Congrats on proving your logical deduction skills! :> How did you like the puzzle?
And main reason why you're here - here's the link to main event GA you will need to claim your main prize ;p
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Success :D
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congrats :>
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and you just earned yourself a Whitelist spot :>
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Are you sure there is only 1 possible solution?
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nope :> actually I'm pretty sure there's at least a few :> but manageable in 100 tries/day limit ;)
Considering you start with most obvious hint (letter that looks like a number) it may not be O byt l or I (l you will discard shortly as it will not work well with lower case f in last position), which can lead you to different letter on 2nd spot for example ;)
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also besides making it more accessible (it's a puzzle event - we don't want usual zelgh stylle puzzle that only 5 ppl on SG can solve, because it would mean breaking event for everyone) I needed to add more rules to make 16 rules in total to make rule 16 work ;p So easiest way was to add other routes to existing parts :> But didn't want to add more rules like the O one not to make things too easy ;)
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I had 9K[AZ]O[cflorux]
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oh, thanks, you found a translation error on my end ;p In polish we have a separate word for 1-digit and multi-digits numbers but I lost it in translation. The word I intended to use "cyfra" means a number from 0 to 9, which would exclude lorux ;p but I'm thinking should I edit or leave it as you both already solved it anyway ;P
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ok, edited it, leaving possible solutions of c and f. It should make 4 codes to check if going the way you went and 4 more for people who go for I route first.
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In English we would write "DIGIT" rather than "NUMBER".
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doesn't matter - it was deficed in Puzzle clear enough - it could even be called SHABLAGOO and it wouldn't change a thing, as after initial definition in rule #3 it's used as a variable and variables can be named anything :>
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also WLed for finding a bug :>
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solved, nice puzzles.
really, at first i thought i have to try 16 combination of possible answer, then i have to read rule number 6 and finally found the answer
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yeah - there's been several information like this which if combined gives you either full data or leave you with 2 choices max ;) like with capitalization - if there are 4 letters, 3 first are same case and then I say not all are the same case and last one being upper case is false - these 4 pieces of information combined give you only one option for capitalization ;)
anyway - congrats :>
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Are acceptable I believe. Only one mention of the third character and that is that it's either first or last character in the alphabet.
Only mentioned because it might still be a bug even after fixes of Perrolijo's bit.
Also, I liked it. Good "Reasoning" puzzle. I was wondering how that would be pulled off. :)
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it's not, it was intended, same as hint about 0->O can be interpret also as 1->l or I ( lower case L or upper case i ;p) and last character may be c, as 9 and 3 are also divisible by 3 without remainder ;) Even with all of these considered in worst case scenario it's still way under limit of tries on GA code ;)
And reasoning part was kinda forced on me - was hoping for math puzzle but was too late, so glad it turned out ok :>
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Ah, yes, it could be c as well, tried that one at first.
That being said, 1 and I / l, could not be correct because of other rules, like O being 4 letters after K, so that could be ruled out. I tried it to see if it was a possibility. It's also very rare that 1 and I / l gets confused unless it's a bad font, it's just the I and l that gets confused between each other normally. Also, we knew it was an uppercase so 1 doesn't get confused with L, capital i was the only option. :)
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Thanks a lot :) Nice puzzle.
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congrats :>
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Finally :P
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congrats :>
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I solved it pretty quickly, but I forgot the damn / at the end, so I was banging my head for hours until i realized my stupid mistake.
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I thought character 4 was "L" and didn't even think of "O". I blame the fixed width fonts in notepad that make lowercase L and 1 look alike for making me think so :P
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I was thinking about L or i (with different case they look lI - similar to 1) but others in comments here pointed me that then the numbers wouldn't make sense in other rules then, so only variations are A/Z on 3rd spot and c/f on last (since 9 and both 3 and 6 are divisable by 3 ;p)
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Rule 15 left me with 20 possible variations. I can't understand how to get only 9xxxf :\ I had 3 possible numbers: 6 8 9. All of them can be divided without remainder. Or am I misunderstanding this rule? I dunno >_<
Just imagine how I was scared when I tried 19 combinations one by one and none of them was correct! I stopped before checking last combination... I was pretty sure in my inferences.. and ok, the very last combination was correct. Finally.
