
CV +$9.28

Is this available in some bundle I can get?

9 years ago

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The Cities in Motion 2 Collection is available in the Indie Gala Take-Off Mega Bundle right now.

This particular one is not. It's from a while ago.

9 years ago

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I already got Cities in Motion 2 from that bundle. I was curious where to get the first title. Thanks! :D

9 years ago

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Here, in this giveaway. Or on Barter.VG

9 years ago

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Never really understood how works. The whole interface does not seem friendly :/

9 years ago

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It takes a bit to get set up. But once you do, it's great for filling out bundle games you missed.

The way it works is you add the list of games you have available for trade. You sync your profile and it imports your wishlist. You can then manually add and remove things from the wishlist, and and and remove tradables.
Once you've got a list of your availables and a list of your wants, you can run Match on your Wishlist. That will show you the other users who both have something you want, and want something you have. You can Propose a trade, selecting things on your list and things on their list to add to the trade, then adjust quantities, like Any 2 of mine for 1 of yours, etc. and put an expiration timer on the trade. Then they can Accept the Offer or Reject the offer, or they can Counter with a different offer of their own. Almost all the time people will accept bundle game for bundle game trades with no problem. Other stuff you can negotiate on.

I would recommend trying it. See here 3 people have Cities in Motion available for trade.
See my profile for an example of Tradables and Wishlist, with priorities and additional properties filled out.

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

9 years ago

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Thank you very much. I'm looking forward to play this one, last city game I played was SimCity 2000 :-D (but I love Civilization games - all of them, except Civ III). And I tried few "tycoons" in the '90... Thanks.

9 years ago

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I spent way too much time in the SimCity 2000 building editor. But man did my city have some sweet restaurants.

9 years ago

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Cool! I'm too lazy for editors and just play the games. But to build a city and then let some monster devastate it so I can help my poor citizens was fun. And as the new nvidia drivers (361) broke Civ V in Linux, I'll play CiM :-) (but, omg, 13 DLCs? - my poor wallet). Thank you again, I'll mark it as received as soon as I get it.

9 years ago

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