle, which is laughably unrealistic and- I believe- completely unprecedented, especially when there's even the slightest chance that the developer will still deliver the keys(which-correct me if I'm wrong- eventually DID happen)
Anyway, my post above inquired if there was a legitimate reason he was practically accusing groupees of some sort of illegal practice regarding the DUC keys earlier in this thread, and he has made it clear that his only source is a personal (and, in my opinion, over-reactive) dissatisfaction with their services. :/
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They didn't mean that all the keys everywhere got revoked, but all the keys that were distributed to third-party sites. Groupees is the publisher, so they don't have "excess" keys.
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Even better, as he knows it is not fault of GA creator and not to screw GA creator over something that is not his fault by giving him not received - he can unmark received, contact creator and wait for new keys to be delivered when the situation gets solved.
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then I would advise you to give any winner who will have the game revoked link to this thread to show him that it's not your fault and ask them to unmark instead of marking not received until the case gets solved ;) turns out (elsewhere in this topic) that many, even veteran users are not aware they can simply unmark a GA and think they can only mark it Received or Not Received ;)
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I was aware of the function but for some reason assumed that you was only able to do so during the first week or likely.. Dumb thinking :)
I've tryied to track winners & manually check if it's yet to been revoked and also warned those i've been albe to.
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I just got a message from Steam saying a key that i activated has been revoked (can be seen here
The key was originally from a bundle that i brought on IndieGala the 25. December during their christmas sale on their bundles (i brought all their bundles and activated them that day
Have anyone else that have experienced this?
Edit: it was from the Mixcellaneous Bundle
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