
Garden Zone

You slowly walk towards the robed man and call out to him. He doesn’t respond to you. You close in on the distance, the leaves under your feet make a rustling sound. Thirty metres, twenty metres, ten, five, one… ‘Hello… Hello…? There’s something strange happening here, please help me!’ You touch his shoulder, it feels stone-cold.
Darn it! I thought it was a real man! As you stand face to face with the statue, you hear laughter.
This time it wasn’t children’s laughter...
It was something more sinister! Dark, fiendish, demonic perhaps, you haven’t heard anything similar before…
Just then, you hear a child calling out for help.
Distant boy's voice: "...Help me... help me... please... help me..!"

What should you do now?

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8 years ago

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this looks greatly interesting, thank you a lot!

8 years ago

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thanks :>

8 years ago

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This looks really scary, thanks!

8 years ago

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nice thx

8 years ago

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I would investigate the bushes in an instant IF it was a girl voice but I guess I have to do it for that boy..

EDIT: fkme

8 years ago

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Thank you! :)

8 years ago

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Nice giveaway Mallorn! Thank you! :)

8 years ago

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kafka is that you

8 years ago

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thank you ^^

8 years ago

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no you help me!

8 years ago

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Thank you sir!

8 years ago

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I won the Game, Thank you very much. :3

8 years ago

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Hope u like it

8 years ago

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