We all know I'm too dumb to science, so I did it my way :)
Riddle me this, Riddle me that, is there such a thing as a Manbat?
This GA and the puzzle are part of the March Science Puzzles Event
277 Comments - Last post 18 minutes ago by Carenard
164 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by Superefg
22 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by Adamdoodles
263 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by Adamdoodles
16,703 Comments - Last post 9 hours ago by wigglenose
126 Comments - Last post 10 hours ago by Superefg
48 Comments - Last post 10 hours ago by wigglenose
81 Comments - Last post 2 minutes ago by PTPant
47 Comments - Last post 4 minutes ago by WaxWorm
397 Comments - Last post 13 minutes ago by freshduke
17 Comments - Last post 32 minutes ago by TheMuzo
2,823 Comments - Last post 45 minutes ago by Fluffster
82 Comments - Last post 47 minutes ago by RePlayBe
340 Comments - Last post 48 minutes ago by RePlayBe
I can't guess what kind of bird is it in Q10...
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If I was looking for this bird in Google I would use it's colors to find it.
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Thanks, I think i got it, but I still can't combine them in a meaningful name :P
Edit: I got it! XD
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Ohhh, so close! :D
Congrats :)
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Solved, the last one took me a while. Thank you for the gibs/puzzle ^^
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Good job :)
Yes, the last one has 2 difficult halves. :)
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What is the fish in Q8? We don't have that kind of fish here. And actually we were never taught about fishes at school...
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They are a popular aquarium fish and widely distributed in the wild. They can have all colors of the rainbow and a school has a million fish in it. Fish.
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I don't get it :P First of all, does it matter which animal we put first ? Example: Monkey, Bat, Bankey or Bat, Monkey, Bankey ?
Also i don't understand the order of making the name. In my previous example i took ba from bat and nkey from monkey.
Was i using them in the right order or should it be Nkeybat ? (use the last letters to begin the name and use the first letters to end it)
I have failed to find even one and i know most of the animals :P
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It may seem like I have overlooked some correct answers, but I didn't, I decided to ignore some on purpose because the correct answers are very simple words so finding them should not take much longer.
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Great puzzle! For reference, one of the animals in picture 1 is incorrect (once I got the hint though it was easy to solve).
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Hmm, I see what you mean, well, hopefully people will go with their first impression, the one you mean is usually the 2nd option. Like Alligator/Cayman.
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Definitely not a major and great hints to help people along as well. I just got stuck on the last one for ages. The bird we have locally, the other one we don't so I was trying something else and could not find a word!
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Well, you have the Australian version of that bird, that was a small hiccup in this cos it looks quite different, glad you got it :)
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Q8 and 10 remain.
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As far as I know, I have the animals, just can't find the word you are looking for.
Guess I'll just wait for the hints in 20 min.
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The hints in this GA are for those 2 questions, so I hope they help you too :)
(replies to dzigiz and faragona)
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I think this is one of the better puzzles here. It is creative and fun. Am still missing Q7 and Q8. The others I solved without problems. For these I have even the hints now but can't solve it O.o Actually the hints are confusing me. For Q7 I thought I have the right animals but I can't construct any word with those parts and for Q8 .... I'm not even sure I've got the right animal (the brown one, thought I know it but nothing leads to the hint).
Well maybe I'll have an idea later on.
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Q7, the head likes to stuff it's cheeks full of stuff....
Q8 was sure he could beat Q1 (this is not a hint for Q1 other readers) in a race.
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Okay, Q7 was a problem of my english. I got the right animals I just didn't know the solution word but could guess it now. For Q8, thanks, that confirms the one animal. But I can't find any word in the dictionary with this half that fits the solution word. I'll keep looking for the fish. Then it will be easy
EDIT: I'm doing something fundamentally wrong with that fish. I can't seem to find any fish with his ventral fin this close to the head. Is there a chance to get a shadow of the whole fish so I might get it from the form? I looked through several popular aquarium fish threads but none seem to be close to this one. Fish is my zodiacal sign but they all look the same to me -_-
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nvm, solved
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Very creative puzzle indeed. I have problems with most questions though. For example for Q4 which seems obvious...
