
Good luck

Are you aware that you are no allowed to ask for whitelists in that way?

From the guidelines:
Whitelist solicitation. Do not ask or hint for other users to whitelist you, unless they are explicitly asking or searching for such users and you fulfill their requirements.

2 years ago*

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Thanks, didn't know, going to remove it immediately
Anyway I'm gifting games since my DAY 1 and got a lot of blacklist, don't know why really

2 years ago

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If you have not read them, may I suggest the FAQ and guidelines to you.

There are many, many reasons why people blacklist. If you want, you can read some here, although I would recommend not to do so, as several of those threads turn bad sooner or later.

Your case: Several of your giveaways seem to be of, let's call it, rather low quality. There are several users who a fed up with seeing floods of those games, some might blacklist you for it. Another reason might be that your library is not public on Steam. Although it is not required to set your library to public, it prevents other users to check, if you activated your wins. That might be seen as suspicious behaviour.

2 years ago

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My library is private for some reasons, anyway is private since a couple of days, and I always sync my library here on the site.
Besides my giveaways might be poor, I don't see so much people gifting AAA+ title, so it's kinda meh
I got blacklisted even when I don't do giveaways so don't know

Thanks for the links anyway, I appreciated a lot your help.

2 years ago

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As I said, that might be reasons for the blacklists, I do not know. I would not worry about being blacklisted too much.

2 years ago

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Let's laugh about it, welcome on my whitelist AHAH :)

2 years ago

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