
September 20th-26th = High Level Appreciation Week!
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Ah, yes. I managed to miss this one when it was bundled. Thanks for the giveaway. )

8 years ago

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Sweet. Thanks for 7+.

8 years ago

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Thank you :)

8 years ago

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Thank you! =)

8 years ago

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Thank you! =)

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

8 years ago

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Thanks appreciate it ! :3

8 years ago

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Thanks, Adam!

8 years ago

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Thanks adam

8 years ago

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Thank you adam =)

8 years ago

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Thanks! :D

8 years ago

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Thanks Adam

8 years ago

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Thanks adam! ;D

8 years ago

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Thanks! =]

8 years ago

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Thank you!

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 months ago.

8 years ago

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7hanks adam the third :D

8 years ago

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2:43 - perrolijo: I didnt call it "stupid game". Just this time I mentioned "stupid minigame" referring at the part I played, the minigame with the jumps
2:43 - perrolijo: I asked if the rest of the game is in the same way
2:43 - perrolijo: not the same minigame but similar ones
2:44 - perrolijo: is the game composed of minigames that makes you want to crash your controller against the wall?
2:45 - perrolijo: the game was in my wishlist before that event, and I intentionally avoided all the videos because I wanted to play it

7 years ago

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What about next time using words, and not just calling the whole feature stupid without clarifying what did you mean and expect me to get it?
The game has fights where you either attack to kill, or spare them, and you use bullethell as dodge mechanics against enemy attacks. They are varied in difficulty and style, always fits the enemy you're fighting. The Sans-fight the event had - why ignore that I said it's the very-very-very-very hardest in the game? I defeated every boss in 3-4 tries at max, and felt utterly helpless against Sans but just laughed it off. Meaning: the game is laughably easy compared to that fight. There are jumping sections sometimes when a boss makes you too heavy to actually float in the box, but again, that fight is not representative about the game's difficulty. + you get practice during the game so even if you end up with that fight, it's somewhat easier. Just don't murder everyone and you won't fight him, simple as that.
And it's hard to write about the game because if you're that kind of a person then the story can be about really deeply personal, touching story and referring to a previous question - no, I don't want to have all the endings. I have my reason to stick with the happiest, but telling it why would take away a great part of the game.

7 years ago

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What about next time using words, and not just calling the whole feature stupid without clarifying what did you mean and expect me to get it?

I am already bad at explaining myself in Spanish, but thinking in another language is even harder for me. Lately I am trying to practice it a bit, both in Spanish and English, but I am still not very god at it, sorry. Thanks for the answer and for avoiding spoilers, just in case :)

7 years ago

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