
Garden Zone

You are just about to enter the forest but stop. Hesitation is filling you.
"Should I really be doing this?" -- you question yourself.

Boy's Voice: "...because you know there is a treasure here... you want it, just like any other, who passes by..."

"Who are you? What do you want from me!?"

No answer. Anything would be better than being embodied by this creepy silence of the night.
You have gotten slightly more interest in this 'tresure', but… where could it be hidden? Will this voice be of help?
"Hello!?" -- you shout sarcastically.
Again only silence.

What would you do now?

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Thank you very much Lightning :D I enjoyed the read as well and can't wait to play this story!!

8 years ago

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You're welcome! Glad to hear that!

8 years ago

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