
Keys were provided by a friend of mine, please allow me to replace them, should not work. Thanks :D

As always, every giveaway of mine hosts either a poem or a book quote. Who knows, maybe someone will eventually decide that poetry or that book in particular might be their cup of tea.

“Aren't you afraid you will be damned?'
'I believe I already am, but not by the Holy Spirit,' said Delaura without alarm. 'I have always believed He attributes more importance to love than to faith.”
Gabriel Garcí­a Márquez, Of Love and Other Demons"

Thanks for the chance!

5 years ago

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no problem ^^

5 years ago

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so they worked :D ill send you some of my humble bundle leftovers soon if you want

5 years ago

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I don't want to be a gifter leecher. I'll gift when I can/have some leftovers of my own :3
thank you for these!

5 years ago

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