EDIT: Never mind everything becomes so clear after the hints came...
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Nah, think global, first thing that comes to mind for most. Only the small fish and bird are specific, and the insect that goes with the bird is probably not the first bug that comes to mind :)
edit: ah, hints dropped, good :)
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I already got all, just struggling with the last one. Got the two animals but have no idea on the result even with the hint.
PS: Most mistakes I had made were actually just because I had put the first two words opposite.
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Solved. :)
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Any hints on the fish of Q8 and the "fusion" of Q10?
For Q8 I've already read all the comments here and for Q10 I tried every combination I found that seemed logical (I'm not english).
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There is a user on SG by that fishy name :P He likes to play Gangster games it seems, according to his forum thread.
Q10 are a 'black and white bird' (I'd go by image results on Google for that query), and a stinging bastard that is not a wasp, in Charlotte NC they think these are blue...BASKETcases.
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Found a certain rainbowfish but I think he doesn't like gangstas :c
But the hint on Q10 has been useful!
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This user doesn't flaunt his fishiness :P
Discussions > Gangster
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Ok, got it, so his name is X fish, Xfish, or only X?
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Just X will do :)
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Giving up now, I guess this is not a good quiz for non-native speakers ^^
Still missing Q7, Q8 and Q10, I'm pretty sure I got the animals right but either I can build no words or they don't work, darn :<
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Q7. The head, the animal has the same name in German as in English, it seems in Germany they sell cars, the Kia Soul EV. The body is not a cricket, Shrek is green too, but doesn't hüpf quite as high... (I hope this hint works :P) The result is a place to store dirty laundry.
Q8. The head is a one in a million fish... The body...see picture below of Chris Roberts before he became a game designer. The result, long ago gay meant something else, wiki knows.
Q10. The head...I just found out that in German it is spelled with an L as a second letter, in Dutch that's a K. The body does some false advertising, a rhino and unicorn have this, the insect doesn't. The result seems to be the same word in English and German, opposites attract.
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Wow thank you so much for your patience! I finally got them all :D
Q7 I actually tried that word before but I have written the second animal in two words not one d'oh. For the second I used the other word for that animal and Q10 really tricked me because I found some pie results with another species, so I was sure I got the animal right and didn't look further xD
Thanks again for giving me such great hints!
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My puzzle is about fun, not frustration (ok maybe a little), so I don't want people to be stuck :)
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Let's just turn this into a bump....for an unbumpable convo...lol.
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Very nice puzzle!
When Jeffhowe talks about epic photoshop skills in the intro, I guess he is referring to this puzzle :D that was funny
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Aw shucks blushes
Thanks, glad you enjoyed it.
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I know the animals, but as not-native speaker I'm terrible at "write name out of random words" so it's end of this puzzle for me.
I have just one from Q1 and I have found 2 normal words for Q5 and Q9, but it turned out that they aren't proper answers.
it wouldn't be a problem, if it'd be just "first 3 letters from animal names" or something like that. Ugh
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Q1, well, the head is the forums' favorite animal, the body eats pizza and knows karaté. The result is a group of animals of the bovine persuasion.
Q5, the head told Eve to have an apple, to scare off doctors I guess... The body said quack. The result is an English aristocratic title, and John Wayne.
Q9, the head is hungry hungry. The body is Cjcomplex. Together they make....! ...a person that thinks he is trendy by wearing and using stuff even 100 year olds think is old fashioned.
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m3rc, would love to have you in select handful here...
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Ah, uhm. Well, it depends on the structure you are planning. I'm having a big motivational crisis at the moment.
I read pyramid, I read geography...any idea about the framework? :)
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Not geography... That's a different idea...
Im writing it up now... Stay tuned.
I'd like the team to be: jeffhowe, m3rc, Nordhbane, gag or GR, zelghadis, and stlpaul.
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Hey buddy!! I remember how much fun it was having you in the Science event as a puzzle creator... here's a chance at another event I'm doing-- hope you can return with designing a puzzle!!
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