
I see many 'Mass Effect 2' giveaways, so here is 'Mass Effect'. Do you have a favorite among the three games? Why do you like it? I have not played the last game myself, so no spoilers please.

Good luck to everyone!

Type: Steam gift. I will temporarily add you as a friend on Steam in order to send it, so please accept my invite.

Thank you :D

9 years ago

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Haven't played any of them yet, and I own the second one because of Origin Bundle 2. I won't play it until I have the first one :P

9 years ago

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Good call. Best of luck then and if you don't win, it is currently on sale, as you can see, so it is very affordable if you really want it. :)

9 years ago

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Thanks! And yes, it's affordable, problem is that in my country we are having a bad time right now (happens from time to time). I have a store and work has fallen down a lot. But it won't matter, I'll probably be able to buy it in the future if I don't win it :D

9 years ago

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I feel you. I should not be spending money on giveaway games myself, but since I cannot afford most games I want without hard saving, this at least gives me a chance to win some as I climb up the levels. I spend a tiny amount on these and save the rest to buy games. And it gives me something to do, I meet new folks, have fun and make others happy, so it's a good investment. :)

9 years ago

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Same here~!

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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thanks!!! :D

9 years ago

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Thank you! I remember the first being my favorite on 360. Can't recall why.

9 years ago

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I personally liked the second one a bit more. Perhaps because I got deeper into the story. Borrowed it from a friend. It would be nice to own them one day, but it is not a priority franchise for me. Still, it was gooood where I left off.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Thank you!

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Thanks for giving us a chance

9 years ago

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Thanks, I personally found 2 > 3 > 1 to be my order of enjoyment that said 1 does have some memories. I didn't enjoy the inventory management in it though but I imagine I could mod that on PC.

Played 2 and 3 on PC, never touched 1 (yet) - but played 1 on 360.

9 years ago

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I haven't played any of these games, but they look fantastic. I've heard so many good things.

9 years ago

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They're great games. I played 1 and 2 on PC from a friend. I don't remember much, but I remember how impressed I was and how much I enjoyed them at the time. :)

9 years ago

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omg go play ME3! Thinking about the story, ME3 is the worst cause the endings could be better, but it got the best action of all 3. And the ME3 multiplayer is just AWESOME!

9 years ago

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I would want to, at some point, but I am so pissed at systems like Origin and Uplay, that I am kind of rebelling against them. I do not want to support this splitting up of gaming. I am already annoyed with console wars and exclusivity and such. One day though. I might give in. But not yet.

9 years ago

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Hey, thanks for the giveaway!

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Thank you. I've been wanting to play these but I don't have the first one. No idea why they wouldnt include it in the HB

9 years ago

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It was quite odd, yes. I mean, obviously many people don't play games in order and some might already own some of the franchise, but just toss in the one before, at least. It's not that expensive for a bundle either.

9 years ago

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IMO the 1st one its the best in overall
The 2nd they change it too much, it actually feels like a 3rd person shooter and leave the RPG elements way to simplify
The 3rd was more cinematic and a good game, its worth playing, but still didnt capture the 1st gameΒ΄s enchanment. This is just my opinion. You should play all the games and decide for your self i guess. Good luck to all and thanks for the chance

9 years ago

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Yep, it really depends on each player. I was just curious to see how many played which games and what other folks expect from or like in their games. It's always interesting to hear other points of view. :) Good luck!

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Thanks, I don't have a favorite yet, I haven't played any of them :)

9 years ago

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You're just the type who needs to win such a giveaway the most then. Good luck and I hope you get to play them eventually. ^_^

9 years ago

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Haven't played any of them, might as well win this and start with the first one :P

9 years ago

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Another "pure" one. Best of luck then. ;)

9 years ago

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Cheers Orions! :) Have to say I love the first one best, as far as story goes. In saying that though, there's a lot of changes they brought in to two and three which would have been nice to have had earlier :)

9 years ago

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The magic of first titles is hard to recapture, yes. Even when sequels are great, something is always missing. I personally got more involved into the story the deeper it got, so 2 kind of engaged me more. But then it wouldn't have if not for 1.

9 years ago

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Thanks! My boyfriend got me the ME trilogy for xbox 360 ages ago, I played a few hours of the first one, then I moved and spent a year in another city, I took the games with me... but I forgot the first disc, I left it in my xbox at home. So I couldn't play any more coz I didn't want to start ME2 without finishing the first one. Then while I was away my xbox got stolen. So I guess if I try to get them on PC I'll always have them in my account haha.

So yeah, I've only played a bit of the first one but my boyfriend reckons the 2nd and 3rd ones are much better.

9 years ago

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That sounds like quite the adventure. I am very sorry you lost your game and console. But hey, you have a great boyfriend and you'll get to play the games eventually anyway. ;) Good luck!

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Well, the second one (ME2) is my favourite, imo a hell better plot than the first one. Also better skills, weapon and weapon upgrade system and of course DLCs like Lair of the Shadow Broker (my favourite) and Overlord. ME3 is also one of my favourite games, great plot and not sure if there's better weapon, skills and weapon upgrade system than in ME2, but the ending is terrible (no spoiler, everybody knows, that BioWare fucked up ending in ME3) and there are also amazing DLCs like Citadel (I had to stop playing to catch the breath because i laughed so hard playing it :D). And all of the characters in ME2 and ME3 are awesome, or I should say, most of them :P
Anyway mate, you HAD to play ME3 with all DLC (and ME2 with all DLC if u didn't finished the DLCs).
And thanks for ga :)

9 years ago

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Thanks for your opinion and all the information. I do know that BioWare messed up royally, yes. Just not the spoilery details. It's a shame, given how many years people played the games and how involved everyone was. I might get to play the third one some day and see how it compares to the other two.

9 years ago

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Agreed. I really recommend to play ME3 :)
I'm playing it now for the third time. I'm returning to the trillogy from time to time, these games are great and one of my favourites.
Have fun playing :)

9 years ago

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Thank you. You too! ^_^

9 years ago

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