
FYI: I really love the puzzle giveaways and all the people who participate in organising them. It's a very creative way to give away games and they provide a bit of fun/education in the process. I love you SteamGifters! Please leave a comment even if you dont enter :D

P.S. Please don't tell anyone that the thread is actually linking to a giveaway. I'm not too well known on the forums and I imagine most will assume I'm just trolling.. But I'd like to see how many people catch on xD

EDIT: Although this was all a bit of fun, RedPanda very correctly pointed out that I had indeed broken a SteamGifts rule and I apologise to anyone that feels that I have been disrespectful. I explained this as best as I could to the mods here at SteamGifts and everyone so far has been very helpful and understanding <3

Here's a screenshot of the support ticket I created shortly after RedPandas post:

only 30 minutes into the thread and i have already hit a few nerves.. i hope you all forgive me for trolling once i reveal this giveaway on monday xD

12 years ago

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First. lol.
You're lucky you didn't have some of those who give out hints.
They might sooner or later, but not as soon as mine.
Btw, did you contact support to give them a heads-up? You should.

12 years ago

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<3, let me know if anyone really starts giving you a hard time.

12 years ago

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Haha, funny. Cheers! :)

12 years ago

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iGreeN, I'd like to issue a very large apology to you, one that I will make public after this giveaway has ended. After Cult made his first post, I wondered if something was up, but when you were banned I stopped looking. After you were unbanned, I checked again and found this. I'm really sorry for being one of the backlashers and, despite that I'm vaguely interested in this game, I won't enter it out of shame. I was one of the larger backlashers and for that I sincerely apologise and immediately rescind my blacklist on you as well as give you a free entry to any one of my future puzzle giveaways if you get stuck. I hope you can forgive me.

12 years ago

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lol jade, I hold absolutely no grudges here. I knew perfectly well I was going to ruffle some feathers with this "puzzle", but you're all lovely people and I was confident that everyone would have a laugh with me once I revealed the giveaway. You've been a great sport and you're entirely welcome to enter the giveaway! <3

A quick message for anyone else feeling similarly to jade: I honestly hold no hard feelings towards anyone that has posted in that thread (except myself for actually breaking one of the steamgifts rules - see giveaway description). If anyone here should apologise, it is me, for being a big fat sneaky troll xD

12 years ago

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Thank you for the forgiveness, but I'm going to stick to my guns here. I was wrong, I'm sorry, I won't enter and that free entry is yours for any time in the future.

12 years ago

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You really did fall hook, line and sinker for my posts, but dont beat yourself up about it xD all it shows is that you're passionate about this community and a real SG patriot! :D

I can be sure as hell everyone here is going to read trolling threads much more carefully now, though xD

12 years ago

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To be fair, you were way too convincing for your own good.

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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Thanks for doing that, jade. That's really big of you.

12 years ago

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Ha, managed to put it together. Some of your comments were just a little too... strange, and I got to thinking. Never my strong suit, but apparently this time it paid off. Thanks for the trollaway!

12 years ago

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lol im glad to see another entry before this finishes! well done!

12 years ago

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Damn you!!!! that was so simple yet so smart it was extremely easy to go crazy with it, so sorry if anything i said about it bothered you, i guess we all deserve a slap in the face for that attitude towards you.

VERY nice trolling though, i have to tip my hat off for that.

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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My god, this is brilliant :D

Too bad it escalated a bit. People here need to chill more!

Oh, and thanks!

12 years ago

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This givaway will stay in steamgifts memory, forever.

12 years ago

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Well done! I can't really blame folks for getting frazzled over the unredeemed gifts bit, but the puzzle itself was great. Didn't have my head on for this one, good on you for teaching me to pay more attention.

12 years ago

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