
"Please, don’t come any closer!" the figure cries out "I'm not sure I could stop myself. I cannot remember who I am or why I'm here; all I do know is that I need to hurt you."
As you stand frozen by his words you begin to wonder what kind of a monster would choose to warn his prey when it could have, just as easily, waited for you to come near so it could strike. Could it be that you have just encountered the thing that the ghost was talking about? Your curiosity starts to get the better of you and, though carefully, you gather your courage and take several steps closer. As you approach, you see that he is neither a man, or a ghost, but a figure made of nothiing but bones
Yes, he must be the one that the ghost told you about.
The bone-made man struggles to hold himself in place and finally manages to get the words out "My... My "name" is Jack Skellington. Though I don’t remember my real name, that’s what I've come to call myself during these past 500 years. You should leave, this place is dangerous. If Master B finds out that you're here..."

Oh man, now I need to watch Nightmare Before Christmas again:-)

8 years ago

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The nostalgia you just made me feel... ^.^

8 years ago

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Thanks for Mr Jack!

8 years ago

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Thanks ^.^

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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but how those bones are connected to each other i wonder

8 years ago

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What ghost? :P

8 years ago

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This Is Halloween!" ™

8 years ago

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