This is how I solved your puzzle. Sorry for quality ^^'
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from #14 - let's assume you got the correct letter O. O is 15th letter of the alphabet.
knowing this, from #4 we know that letter on position 2 is 4 letters before it, so the 2nd character is K. K is 11th letter of alphabet
from #12 we know that alphabetic position of K (aka 11) = 2+NUMBER, so NUMBER=11-2=9 :> it cannot now be neither 6 or 8 ;p
now we go to #15. 9 is divisible without remainder only by 9,3 and 1, and since β=/=1 and these have to be 2 different numbers it cannot be 9, β=3. the letter's alphabetican number must also be divisible without remainder by 3 and only 3 single digit numbers are - 3 and 6, which makes last position either c or f (3rd and 6th letter of alphabet) both lower case because of #5+#7 or #6+#13 :>
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oh..I discovered that second character is K but I forgot to check all the rules again to find that information from rule 12 is actually useful :D my bad
thanks for explanation!
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Solved :3 I had problem with letters case:
I can see now that rule 5 was designed to sugest that ONLY last letter is lowercase but logic=/=suggestion :D
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.#6 says The first three letters of the GA code are the same case.
.#5 combined with #7 says that last letter is lower case
. #13 says that not all letters are of the same case, so if last letter is lower case it means at least one of 1st three letters must be upper case, and since all 3 letters must be the same case it means all 3 must be upper case :>
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Ahhhh I missed it :D I knew I read somewhere about letter cases but then i lost it in my reasoning ;D So its fine :D My bad :D
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I managed to narrow it to [6/9]-K-[A/Z]-O-[c/f/i]. Nice logic puzzle! (: And of course the last combination I try is the correct one :P
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see my comment here - it explains why it can only be 9 :>
and because of that as #15 says NUMBER and alphabethic position of last letter are different numbers it also cannot be i (9th letter) ;)
Other things - correct :>
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Ah, I missed that one. Used it to find O and then forgot about it.
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I reduced it down to 9K[AZ]O[cf] and of cause the last combination was the one i needed...
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but that's just 4 codes to check ;)
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Got the same combination and tried them alphabetically. With every wrong combination I feared I made a mistake T_T
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Great puzzle. Was is me or did you not need to use ß in the solution? I still had the four possible solutions and never solved for ß . . . maybe I was just lucky.
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you probably didn't think about it this way, but you are using ß in #15 where it is defined :> Without using it you would not be able to define last letter being c or f :> you know that it's c or f because it's a single digit number AND you can divide it by ß :>
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Not sure I understood all of that, but yes, you're right - ß became obvious due to #15, hence thinking I didn't specifically solve for it.
Edit - easier to understand now; apologies my Polish is rusty (non-existent),
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nah, it was my bad - it's late at night and i didn't notice that my keyboard switched to different mode ;p
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and even if you didn't specifically solve for ß itself, your original question was "did you not need to use ß in the solution?" :> And to this answer is no - you need to use ß in the solution, even if you don't think at that right moment that what you are using is ß :>
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Ah, I love these kinds of puzzles, thank you for the brain workout =)
I somehow managed to accidentaly discount 6 from being divisible by 3 at first..
It's all good though, I've hired this black guard to avoid such clumsiness in the future!
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Nice puzzle, as always though)
I've spent some time on it. My first mistake was I thought about letter L in rule #14... cause small L often confused with 1 (in some fonts), and I can't remember to confuse 0 and O. But when it didn't worked I checked again and think of "O"
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yeah - i thought about confusing `1 with lower case L or upper case i in this rule, but as you get 2nd character using this letter Rule #12 wouldn't work and generally numbers wouldn't add up to fullfill all the rules pointing you that you got to choose another letter :>
Glad you liked the puzzle :>
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Rule #12 would work, if NUMBER=6. 6+2=8 -> H. And it matches rule #4 too: H+4=L. Pattern 6H[A/Z]L[c/i] matches all rules)
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L aka upper case L does not remind 1, only l lower case does thus upper case L does not fulfill rule #14 ;P If l would be lower case L 3 1st letters must be lower case as well because of #6, last letter must be lower case as well because of #7 + #5, that makes all letters lower case and that is against rule #13 :>
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Even without that - it's just a few more checks to make sure it was a wrong way)
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Nice. 4 possible answers and 4 leads. It was really well-prepared. Thank you for the challenge.
