Civilization III Complete - In which you try and achieve in a few hours what mankind has repeatedly fucked up over 10,000-15,000 years (or more maybe...)
Requirements for entry:
Only available to anyone who can give me a really easy job, and say what job that is below.
Also, XBoxOne marketing and public relations is not an option. While it would be easy to save that sinking ship, I'm not sure I give a shit.
7 Comments - Last post 5 minutes ago by Golwar
46 Comments - Last post 5 minutes ago by Yorickmeister
742 Comments - Last post 19 minutes ago by Warriot
302 Comments - Last post 32 minutes ago by Gorebelly318
73 Comments - Last post 2 hours ago by Freilyreydia
24 Comments - Last post 3 hours ago by Myrsan
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743 Comments - Last post 44 minutes ago by Ninglor03
109 Comments - Last post 45 minutes ago by OneNonLy
Sadly I can´t enter :D
Would have looked good having III, IV and V :)
Thanks anyway :D
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Thanks for this, hope your situation improves. You could always seek employment in a church or cathedral, they have surprisingly high pays for doing buggerall for 6-8 hours.
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You could ask Sony if the point and laugh at Microsoft position is still open. It's easy and fun.
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You should take a look at software testing if you're a patient person, I'm currently in the process of requalifying myself for that career path since my first choice I have finished university for went pretty downhill in my country (construction engineering).
Oh I nearly forgot - thanks for the giveaway :)
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Thanks and keep ya head up. I know how ya feel. been there and quit my last job for similar reasons.
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I feel for you. :\ Best of luck!
(Also thanks for more people to blacklist!)
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GL for your job search !
Pollster is quite easy :)
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The only job I did that I foudn funny was working at the post office in the middle of nowhere; 3 client per hour so after the first day I brought my DS and some books with me. Hell at the end of my contract I even enjoyed the little weather talk with the older clients ^^
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Honestly, I would love a job like that.
Used to have a job a few years back that could get a bit quiet at times, but it was for a huge company that would then moan that I wasn't "Making myself look busy...". I did quote Bill Hicks in my defence, but apparently it's not binding.
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Oh I also heard this "make yourself look busy" when working at mcdonald's, worst job ether. They had some kind of "smile" salary bonus that was supposed to be given to the most smiling employee (written in the contract), but after smiling so hard that my cheeks hurted at night and seeing that the girl that treated client like shit but was over-friendly with all managers got the bonus....well I pushed two months further to get out of debt.
And also the good point about rare clients is that you actually love it when they come (expect when they come during a boss battle >_< ) and in a small post office in the middle of nowhere there's no one watching over your shoulder, you're totally alone.
Well the good thing about post office in france is that you don't even have to look busy, I had to work 2 weeks in a city post office, to know how the system works, that get lots of people but there were time period when no one was coming and the woman who was responsible of my formation told me to bring a book or something cause you can't make it look like you're busy when there's no client. Damn good old times I'm feeling nostalgiv now, I should try to work in some post office XD
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I, too, have done my McDonalds stint.
My quitting story is thus;
I used to work at a McDonalds that could get REALLY busy. During one of those ridiculously busy shifts I was feeling very, very unwell. I'm talking physically here, I wasn't all that mental at the time. I was not even afforded the opportunity of a break beyond statutory. I was in a hot kitchen, surrounded by people, and I was on the verge of collapse. In the mean time, my then girlfriend (who also worked there) had slipped on the stairs and injured herself and, likewise, was told to shut up and carry on. I was getting frustrated. Later on, I realised my friend who worked there was missing and asked where he was. I was informed that he was busy projectile vomiting in the customer toilet as he was unwell - health and safety regulations state he should have been asked to stop working immediately. Anger grew and grew, I felt worse and worse, my throat felt like I'd eaten knives and I'd recently not long got out of hospital with throat problems that nearly killed me so I was worried, and I was annoyed my employer didn't seem to give a shit. My missus was moaning her damn head off and buckling in agony and my mate was nowhere to be seen, but the toilet was permanently engaged. When I did see him, he looked disgustingly ill - almost cartoon-sick green. I lost it. Damn near punched my manager in the face and I'm not a violent man, ended up hitting the door instead as I opened it and fucked off to the hospital, myself and my then girlfriend.
I was in hospital for a week with acute tonsilitis (and, as mentioned, hadn't long got out of hospital for throat problems) the missus at the time was in for a few days resting up broken ribs and my mate was in bed for a week after with his stomach bug. I didn't even hand in my notice I just told them to fuck off and never went back, the utter shower of disgraceful, heartless, exploitative shits.
TL;DR - NEVER, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES WORK FOR MCDONALDS! If you're young and need the money do porn or something!
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Yes your tl;dr resume everything I can think of this company. Hell I've even been asked to make a sandwich with things that felt on the floor cause there was no time and the car was waiting....Damn I'm pretty sure every client could hear the manager yelling "I don't care it fell on the floor, make this sandwich NOW!!!!!!".
TL;DR I'll never eat again in a McDonald's
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Work the corners. Easy money. Yolo.
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Make a forklift license. Cheap and easily available and work is quite well paid.
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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.
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Already have this but thanks ^^
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State jobs, or jobs in education (not as an instructor). Fairly low key, fairly difficult to get fired, and usually decent money, often with benefits.
Also, I'm not sure if the UK has craigslist ads, but I have a keyword search (and filter) set up with my preferred RSS app (Feed Notifier) that occasionally pops up decent jobs -- most of the time they're generic retail, but every once in a while there's a small business with a blessedly hand-written, non-corporate-speak opening.
My keyword filter for my jobs RSS feed (the minus means do not include anything that matches this): "-marketing and -sales and -sales!! and -estate and -telemarketing and -salesperson and -salespersons and -buyer"
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Hope you find something soon. Having a dreamjob sometimes is a luxury.
That said, a job in a museum should be easy. Kind like what Mr Bean did in the movie.
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Looking for job is a pain...
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I don't think I'm a prime example of finding jobs - to avoid job hunting I started my M.A. which has now evolved into a Ph.D. (in avoidance maybe?).
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That was going to be my job avoidance path, too. But apparently just because you pay to be there, doesn't mean they give a shit...
I'm being bitter again, aren't I?
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My last job was in a organic butchery alongside my studies...
You don't want this job trust me...
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working as a mascot is not that bad the pay might suck but its easy and can be fun
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you could set up an ice cream stand, or better yet a frozen banana stand
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Honestly? If I knew I would get the job myself :(
Edit: Maybe working at a supply warehouse somewhere? No interaction with customers so you don't have to pretend to give a shit.
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