
Garden Zone

Strange… It’s just an unkempt garden full of ferns, lichens and trees… Really strange...

You start to feel dizzy and hear a voice in your left ear. A little bit louder than before:
Girl Voice: "...yes... come over here…"
You: "Who… who are you? Am I going crazy?"
Girl Voice: "… no… turn left and relax…"
You: "What..? I can’t hear you!"
Girl Voice: "… left… relax…"

There is a shed in front of you. You walk towards it and try to open the door.
It’s locked.

You look back, your intuition tells you that the key must be somewhere nearby... Close, up north! But... how.. why..?

You are confused. What should you do now?

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thank you very much :)

8 years ago

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I came here because I saw some flowers!

8 years ago

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I suck at making right choices....

8 years ago

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Ahh another link to bruteforce that I'm too afraid to risk for an IP ban... D: And I can't find the keys/clues hehe..

EDIT; Okay for this one, I found the key lol!!

8 years ago

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I'm glad :)

8 years ago

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