This was linked much earlier in the comments of another thread, but it does deserve it's own.
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Funny i never even heard of digital homicide until i joined this site
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If you didn't learn about them, you might accidentally activate one of their games, and support their scamming.
It's better this way,.. even if you have to crinkle your nose at the persistent smell of the feces you now realize is sitting in the corner of the room.
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exactly what i was thinking. everyone should be aware of them and avoid them like the plague.
step by step guide:
disclaimer: yes i made mistakes and own a limited number of games that i'm going to farm, then delete from my library. just for the gems, not to give them money - chaka
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And why in the hell should you or i care about or do something about it? the dude loves fire, he make money over this shit, the developers are flamabe, their games are just simple and bad like idk 30% of everyday game launched on steam? Maybe 40%?
Let it burn, you wont get nothing at it, and if DH launch free games with cards at the end you can get some cents to buy something else, then go see another video of JS buring their game and give him some views too cause you know everybody needs money.
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I still dont see any value on this issue, for all i care they could blow up and things would not change, steam will keep bad games on their base, youtubers and cia will still make money burning the same games on gameplays.
The only one profiting from this entire case is JS simply because people will try to learn who the hell is this guys and why some developers did such a thing, and even if DH win, they will get something like 1% off the money they want, still JS will get much more from publicity.
About liking some products or not, all DH games i got were free, so i will not blame something that i didint even pay, and i think with the games they make, or ppl who have it for free like me, or from bundles paying almost nothing, thats the issue for me, now i will just take my popcorn and relax, i dont see any reason to spend time defending or atacking some developer or youtuber see?
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Same as most people don't care about the big guys fighting or reigning in the world but I won't open politics right here.
All I want is justice and awareness in this world. I don't even support or know much about JS, but I will never drop my own strong opinions about certain things that are going on in this world full of ignorance.
However, most importantly:
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i have no problem with companies that make bad games. but DH do not only do that. they try to censor critics, they censor customers in their forums, they release games under a false name (from another company) to boost sales, and so on. they actively hurt the industry by doing all that shit. they deserve to be called out for that, and to be boycotted.
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I exhange cards with a bot to make my Galactic Hitman badge and then I turned the emoticons and the backgrounds into gems. I felt sorry for those selling their cards.
But I felt better knowing that they didn't get money from the market fee from me.
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I don't think so, they are still actively trying to get their shit greenlit but since there's a huge community voting against it, they have troubles with that... So they need money from different sources now.
I would still say they heavily discount their games every sale and people will "just buy it for the cards" or because it's cheap and that's the whole danger with that.
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Digital Homicide makes shit games. Sterling called them on it. Boohoo.
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Update - 12:25 pm: Digital Homicide has taken down its crowdfunding request “due to harassers donating amounts specifically to cause charges rather than donations and charge backs to cause financial fees...[W]e will be seeking another avenue for donations”
I lol'ed pretty hard at that
Romine also said he recently received a package full of feces in the mail
But nearly fell out of my chair at that HAHAHAHA.
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im surprised they even tried that , given how much of the community thinks they are shit
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"Romine also said he recently received a package full of feces in the mail"
Maybe it was a customer returning their Digital Homicide games in the vain hope of a refund?
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Nope. It was the assets they ordered for their latest "game"
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Oh you're right. My bad. It gets hard to distinguish sometimes. If it were my IP I'd block them from using it to keep it from being tainted.
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If you own a company that makes kitchen knives and someone uses your knife to stab someone to death are you the one to blame? Or should you be expected to do a background check on anyone trying to buy your knife? No. Blame people, not tools.
