
I have 3 keys on different giveaways for you:

Orwell keeping an eye on you

I hope you like them... (that are not my type of Games I wanna play)

I have a question for real: why does so many want this game, what is so interesting about it?
I mean how is your kind of view? Why do you want this game?
That would be interesting to know (sorry I'm not english main XD)

5 years ago

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I like sports games in general, and I've never tried a cricket game. My friend is a huge fan of cricket, and he's taught me a little bit about it. So I'm interested in trying this one.

I suspect the answer for a lot of people is "I didn't even check the title of the game, I just want to add +1 to my library." :)

5 years ago

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hhh ok nice to know... I wish you good luck XD

5 years ago

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I have hundreds of hours on games in this series; it’s quite addictive for people who like sports management, and it’s pretty much the only option for cricket fans.

I imagine a fair portion of the entries are just people who want +1s to their account, but hopefully it’ll go to someone who will actually play it.

5 years ago

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O ... ok nice...
I hope that you win that game next time^^

5 years ago

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I love sports management games, regardless of the sport.

Hell, I love all management games, regardless of the topic.

5 years ago

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That's a sentence of a true gamer thank you XD
I wish you more luck next time ^^

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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5 years ago

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