
Fortix for everyone, operation GO!

Don't say thanks or thank you or anything of the sort. I want my own PERSONALIZED MESSAGE!

For this one I want your least played game and why you never played it (if multiples, I want all of them)

Yeah, more Fortix!

Oh, and as to the question, I have a pile of undownloaded games because of a datacap. Maybe someday I can try everything.

12 years ago

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As you didn't reply on my comment on the giveaway that you wanted comments to reply on, I'll repeat it here: :P

Tom Hanks only shoots blanks while ordering all ranks to stick their socks to tanks so they get free flanks. But he really does so to fill banks.
Guess I'm just trying to say thanks.

12 years ago

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Yeah, I saw that. It left me speechless.

12 years ago

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Thanks !

12 years ago

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way to many to name them all, except a few bundle games i want to play them all but haven't the time for it

12 years ago

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Thanks For Tix.

Error 002, cannot compute...too many unplayed games. As for the least played ti would be Revelations 2012...self explanatory

12 years ago

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Too many to name, really.. Got a bunch of indie bundle games that I probably will never play.. Like Bad Rats.

12 years ago

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dota 2 and space rangers, i haven't space on Hard Disk

12 years ago

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Thank you ^^

12 years ago

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I have about 100 games I've never played. Why? because I spend to much time on the web.

12 years ago

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Good lord I can't honestly list everything I never played! I bought them when I was on a crappy netbook and they wouldn't run, now I have been playing my PS3 more and haven't had time for them.

12 years ago

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Thank you!

12 years ago

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A bunch of games, mostly unplated ones from humble bundle and such, I'll get to them some day...

12 years ago

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Thank you. :D

12 years ago

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I could probably copy & paste half my steam library and type off half the titles standing on my living room shelf. Since I started my job I don't really have time for gaming anymore. Now it's just an hour (at max) of tf2 every now and then and some indie games, cos they don't require you to sit down for ages, but allow you to quit anytime without having to finish long chapters or stuff...

12 years ago

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many because indie bundles too good

12 years ago

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Ehh there's a lot of games I still haven't played so I will say that for all of them it's mostly that I am trying to finish the ones I currently have installed and because of lack of HDD space to install them at this moment.

12 years ago

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I played 21 of my games according to steam, do I need to say how much I have? :P

So, if I have to name all the ones I haven't played, and drink some beer while doing so, I think I would not be able to complete the list without being too drunk to complete it (okay, I'm fairly easy drunk hehe).

Yes, I have a terrible backlog... XD

Edit: actually, according to my library, that means I played 10% of my games...

12 years ago

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The games I own that I haven't played are too many I just keep buying on good deals. However the game I'll play the least (because I'll never play it again) is Bad Rats. I don't think I need to explain why. =p

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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The game i have played the most is mass effect... ALL the DLC, every game, all the possible endings... second- borderlands. Same deal. Least? Farcry 2 the unuptimized launch left me with a bad taste, the game didnt run on my brand new 480 (at the time) and i was angry.

12 years ago

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Thanks :)

12 years ago

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Least played. I have a bunch I haven't touched yet. Most of the THQ bundle, HL2, and The Cave because I haven't had much time lately and because of a severe WoW addiction over the last few years which I have kicked with the help of 3 months without internet last year.

12 years ago

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3 months without internet? That's quite impressive I must say.

12 years ago

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Moonbase Alpha.

Didn't really get it.

12 years ago

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I've got over 100 games I've never played, so I'll only list one that I've actually got a reason for not playing.
I haven't played Mass Effect yet because I'm currently busy with other games :)

12 years ago

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Any game that I own and never play is because my pc isn't for gaming and is quite old

12 years ago

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Bad Rats.

Too awesome for me.

12 years ago

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