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:3 I don't disagree with what you've said, however, an appropriate analogy might be thus:
The kitchen knife you make is easy for criminals to buy and is great at killing people and so is the weapon of choice of very famous serial killers and the public and top chefs know this. While you are not to blame, chefs might not want to even consider your knives for fear that they would be labeled criminal as well (irrational perhaps, but possible). So I feel that you need to consider loss of potential revenue when someone misuses your product. Of course sometimes you are happy for any revenue you can get no matter how tainted which would aptly describe DH :)
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well - then let's think why this knife is so successful? Probably because it's very sharp, not easy to break, lays very well in hand - it's simply a superior knife, be it for chef or murderer. And because of that I don't think any serious chef would pick up worse knife just because it would be worse to commit murder. Also I believe you are very overvaluing how much for devs it matters that DH used the assets. If assets works for you, for what you need - will you resign from buying them and instead waste weeks/months of development to make your own, just because DH used them in wrong way? And for another real life analogy - maybe even better than r3eal life one, because no longer hypothethical - fast car companies. Any motor fan will see countless of accidents with cars like Ferrari, BMW, Mercedes, Porshe etc watching any race. Some of these accidents will be tragic. Does it make carmakers revenue smaller, because hey, their cars are dangerous if used in wrong way and do kill p[eople? No, don't think so,.
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I almost feel bad for them. Clearly they don't have a full grasp on marketing, the legal system nor game creation and by just observing their behavior I would guess there might be some sort of mental disability going on. I mean if you think you as an indie developer without any money to back anything up could just silence a critic with over 300k subs on youtube there has to be some sort of short circuit in the thought process, right?
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Digital Homicide is representing themselves in the lawsuit, and do not have an attorney.
Yeah, this is not going to come back and bite them hard... Actually getting someone on-board who understand the legal system might be a good idea when your doing these kinds of things. It just looks like they're digging themselves a financial grave here.
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They might well end up ruining their own lives here though, if court expenses get so high that they end up having to take huge loans and/or sell their apartments. I hope for their own sake that they get cold feet and just back out. Sure, the damage will be self-inflicted, and they have no-one to blame but themselves, but still, I don't want to see people ruin their own lives.
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They deserve nothing less.They could have listened to Sterling (and everyone else.really) and actually tried to make decent games.Hell,they could have went the City Interactive route.Those guys were once the video game trash factory of Eastern Europe,but now their games are at least average.
Instead,they went on an ego trip.Now they must face the burning pits of hell at the end of it.
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idk how it works in US, but in many countries if someone unrightfully sues you, after the case gets dismissed you can countersue them for the expenses you had to take because of their false accusation - things like legal representation, transportation to court, compensation for worktime you missed because of it etc.
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generally, in the U.S. that's not the case. However, more and more states are introducing laws that protect against just this sort of lawsuits. These idiots filed the case in Arizona, which does have such protections.
Edit: Arizona's anti-SLAPP lawsuit does not apply here
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Just talked to an Arizona Lawyer, my best friend. She rolled her eyes and was like they don't really have a case to begin with and even if they did, it would be incredibly difficult to prove in a court of law.
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they don't have a case. That's plain as day to anyone who has studied law, or even has rudimentary knowledge of libel and slander.
I know that Arizona has anti-SLAPP laws, which provides protection from frivolous lawsuits (and can make the plaintiff pay defendant's costs). But, I now looked it up, and Arizona's anti-SLAPP laws do not apply here.
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Well then, with all fairness it's kind of very exploitable. I know that in my country it was introduced, because a lot of companies tried to exploit it to get rid of competition - they knew they don't have a case but would still go to court and sue some small contractor or just a single person, because they knew that costs of lawsuit will be too big for them to handle and will economically hurt them, they were basically using this method to bully smaller competition.
Also could you explain if you can, why this Arizona's anti-SLAPP lawsuit does not apply here?
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It is very exploitable. Same with DMCA takedown requests. IP litigation in this country will easily cost half a million dollars or more. There's a history of companies just screwing over smaller competitors that can't afford the fight.
Arizona's anti-SLAPP laws are limited to lawsuits that attempt to stifle political speech. It only protects statements that are: made as part of an initiative, referendum or recall effort, before or submitted to a government body, concerning an issue under review by that body, or to influence government action or result.
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They are suing someone for over 10 million for no good reason. If they win they would ruin Jim's life because he's definitely not popular enough of a youtuber to make millions and he wouldn't be able to pay.
If they have no problem ruining someone's life only because he called their games shit, which lets be real they are then I really wouldn't feel sorry about them getting their life ruined. Actually I think immoral people like them deserve to have their life ruined.
