
If you can please VOTE this game on Steam GREENLIGHT we'll be really grateful and would appreciate so much your help.




¿Alguna vez pensaste que todo lo que haces podría volverte?

Un grupo de adolescentes acosó a una compañera del Instituto Secundario Raiven's High School sin respiro alguno. Poco tiempo después, la víctima sin poder soportarlo más, tomó la horrible decisión de quitarse la vida para vengarse desde el más allá.

En "You Deserve" encarnas a Amy Cooper, quien deberá tratar de escapar con vida del horrible lugar donde se encuentra.

Para salvarte deberás descubrir "dónde estás" y "por qué estás allí" interpretando las pistas que se te irán presentando a lo largo de la historia para resolver el misterio que envuelve You Deserve.


Have you ever thought that everything you do could come against you?

A group of teenagers led by Amy Cooper harassed a colleague in the Raiven's High School. Shortly after, the victim couldn't stand Bullying anymore and took the horrible decision of committing suicide and taking revenge from beyond the grave.

In "You Deserve" you play the role of Amy Cooper, who must try to escape alive from the horrible place where she is.

To save your life, you must discover "where are you" and "why". Analyzing the clues that the game will present you throughout the story to solve the mystery surrounding You Deserve.

This game is developed by TGA Company in collaboration with Raul Borreguero & Matias Aguilera.

Mythology R&M


~Good Luck!

+1 en Greenlight, espero tengan exito con su proyecto!

8 years ago

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Muchas gracias por tu apoyo :D

8 years ago

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Thank you!

8 years ago

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+1 in greenlight! Peace

7 years ago

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