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I've been having a harder time than normal recently; between fits of complete apathy and a sense of irrational despair, it's been getting a bit difficult to do even just basic things. However, this too shall pass eventually, and I haven't gotten back to the worst places, so I think I'll manage.

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8 years ago

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keep hanging in there... sometimes life throws us lots of stuff at once but sometimes it is the other way around... just remember there will always be someone willing to listen...

8 years ago

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it will pass,try not thinking about it or talk to someone if you have to :)

8 years ago

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Hope you will feel better quickly :D

I was in this useless-dull state for last 2 years, now it's finally starting to get better ^_^ So it's gonna be good for you as well.

8 years ago

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Keep smiling:)

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8 years ago

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hang in there :)

8 years ago

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When I'm going through hard times mentally, I must try hard to not get overwhelmed by anxiety and obsessing over all of the bad thoughts and "worst-case scenarios". I try to break it into the smallest manageable pieces. What am I going to do TODAY that will make me happier TODAY? What am I going to do RIGHT NOW that will improve something about my life experience? My goal for each day is to do at least one thing that I can count as progress: either at my job, or personal growth, making a more healthy eating choice, learning something new, doing a good deed for another person, etc. Tiny things, perhaps inconsequential things on their own, but when added together over time they really do make a difference.

A marathon is just a series of steps, and steps by themselves are easy enough, right? We can do this!

8 years ago

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Sorry, I'm not in my house, I will back and redeem the game tmr, sorry for the inconvenience :(

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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