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They already did try to ruin him - they issued a set of false DMCAs (later on they did admit they knew they were fallse) trying to take his channel down. The way YT works is that 3rd strike = channel takedown, but defending against DMCA takes 30-60 days (depends if original takedown sender counterclaims or not) - so basically they tried to take down the whole channel (even if it were to be restorred after 1-2 months - 1-2months of baing offline, all videos, not only ones concerning Digital Homicide would mean death to most of game-related channels).
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I think they don't have enough money to afford a lawyer as their games barely sell. And lets be real that's the main reason why they are desperate enough to try something stupid like suing Jim over something like this. They can't make money selling their horrible games so they see this as an opportunity to get rich.
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There is a saying in my country: "nije bolest sve što boli"
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So 2 years after being initially benched for being a pack of wretchedly inept pieces of shit,this trash factory is STILL gunning after him?
Guess egotistical and eternally butthurt dipshits that should have been kicked out of the Industry years ago like Digital Suicide will never learn.
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Unfortunately,you are correct.It would probably be enough to just get a guy or two with a decent understanding on what's an actual game and what's a pile of bought assets mashed together.Hell,I'd do it.And many others.Maybe even for free.
Yet Steam still hasn't done even that.They are like the bureaucracy of the Imperium of Man.I don't get it.
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So they value a relatively small cent influx while giving pretty much zero fucks about the rep damage the complete lack of control of their digital junkyard does?
And yeah,it seems that the only thing that would make Steam give enough damn to do the right thing is a massive community riot.
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I don't know if this falls under Arizona's anti-SLAPP law, but if it does, DH could be responsible for Sterling's legal fees. Another reason why they should have consulted a lawyer before they started this.
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if they had an actual case, they could have found an actual attorney to represent them. If they had hired an attorney, said attorney would have advised them to file suit in Mississippi, where Sterling lives, because Mississippi doesn't have slapp laws
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So I have a friend from high school who knows Jim personally. I was wondering how, but now I know we're all from Mississippi. Now I wonder if I went to high school with the guy.
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[Digital Homicide] begged [Steam] not to delete [their] income and that [they] would give all of [Digital Homicide]’s current future products on Greenlight up to avoid losing everything. [Digital Homicide] managed to convince The Steam Representative, Tom, that [Digital Homicide] had not done anything illegal and [Digital Homicide] was a victim of false statements. Tom Giardino accepted this sacrifice.
Quote slightly edited to remove all the instances of "the Plaintiff" because that's a massive turn-off to actual readability.
Holy crap, though. Did they really have to beg Steam not to take their games off and offer up all their greenlight games as a sacrifice in exchange? That's so ridiculous that I almost want to call it fake.
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This lawsuit will be very simple:
step 1: idiots file lawsuit themselves
step 2: defendant hires a real attorney to file a motion for summary judgment
step 3: court grants summary judgment to plaintiff
step 4: idiots file lawsuit again
step 5: defendant counter sues
step 6: idiots declare bankruptcy
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Half of the stuff pointed as False Accusations are actually facts.
I have been falsely accused of:
Being incompetent and unable to perform my job
I don't believe DH could write something like this without laughing their asses off afterwards
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I kind of hope this goes to court just to hear a judge rule that yes, the evidence shows that DH is incompetent and unable to perform their job. Kind of like Irving v Penguin Books Ltd but funnier because it doesn't involve the Holocaust.
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When i joined this site i was of the opinion that some developers should not be able to advertise their products, by that i mean DH, the reasons where obvious back then and only increased in number ever since.
Aslong as they find ways to give shit for free and find more people to upvote said crap on greenlight, we will never see the end of it.
But kinda hopping they destroy themselves and it seems their going in the right direction
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THAT DSP?WTF,that piece of shit is still around?You'd think that that raging pedophile would curl up in a corner and die after what happened in 2014.Jebuz effin' Christ...
Then again,DH should have done that as well.I guess turds really are unsinkable.
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EDIT: Here's Popehat's post on one of DH's previous run-ins with Sterling, where they abused DMCA to take down his review. It doesn't seem like their understanding of the legal system has improved since then.
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