
You tie off the bags wih twine.

There! Now anyone who wants to peek inside has to really want it!

Well, it’s still not that hard to peek inside, actually. It’s just twine.

You double-knot the twine, but it doesn’t make that much of a difference.

You have 1 turn (s) remaining.

Act casual

Jump out the window to escape

Eat stew

thanks. BTW you should play FRP, you will be a great (cruel) DM

9 years ago

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DM is dead, come on. And still, what is FRP, for God's sake? Final Resting Place, Fiber-Reinforced Polymer, Functional Reactive Programming? Stop talking reductions!

9 years ago

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Fantasy role playing :( Like D&D (dungeons and dragons) the game you play with dices (d20,10,8...) and lots of papers

9 years ago

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Yeah, I caught a cold and don't really function well both physically and mentally , pardon my noteasilyfiguringwhatsomeXXXmean'ish thingy. And I know what is Role Playing, you didn't need to explain it that carefully like I'm dude from 2000 years ago. Anyway, yeah, lots of papers, sigh.

9 years ago

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get well soon!

9 years ago

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Thanks a lot =) And get well soon

9 years ago

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