

Checking The Map

You look down at the fox and smile. Without its help you would still be lost in the swirling snow of the forest. You hope the fox will stay with you for you are short of allies in this strange land.

What you would give to go back to bed now! However, that is not an option so you check the map again and see that the final Trine is located in a town some distance away. You set off on the next stage of your journey

Creator's Comment


Got that code, thanks ^_^

weird thing, when activating it showed up as "The Logomancer" but redeemed the correct game xD

9 years ago

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Excellent, glad one of them worked for you :) It was from coinplay - can't explain why the Logomancer showed up. Odd.

9 years ago

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Thanks for the giveaway and thank you for being part of this amazing event.

Activated and marked as received.

8 years ago

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