
If you're here, you either:

  1. Understand that even if something seems to only be Pointless, you sometimes need follow through on it in the pursuit of greater gain
  2. Are a refined connoisseur issuer of art, lauded above all others.

So, to the geniuses and the maestros:
Congratulations on being Undefeated!

And to the first group- if you end up not caring for traditional JRPGs, even one highly thought of such as this one (or if you already own it), then..
I guess it really was pointless after all! =O

PS: Thank you for taking the time to play along with me, be it with my puzzle or my request for comments. :)

Nothing's ever pointless :-)

8 years ago

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You're right- I was trying to fit the phrasing to the game, but it was giving a misleading impression.
How's it look now? :)

8 years ago

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I'm inviting everyone from that puzzle to the Holiday Hugs group now.. but you're already in it for one of the other two inclusion reasons.

It's like you're intentionally trying to stick to the puzzle concept. :P

7 years ago

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Hahaha it does fit well indeed! :-D

7 years ago

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Thanks, i'm glad that my GIF bring you positive thoughts :)

8 years ago

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Thanks for the invite ! I will pass though, I have a hard time getting into RPG Maker games

also I recommend not using that method to share private giveaways, or at the very least deleting the comment once you know it's been seen by the person, it's hard to consider this leaked if someone is snooping around

8 years ago

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It's like SG staff has one set of rules that are deeply intuitive, and another set that aren't. I never can figure out what you all will do, without asking, and often it never occurs to me something needs to be asked about.. :X

8 years ago

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Thanks for your invite =)

8 years ago

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I can't believe I made the list! Thank you for the invite! :3

8 years ago

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So-- FYI I was able to see the URL without joining the group.
Thank you for the invite and for the event. I'm not a JPRG or RPGMaker person, so I'll leave this for those who are! =)

8 years ago

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Best I can tell you is it's a steam glitch, I've checked the permissions repeatedly, they're set right :/
Have you left the group again? Perhaps you could see if it's still doing that :X

8 years ago

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Not sure if this works well enough for confirmation or not, but I checked after signing out of Steam, it shows 'No forum available' when not signed in. So I'd say it's most likely set correctly.

8 years ago

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Thanks for the test :)

8 years ago

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Thanks for the invite Sooth :) Didn't expect that.

8 years ago

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You appear to be passing over my Steam friend requests? :P

8 years ago

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Hi Sooth, glad you replied. I was starting to get worried. I did accept your friend request when you first sent it and you're on my friends list. You should be able to see me as "Lord of Beards". Thanks.

8 years ago*

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Oop, searched for 'combat' today. Did search for 'beard' the previous days, though, so not sure if that was just Steam acting up, or what =O
Well, you're on there now, at least. Gimmie just a sec.. :)

8 years ago

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All good now :) Thanks for fixing us up with the gift Sooth.

8 years ago

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Sorry about the delay/mix-up =O
Hope you enjoy it :D

8 years ago

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Ah! Thank you! I wondered what that was all about. :D

8 years ago

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Let me know if you plan on entering or not, I'm still inviting more people from the thread based on who doesn't seem interested. :)

I'll be honest- your image was probably my favorite from both threads =O
But heavenhairsixes not only offered a fancy rainbow unicorn, but she made it herself. :X
Some things just win by default.. :X

But omigosh, marshmallow fluff. So adorbs =O

8 years ago

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:D thanks!

I would love to enter, but, alas... I cannot...

.... because I already own it. :D

Not pointless, though, because I made you smile. :)

8 years ago

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So what you're saying're currently undefeated in your ability to show off your JRPG collection? And that I am NOT undefeated in my attempt to provide you with a compelling prize?

Very well, I shall let you have this victory- but only this one! Next time I'll triumph for sure! >:O

8 years ago

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So it wasn't as pointless as it seemed at first :)
aside from the fact that it always is fun to find hidden giveaways

8 years ago

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