Didn't want the Amazon credit to go to waste - and didn't want to bankrupt myself in the process.
Question. I'm running out of games I personally want to play or install despite (because of?) a gigantic backlog. What should I do? Quit video games for a while? Find another hobby? If so, which hobby do you recommend?
Question solved. My thanks to those of you who responded.
8 Comments - Last post 44 seconds ago by Chris76de
318 Comments - Last post 55 minutes ago by adam1224
8 Comments - Last post 4 hours ago by lostsoul67
47,318 Comments - Last post 6 hours ago by misterhaan
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371 Comments - Last post 13 hours ago by LhorXhor
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988 Comments - Last post 32 minutes ago by ngoclong19
72 Comments - Last post 34 minutes ago by Deleted2137
375 Comments - Last post 57 minutes ago by lav29
8,483 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by Xerxas
thanks =)
I don't think you should find another hobby, if you want to play, play - if you want to watch a movie or do something else just do it ;)
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tennis is a very fun sport just saying
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I'm terrible at tennis. Hand-eye-legwork coordination failure regardless of how many times I play.
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Already got it, but thanks for the hidden giveaway :) Yeah, hobbies like this don't need to be explicitly given up or followed, just do what you feel like doing and you'll end up gaming again when the time's right.
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Personally, I feel like taking a break from video games is healthy. And when you do want to play games, then you can return to it with as much enthusiasm and excitement as when you were a kid and received a new game (at least for me) Game when you want to game, do something else when you want to do that. Usually after I finish a game, there's a lull where I'm not entirely sure what I want to play next, and then it takes a while before I find the next game that really draws me in.
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I am the line. Also rowing is cool.
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Congratulations to whoever wins this. Be sure to watch Apocalypse Now first, there are a ton of references.
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Buy aquarium, go sports, maybe some cinema, but what is very good is going to see some people :)
Oh wait, isn't this good advice for us all? Take a break and simply go out?
Yes, and that's why we entering this giveaway to have perhaps have more reason to stay at home :)
Thanks wotgamer
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I plan on going to the cinema in a few days to see the Hobbit (it had a Boxing Day premiere here and I hate queues). Will be enjoyable, besides the whole ordeal of sitting for two and a half hours straight.
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Thanks :D
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I suggest playing (beach) volleyball
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Try this one
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It says CoH, which exceeds my entire monthly bandwidth cap. I do want to play it, but I'll probably have to download it at the end of this month so I won't be stuck with dialup speeds.
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Well, keep tying until you get something. I use this when I cannot decide and I will do what it says, outside of the rare exception of games I own but do not like.
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Learn to play chess. Get a copy of the Chessmaster Series. It's great for beginners, especially if you use the Josh Waitzkin tutorial.
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Invaluable advice for someone who cannot play chess at all. I'll be checking them in my downtime. Thanks!
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Take a break, have some fruit. Maybe you'll find a game you'd like to play after some time.
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Ate papaya yesterday, eating watermelon right now!
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Thank you :)
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Play all day! No sleep! :D
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I can last 30-something odd hours without sleeping, but that was when playing MMOs and chatting with friends. I don't have any MMOs now that I'm interested in playing >.< how 'bout you?
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I agree, take a little break. Watch some movies or catch up on some shows, something else perhaps. Then return when you see something that peaks your interest and you may enjoy it more that way. I've done it before, used to always play MP games but got bored took a break. Later figured I would play some single player games I missed out on and got hooked once again. Also I've heard good things about this games story. Thanks for the chance
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Feeling's mutual bro :) I probably forgot to pass on a happy new year. Have at a belated one.
I think I'll return to single player once multiplayer with friends wind down a bit. Got a tad sick of playing for the sake of playing with friends (a certain someone needs to finish Trine 2 with me; we've been completing it at a glacial rate). After the disastrous shipwreck that is GW2 I'm scared of touching new MMOs now.
Any extraneous and deeply involving hobbies you'd like to recommend outside gaming? I'll probably return to emulating a bit (all these PS1/2 games) too.
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Thanks a lot!
Simply choose something by random (use the website posted above) and start playing for a bit. Either you will like the game and everything is perfect or you'll find out it isn't to your taste and you can discard it from your games list. Just don't stop playing at all. :P
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Thanks :) I'd just try and start playing something, if you enjoy it carry on and if you don't just stop. No point playing something unless you're having fun but at the same time you don't always know you're going to like something until you have that push to try.
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Thanks. Already have the game though %) Nice move with pastebin and nice choice of the game. Spec Ops The Line was one of the best 2012 gaming experiences for me.
As of the hobby: chainsaw juggling seems nice.
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I don't even have a chainsaw in my garage, but it sure sounds nice enough.
Thanks for the feedback :) the puzzle was a rush job. Glad you liked it.
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Thank you very much! :D It was a lot of fun finding this.
As for what you could do, why not look into playing some of your smaller indie games? There are a lot of them in your games list that you haven't touched. Gish, Crayon Physics Deluxe, and Braid are hella fun! :<
Or you could always take a break from gaming until something sounds really good. That's what I've had to do a few times.
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I played a bit of Gish and hated the physics. Not sure why but the gameplay just didn't stick very well with me.
I played Braid before I owned a Steam account - probably around the time when HIB2 came out? At least a year ago. It's still installed on my Mac partition, but I haven't managed to pass World 4? I flunked a lot of the puzzles and had friends help me out on some until I realized I probably didn't have the right mindset.
Crayon Physics Deluxe is now in my backlog, thanks for the recc!
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Oh, okay. I see! :)
I hope you enjoy CPD! It's a fun puzzler. I love how many different ways you have to complete each level.
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The puzzle was short but nice.
Thanks for the giveaway. The game looks interesting.
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The game is very interesting indeed (shame I can't run it on my current rig, but I might triple dip on a X360 copy if it drops in price).
If you happen to finish this game anytime in the future, or are simply interested in the themes this game delves into, I suggest reading this analysis. It eloquently explains why Spec Ops: The Line was so popular despite middling gameplay.
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Thank you very much for the giveaway
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Thank you! And about games: have you tried changing genre for a while?
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I play a variety of genres (besides ones I'm terrible at; see strategy, shooters (the arcade top-down/side-scrolling kind) and hardcore puzzlers). Been avoiding platforming too since my skills have deteriorated over the years. As a kid I was a lot more forgiving towards trial and error/muscle memorization gameplay. I'm sure you can relate to that, haha.
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Then how about replaying classics you have memories about from your childhood?
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Emulation is a god's gift to gamers everywhere. I don't even know where my old CDs are though, which is why a friend bought me (again) SimCity 4. Struggling with deviating from my old habits to make new city plans, but it's still fun.
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Have it but thanks!
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Thanks (:
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