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263 Comments - Last post 2 hours ago by Adamdoodles
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126 Comments - Last post 10 hours ago by Superefg
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82 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by RePlayBe
How Q5 from part 1 should be formated? I have all other answers, but I can't get this one even when it's extremely easy to find.
It's like x : x or just xxxx format (so without decimals)?
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xxxx is fine. Just make it a rough estimate.
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I have the answer on this straight from wikipedia, even deleted all the decimals to just have the rough number, but it's still not accepted as a XXXX that you suggested...
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I do not know the number given on wikipedia, I took the one, I was taught in my particle physics lecture. My guess would be your number is not rough enough. Just round some more.
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Well all of google not just wikipedia, agrees on the same 4 digit number. So clearly it should be accepted??? !! ?
I also tried rounding it up and down, but in vain. I don't get it. Is there anything else you would need in regards to format on this answer?
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Found it. I can't believe you expected such a big "rounding". lol. Even in non-math/physics situations, such a big rounding practically equals to false science. :P In your place I would have corrected this to its exact value without the decimals.
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Nope, will not change it. "My" value is the one you learn in lectures. And it is sufficient for most approximations. If you are doing real science, you'll either work with code that uses exact values or use just variables.
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Well I only suggested it for an extra correct answer to make the lives of next solvers somewhat easier. Of course it's always in your hand what to do. xD
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I just calculated it and my value is also not accepted.
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I'm irritated by the formulation of question 8. Is it the time between the first postulation and the first discovered particle or the first postulation and the last discovered particle? Is the answer a word or only a number? It is the last missing question.
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You have to take a look at each of the concerned particles. Calculate the time between the theoretical postulation and the experimental discovery for each one. Give the full number of years for the case it took the longest time.
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Okay, I will look if i find the correct numbers then. Thanks
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In case of further questions: I will be asleep soon and it might be that I will only find time to answer next in 20 or so hours.
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No, I solved the first ITH. Have to take a look at the next one. This will need some time.
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Hm, I have an unrealistic result for question 1 .... other than that I think there are missing some formatting helps and units for question three and four. So I will try tomorrow again.
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Q3/4 have very short and simple answers. I updated Q4 to account for units used in high energy physics.
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Okay, I got Q3 and Q4 but it makes me wonder if I use the correct equations. Actually, I'm convinced that I use the wrong ones. All that is left now is Q1. But without correct equation this seems hopeless. May I assume for Q1 that the answer makes sense in correlation to the limitations present in reality?
EDIT: I found the correct way in some homework pdf. I know why I was never too fond of physics but yay ^^
EDIT 2: I know it is supposed to be hard but any hint on atleast the amount of words needed in the answer. I have a hunch for the direction but the field is still terribly large to randomly guess.
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If hard is too much, feel free to add me on Steam and explain your train of thought. Ich werde warm/kalt sagen.
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Hm, your profile does not tell me if you are german -_- . A "train" of thought is a bit much. I just think i got the general direction. Although a confirmation if the direction is wrong might help a tiny bit. You prefer Steam or we can use an old giveaway of yours?
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Old GAs are fine too.
Bin beim Steam Profil eigen.
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What do you mean by "rough estimate"? Rounded to what number?
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Can we please add some guidance on the structure of answers.
Q7 Full name? Just last name? Spaces, commas, etc.
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I am not sure you read the question the way I wanted all of you to read it. Please read it again and if there is still a problem, feel free to add me on Steam.
If you solve it and think I should phrase it in another way, feel free to indicate so in the next GA. I am not a native speaker.
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You've asked two questions, but only need the answer to the second.
Suggest changing from "Who theorized this particle first? Name the city of birth of that physicist."
To: "Name the city of birth of the physicist who first theorized this particle"
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Will do. For me the first question was just a nudge to set you on the right path.
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Understand now, but because it was a question, I was trying to answer it, hence running into issues. The rewording makes it clear as to the answer you're after while still nudging in the right direction.
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Thought for sure had right answer for 6!!
Not working...
can't get 8 and 10... all the rest got them..
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Finally got 6 and 10... now just left with Q8
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Stuck on Q5 and 8 ... 5 is super easy but yet does not work at all. It's like a bug.
Q8 is infinitely frustrating due to how it's worded...
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I expanded Q8.
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Still trouble with Q8. :/
I can't say the hint helped me since I was already looking at particles and each one of them in terms of timeline, discovery and history...
To be honest there's too many sub-particles in each type, so I'm not 100% sure that I got the 6 wanted particles right...
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Now I am not sure which sub-particles you are talking about. Feel free to add me on Steam to get a nudge in the right direction.
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How can I get 7 right and 6 not? .-. And I'm also pretty sure about its answer.
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Maybe your answer is not specific enough. Keep in mind there are 3 families of the wanted thing.
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Just because I'm stuck there too: Q8 is a number? A natural number, right?
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Yes & yes.
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Stuck in Q8 too...
I guess that it refers to Atom, but even that have different timelines depends of source...
Some additional hint?
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It is not the atom. Try to find out what partivles protons and neutrons are made of.
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Finally! Thank you very much!
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I can't even get the charges right, apparently my physics professor is wrong or I'm just confused on how to write them. Every question right but them.
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Edit: Got it, Thought you had to include the Unit...
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So did I.
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What is the format for Q2 and Q4?
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Nevermind, got it.
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Hey!! I remember how much fun it was having you in the Science event as a puzzle creator... here's a chance at another event I'm doing-- hope you can return with designing a puzzle!!
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Hey, I have not visited most of the landmarks and have no close connection to any of them (not living anywhere near them). If you don't mind me adding some landmarks, I will get back to you next week. Around mid next week I should be able to estimate my workload for September/October.
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Would consider swapping out some landmarks if we can get an icon of the ones you want as some puzzles will be using the icons.
It runs 15 months so you can jump in any time... it doesn't have to be a landmark you're familiar with either... something that interest you.
Thanks buddy for considering this. Ttyl about this... ;)
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