

Hanams: A Kurdish, Mediterranean restaurant right at the steps of the Edinburgh castle (well, kind of, almost :p). Other than the delicious, fresh food they serve, I like this restaurant because it reminds me of how small the world is and how almost anything is possible ♥

Picture: Edinburgh Castle. The entrance fee is a little steep if I compare it to museums that offer a little more activity. But it is a castle and the exhibits are interesting. My favorite area are the prison cells where they kept prisoners cause you get to walk into them and feel how small they really are.

totally possible to drive in a day to..

I have to add something about this game because of how much I love it. I think the game is very original in its premise and the story isn't half bad either. I mean, who would have thought to make a game based on stacking dolls? Yes, there are complaints of un-skippable cut scenes but they don't feel too long that it breaks my mood to continue playing the game. I'm taking my time with it so far and I really want to finish if I can just get off Guild Wars long enough..

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GW, eh? :P I finished Stacking, and I liked it too. It's a simple, but nice game. :)

9 years ago

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ahahah you know how much I spend on there! XD

9 years ago

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mhmm... :P

9 years ago

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you are good man

9 years ago

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GW 1 or 2? I played GW 1 with my fiance exclusively as a duo thing. Never talked to or played with anyone else in the game. GW 2 we played with a lot more people... people being less avoidable in GW2. Enjoyed both ^^

I own this game but have yet to play it. Double Fine does make some unique games. Psychonauts was really great. It's a shame that they've some what ruined their public image with Broken Age and Spacebase-DF.

9 years ago

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GW2! They sucked me in again with their expansion @_@
My boyfriend played GW1 but I never heard of GW til 2 came out and it's been 3-4 years of playing it on and off now ahahah

yeah? I was thinking of getting Broken Age. The premise is cool but I was waiting for a sale.. but if it is bad.. sigh

9 years ago

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Well, I've never played either Broken Age nor Spacebase-DF. I still hope to own them and play them one day. I just mention them because when Double Fine opened the crowd funding for Psychonauts 2, a lot of people jumped on the hate wagon and called them out for BA and S-DF. Apparently, BA's first half was great and then the second half greatly disappointed the crowds. S-DF was just abandoned. Not sure if BA is classified as a bad game. It just seems like a lot of people didn't get what they were expecting and gave negative reviews. I, personally, will probably still buy it at some point to experience it myself!

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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right?? It is really fun and I'm almost done with the third part, just the expansion to go after that~

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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