Doesn't that track reminds you best game ever? Maybe you should check it's free mashup with Half Life? Or maybe mashup with SuperHot? "But dad! What is SuperHot?" Sigh... here you go.
If you don't know that kind of music, maybe you know other artists like Nomine?
16,714 Comments - Last post 1 minute ago by steveywonder75
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992 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by Codric
454 Comments - Last post 2 hours ago by gus09
8,489 Comments - Last post 2 hours ago by Mayanaise
What about this track..
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Great song. Till this day I wasn;t paying much attention to La Roux (not to say that I somehow didn't know anythin about The Glitch Mob) but I guess it will change thanks to you. Also that music video...
And thank you for photos you posted. I loved all of them, old photos have something in them, that always makes me stare at them way too long.
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I read glitch mob and thought of.. well here ya go
Edit: thanks for the gibs! And sorry I'm getting into a bad habit of not thanking people because of sg.
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Glad you like it. :) Check also: Major Lazer & La Roux - LazerProof. BTW, I'm a big fan The Glith Mob's first album and I highly recommend you to check it. :D They also made many great remixes.
And if you like sounds of 80', maybe this synthpop bands be ok for you: Dragonette, Ladyhawke, Little Boots.
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I will check them all, thank you. In fact I know Little Boots, especially performance with Gary Numan
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i'm sure you already know this
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Oh yes, simply amazing. Also when I first watch for first time this video I was blown up by mix of one of my favourite music genre with my all time dream car.
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i love this guy
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Good choice! Obviously coming from playing Hotline Miami but this 80s like electro music was actually pretty huge in the 00s. I have most of it on my old hard drive, which I can't access, but I will try to find some of that stuff.
Most of the stuff I'm posting will be synth pop (I think that's the proper genre for it), but I generally only remember names, not specific songs. So I recommend digging into a it yourself as the songs are mostly newer ones that don't represent what they did years ago.
Miami Horror I know they did more 80s style stuff earlier with less vocals.
Bestrack Not exactly what you are looking for, but it has the vibe you might look for.
Anoraak Very pop, much wow
Toxic Avenger Used to do other stuff before that, but I could definitely see that track in the HM OST
Grum That video tho!
Oh boy, I really need my old hard drive. I can't remember any of all the songs and artists. I give up for now. :D
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Fuck it! I wanna find more.
Midnight Juggernauts
Miami Nights 1984 Found this in the YouTube recommended video thingy. Probably that's more like it?
And I also saw on YouTube that some people call it New Retro Wave? Never heard of that.
Okay, that's it. It's more likely that I'll find new music rather than the music I used to listen to.
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Oh man, that is... They are... Wow, honestly, I have no words for this. I appreciate every minute you spend on doing this list for me. After quick check of every song, now I have many, many tabs opens, waiting to be listened (thank you, youtube reccomendations) and few arists that I 'discovered' thanks to you.
I'm going back to listening this amazing songs you found. As a thank you, please make yourself comfy in my modest whitelist :)
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Also, I would like to share something with you. There is high chance that you heard Perturbator but did you heard soundtrack from second best game ever? Seriosuly I don't know why I feel so nostalgic about years that had their prime before I was on this world. Maybe it's thanks to my parents that let little Adam watch best movies from that time ;) No matter what is the reason is, this gave me chills (especialy main theme, around 1:50) - If you also like 'this vibe' at least watch trailers. I was so hyped to play this that I actually buyed Far Cry collection for PS3 just for this game.
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I played Far Cry 3 but not Blood Dragon, will definitely play in the future tho when I see a good sale. I heard Peturbator when I was browsing through YouTube to find some of the music I used to listen to.
And I totally get what you mean. I don't have a favorite decade or something, but there are certain things that are just better sometimes. Furniture from the 60s/70s, haircuts from the 40s, movies from the 80s/90s... I take something from each. You should always look forward but taking a look back at all the great things that used to be can't hurt.
I have the soundtrack for Far Cry Blood Dragon playing right now and I can see how well it would fit into the game. Definitely gonna buy it when I get the chance. :)
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Oh, I would love to tell you how many epic moments you will encouter but I can't because they are best when you see them without expecting anything. Good thing is, as far as I remember, Blood Dragon gets nice discounts on steam sales. And if you don't hate uPlay, they also sometimes have good deals.
As for favourite decades... Well, I also love the atmosphere showed in Mad Man. Not to mention the times presented in L.A. Noire... I will always have some kind of 'regret' that I won't be able to go to real Jazz Club, and listen to great masters plays and sings, while I would be drinking some fine alcohol and smoke a cigar.
It's good to know that I'm not the only person here that likes to look at past :)
EDIT: When I think about this, it's kinda funny that two decades that I praise most are so different. Neon realm of 80s and noire realm of 50s.
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No, thank you! You made my day! This is not the first time I spent some time trying to find music for people, but I never actually got any acknowledgment for that. So this makes me happy that I know you will actually listen to those. :)
And also thank you very much for whitelisting, it was a pleasure to dig up some old music and get some nostalgia going.
I think I gonna get that cable to access my old hard drive, really bothered me that I couldn't find more or songs that fitted better. I wanted to get it anyways, because I need that music for myself too. :D
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but I never actually got any acknowledgment for that
:O Seriously? Unthankfull bastards! and I'm not even joking
I'm glad that I made your day ;) And don't feel bothered about that, your recommendations really was great. But you know what? When you will get that cable and will find some good music, let me know ;)
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I didn't want to put it like that, but yeah... When people ask for recommendations, no matter about what, you would expect people to at least tell you that they read those or something. :D
And I will hit you up when I have access to it. :)
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