
Request "Super Turbo Demon Busters" here...

Old GA description:
From SG guidelines:

General #1: Use the appropriate avenues for support. If you have an issue with another user, submit a ticket with a user report, rather than calling them out within the community or on the forum.

Thanks for all the GA's. I know how it feels. Much love.<3

9 years ago

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For some reason you weren't on my whitelist. Fixed now :-)

9 years ago

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Oh thanks! You are now on my aswell (if i will ever make a WL giveaway...) :D <3

9 years ago

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When I was a teen I thought that those bikini ladies from game cutscenes were big deals... now I can see naked girls online without even wanting and I am quite uncomfortable when it happens. I wonder what will happen in 10 years.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Oh, that's gross.

9 years ago

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Thanks for all the GAs!! I hope you find the best recipe and share it :P

9 years ago

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Thanks for the win Yirg! :)

9 years ago

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Enjoy! :-)

9 years ago

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Sandbox post

Here are some relevant stats while I'm waiting for people to join:

Total number of SteamGifts users in all Middle East countries: 25,625
Percentage from all SteamGifts users: 3.06%

Stats sorted by population:

Country [Population] SteamGifts Users One in how many people is a SteamGifts user?
Egypt 88,523,000 560 158077
Iran 78,778,000 330 238721
Turkey 78,214,000 13,312 5875
Iraq 36,575,000 130 281346
Saudi Arabia 31,521,000 1,219 25858
Yemen 26,745,000 9 2971667
Syria 23,270,000 57 408246
United Arab Emirates 8,933,000 763 11708
Israel 8,372,000 8,092 1035
Jordan 6,837,000 225 30387
Palestine 4,683,000 51 91824
Lebanon 4,288,000 148 28973
Oman 4,181,000 52 80404
Kuwait 4,161,000 218 19087
Qatar 2,113,000 144 14674
Bahrain 1,781,000 110 16191
Cyprus 846,000 205 4127

Stats sorted by number of users per country:

Country Population [SteamGifts Users] One in how many people is a SteamGifts user?
Turkey 78,214,000 13,312 5875
Israel 8,372,000 8,092 1035
Saudi Arabia 31,521,000 1,219 25858
United Arab Emirates 8,933,000 763 11708
Egypt 88,523,000 560 158077
Iran 78,778,000 330 238721
Jordan 6,837,000 225 30387
Kuwait 4,161,000 218 19087
Cyprus 846,000 205 4127
Lebanon 4,288,000 148 28973
Qatar 2,113,000 144 14674
Iraq 36,575,000 130 281346
Bahrain 1,781,000 110 16191
Syria 23,270,000 57 408246
Oman 4,181,000 52 80404
Palestine 4,683,000 51 91824
Yemen 26,745,000 9 2971667

Stats sorted by frequency of users in population:

Country Population SteamGifts Users [One in how many people is a SteamGifts user?]
Israel 8,372,000 8,092 1035
Cyprus 846,000 205 4127
Turkey 78,214,000 13,312 5875
United Arab Emirates 8,933,000 763 11708
Qatar 2,113,000 144 14674
Bahrain 1,781,000 110 16191
Kuwait 4,161,000 218 19087
Saudi Arabia 31,521,000 1,219 25858
Lebanon 4,288,000 148 28973
Jordan 6,837,000 225 30387
Oman 4,181,000 52 80404
Palestine 4,683,000 51 91824
Egypt 88,523,000 560 158077
Iran 78,778,000 330 238721
Iraq 36,575,000 130 281346
Syria 23,270,000 57 408246
Yemen 26,745,000 9 2971667
9 years ago*

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Hello, can i have that game? :D

7 years ago

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Yes, please add me on Steam.

7 years ago

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