

Enter this GA if you "really want to play this game", because I will be sad (and you will get extra blacklist from me.. maybe) if you just activate the game and
Just end up idle this game on your library to get the cards.

It is Christmas Gift from Me ( ・ω・)ノ

Any Anime related image/gif comments appreciated :>
Maybe related with Christmas or Snow one better?

The winner will be added on steam
Spread the Moe and ♡ Anime

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woow thanks a lot my friend

8 years ago

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np, I just hope the winner later will enjoy this game (o・∀・) and not just let it idle~

8 years ago

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well i always look for this game.. if i get this game, ill play this till my pc blown up.. lol

8 years ago

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Ehh... but your pc will become like this later (゜д゜??)

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8 years ago

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lol i guess its fine for me

8 years ago

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from wishlist, so definitely enjoy playing it !!! thanks for the chance

8 years ago

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That's good then. Good luck (o・∀・) ♪

8 years ago*

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thankyou xD

8 years ago

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Definitely going to play if I won this one

8 years ago

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Was on my wishlist too.

8 years ago

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I won't play it until a couple of months if I win, is that fine? If not, i'll just remove my entry.

8 years ago

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I think that's still fine. As long you like JRPG and really will play it later
Ppl are busy with their life anyway :>

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8 years ago

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Thanks a lot! I will definitely eventually play the game since i was thinking of buying it during the last sale but changed my mind when i looked at the amount of DLCs. I'll have to wait until the next sale that has good discounts on the DLCs before i can play it. Or i might just play it if it's taking too many sales before there is a good discount on the DLCs just to make you happy. XD

8 years ago

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lol but you can still win this game without DLC (・ω・`)
Good luck anyway~

8 years ago

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Sweet a wishlist JRPG game :P

8 years ago

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I only enter GAs for games that I really want to play, this included. Thank you so much for the chance! (:

8 years ago

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More chance to win then?
I'll definitely play it, I love jrpg.. Even though I kinda don't like grinding lv

I know most of the people that come here for the boob- *slapped
I mean "moe" jprg xD

I played Neptunia once.. Interesting but it's kinda too grinding-ish?
Hope this is not really

Merry christmas, thank you for the chance :3
*with much love & won't let you go hug

What kind of gif you want?

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8 years ago

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Err..this one not too much different from Neptunia. But at least it have good story I heard Σ(`-ω-‘)
Well this one may also need grinding

Any gif related to anime always welcome xD

8 years ago*

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nice giveaway, im surely gonna play it. thanks for the chance :D

8 years ago

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Thank you very much, I already have it, still want to thank you for it.
this is AAA JRPG.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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OMG, definitely going to down and play if I won this one
thanks for chance

8 years ago

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but... but... I have works...

nah, forget it
I'll play this game instead.

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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hands down zetsabre, I want to play this.

8 years ago

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Check". keep getting error when adding you as friend (is my friend request already there?), If not please add me..

8 years ago

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No, there is no friend request. Hmm, this is weird.
Btw, I'll add you.

thanks for the game zetsabre, gonna play it soon

8 years ago*

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Awesome giveaways there !
I won't be entering though. still half-way going through my winnings.

Goodluck to everyone !

I hope you enjoy your holidays !
Remember, always smiling

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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JRPG games for christmas ~

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8 years ago

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NFSH (Not safe for health )

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8 years ago

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Thank you

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8 years ago

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Gratz for finding this GA. Good luck ( ・ω・)ノ

8 years ago

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Moe Moe Kyuuuuuuuuuuuuun~<3

Already have this game, just jumped in to post random comment :3

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Just hoping my laptop is strong enough to handle it.

Otherwise it might stay unplayed for months.

Even though it's been on my wishlist since its release date. (´;Д;`)

8 years ago

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Go get a better laptop >.<

Good luck anyway :>

8 years ago

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Would you like to donate to IllusioneTempus funds to help me get a new laptop?

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8 years ago

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Here is your new laptop

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8 years ago

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