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Ok it's official I went full retard on this puzzle... I kept using 0 instead of O -.-"
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Finally here.. Time to move on.. :)
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I had 4 possible solutions, with selecting o from the start,
4th one was the right one...
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Got here from the first try ^^
I'd prefer definite solution for a logic puzzle, but I really enjoied solving it, thanks.
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If it doesn't work the first time round, give it a whack with a spanner. Woohoo!
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It was my 11th try, as I figured the fourth character to be O or I (uppercase i) or l (lowercase L)
That gave me 6H[AZ]I[cfi] or 9K[AZ]O[cfi] which gave me 12 options to try and I got it on number 11.
Of course I missed rule 15 which should have dropped me to 8 options and I would have gotten it on the 7th try.:
6H[AZ]I[ci] or 9K[AZ]O[cf]
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ok, one by one ;)
as for #14 - if we consider #14 only it can be O I or l, BUT :
it cannot be I (upper case i) because of #12. i is 9th letter of alphabet. it would make letter on 2nd position be E (5th letter). So #12 would say that 5=2+NUMBER, NUMBER would have to be 3 in this case which would be false for other rules (For example 3 is Prime Number is not Prime according to #11;)
it cannot be l (lower case L) because #6 says that 1st 3 letetrs in GA code are same case, so all 3 would have to be lower case same as l, #5 combined with #7 says that last letter is lower case, that would make all the letters lower case, which is against rule #13 :>
And when we know it has to be O it makes #12 giving us NUMBER directly as 9.
Having all these the only possible solutions for GA code are 9K[AZ]O[cf] :>
Anyway, congrats :>
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Of course, thanks.
What I did was confuse the uppercase i with the lowercase L. So I knew that you had to have UUUL where U is an uppercase and L is a lowercase. In my working spreadsheet I got 6H[AZ]I[ci], I saw the first three characters as uppercase, but of course, because the second character is an H, the fourth has to be a lowercase L, which is impossible. But when I glanced at it to see if it met the UUUL pattern, I read the l as an I, and so made the error there. Sigh....
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I lowered the possibilities to 9k[a or z](<--upper/lowercase)O[c or f] and it took seven different combinations for me to get here.
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Concerning the amount of posts here I think your puzzle is one of the most solveds around here. Well, this is actually more fun than most ITH's.
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puzzles are always more fun/intresting than quizes :> Thus I'm happy that my turned out to be one of more popular in the event :>
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Somehow solved it on the first try (I disregarded 'c' as a possible solution for the last character thinking its position should not be a prime number, which was a wrong assumption but luckily it reduced number of guess to two :). Also stumbled on "a number" and "NUMBER" (attributing the former to the latter).
Nice puzzle!
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glad you liked it ;) as for solving if you are blacklisted - if you log out of SG you can still see private GASs you would not be able to see because of BL ;) Even better - open incognito window in your broiwser and you can be both logged in in main and logged out in inco :>
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Oh, I'll keep that in mind (criminal mind! heh).
But I was more worried about why I was on your BL.
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If i am not wrong, with the letter l, you can obtain 4 codes for these rules -> 6 h a/z l c/i
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It was already covered in other comments, so just let me copy-paste :>
as for #14 - if we consider #14 only it can be O I or l (lower case L and upper case i), BUT :
it cannot be I (upper case i) because of #12. i is 9th letter of alphabet. it would make letter on 2nd position be E (5th letter). So #12 would say that 5=2+NUMBER, NUMBER would have to be 3 in this case which would be false for other rules (For example 3 is Prime Number is not Prime according to #11;)
it cannot be l (lower case L) because #6 says that 1st 3 letetrs in GA code are same case, so all 3 would have to be lower case same as l, #5 combined with #7 says that last letter is lower case, that would make all the letters lower case, which is against rule #13 :>
And when we know it has to be O it makes #12 giving us NUMBER directly as 9.
Having all these the only possible solutions for GA code are 9K[AZ]O[cf] :>
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