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-15 points
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Thanks Melly !
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Thank you Melly!
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aaaa <3
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but, but, but, the DLC . . .
is what they say
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I play the non-HD version... Due to DLCs~!!!! D:
But it's still a good game without them, I just want them >:3
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Thanks :)
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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.
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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.
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A lot of hours on this game when I was young!
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I forgot how much I loved this =)
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thanks ;3
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Thank you!!
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Have to buy myself finally classic Heroes finally. Tool then... :> Maybe they add possibility of using community add-ons one day?
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Thank you for the chance:) Have a nice day Melly:)
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This game, crappy?
out of here to reconsider life values
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Many thanks!
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I'm going to thank you for this & take it back if I win because the HoMM series stole at least 5000 hours from my 'social life'. :D
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Thanks a lot!
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I've sunk hundreds of hours in the non-HD version, not going back to this though, so not entering, although it was an incredible game, probably the best of the whole series at one point.
Don't exactly know the extent of the complaints in the reviews regarding the DLCs, do you know what the fuss is about?
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it's not included basically
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Oh, that's sad... and not that i would adhere to it, but is it even possible to get them aside?
Or since it's an HD version, the DLCs have not been re-made and are not compatible?
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Source code was lost it seems. So won't get there most likely.
The original complete ver also has an HD-mod apparently, but I don't know more details.
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Thanks for the info. :)
It's sad though, it was probably my favorite of the whole series, played it quite a bit in LAN with friends...
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I played it recently with a friend against AI, but despite easy difficulty we didn't stand a chance. And the biggest issue I haven't noticed any way to improve (we usually also play on higher difficulty levels on other games)
Somehow I kind of also didn't get why so many people praise it that much either. Without having played it back in the days, all I see is recruit troops, walk around, occasional fight (lose whole army ^^ ) and repeat. I kind of think I'm missing something.
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You mean in the non-HD version?
Dunno if they changed anything in terms of AI in the HD version, so...
Well, HoMM was kind of a unique take on TBS back when Heroes1 was launched, i played it since the very first and i liked the many different combos you could use in combat and how you had to struggle with perfecting resource management at higher difficulty levels.
One of the most interesting aspects of it was precisely the fact that it had a high learning curve. It was easy to play, but hard to master.
Can't possibly tell you what you're doing wrong, too many sequels, i can't even remember which is which in terms of units and combos, but from what i can remember (unless my memory is that faulty), you're definitely missing something if you're losing against AI in easy. ;)
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Yea original no.3. AI ended up with higher unit numbers and smashed everything. Do you know how well battle auto-resolve fights? Doing it manually didn't seem much better and it takes way too much time while the other player has to wait. I guess there might be some tweaking possible, but would need to know all units and stuff. Especially I could never tell whether an enemy army has more units than mine before engaging.
Maybe I need to start with the campaign first, but even the most complicated strategy/4x titles we got mastered by just playing them.
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Battle resolve is always sub-optimal. Always. That i can assure you without a doubt.
I would only ever use it if the numbers in my own army were so damn high that i could crush the other one.
And even then, you'd probably lose units, because AI is dumb and makes unecessary moves, making you lose units where if you took control you wouldn't lose a single guy. After knowing how to take advantage of choke points, knowing that ranged units are always gonna turn the tide for you if you have high enough numbers of them, as it's essentially free hits until the melee units of the enemy reach yours... knowing you should block your ranged units from enemy ranged units with either your toughest or most expendable melee units, etc...
Knowing all units and spells also goes a long way, there are combos that can simply turn the tide of one battle completely.
For instance, the wombo combo in HoMM2, was Black Dragons + Armageddon.
Black Dragons were immune to any spell, so you'd pack nothing except a few Black Dragons, then Armageddon would hit everything on the map. Literally everything. Well, except the one thing that couldn't be hit... Black Dragons.
It was the OP combo that would kinda take away the fun once you figured it out. Almost an exploit even.
There was another massive exploit on HoMM2, ghosts. You couldn't recruit/train ghosts, but in HoMM2 if you had like 30 ghosts and they killed 10 whatevers, your ghosts would become 40 ghosts... permanently. As in, even after the battle was over.
But... ghosts were neutral camps on the map, so only way to get them was atacking a camp of them when you had such a massive army that... they would offer to join your ranks. Then it was pretty much a matter of growing your ghosts by hitting on little camps just to earn more ghosts and it was just brutal once you got to a certain number, as basically having 1k ghosts beats everything. :P
Ofc, this doesn't help you one bit, because that was Heroes 2... and despite knowing that i enjoyed 3 the most - because it was way more balanced - i must have sunk more hours in Heroes 2 than in any other of the franchise and these were 2 massive combos/exploits you could use.
There are still (i'm sure) a ton of things you can do in HoMM3, you just have to figure it out through sheer experience.
By playing and learning. But that was always a good thing for me, i like games with a learning curve, that don't spoon-feed you all the combos, especially the most powerful ones that you figure out all by yourself.
As for knowing the army's numbers, i think (again, could be mistakenly talking about another sequel) there's a hero skill (scouting i believe) that the further you evolve it the most apt it becomes at telling you enemy army's numbers. Unless you have that it's a rough estimate, but it's always confined to certain boundaries. as in Few < Pack < Lots < Horde and all of that confined to min and max numbers, just don't ask me the specifics as it's been way too long. :P
Hope that helps, i know it's not a lot, but haven't played it in ages. :)
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ok that was it then ^^
Nowadays the simultaneous turn modes spoil us too much ;-) so waiting for each player to finish takes soo long.
Need indeed then to play in small steps learning all the units, Thanks for the extensive reply
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Np, hope i didn't bore you to death. ^.^
Btw, as for waiting for each player to finish, i think you should have an option in combat mode to increase the speed at which the AI moves/plays. Still quite a bit of "boring time" you can cut with that. ;)
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you've put in way more effort into answering, than can be expected. I appreciate that ^^
Let's see who wins this to give it another try ;-)
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