
You spawn into a small village, there's many people in here but they don't seem to pay attention to any of you as they work their crops.
"Don, let's go grab some of the fruits these guys are cultivating. These adventures make me hungry. On the plus side these guys look like a good bunch and i feel relatively safe here."
You go into a field with plenty of grapes, the two of you start picking and eating some when suddently the earth starts shacking.
A giant golem is causing the shaking as he walks towards the village you were just in. You've never seen anything this big, as you observe it the golem starts punching the village and its inhabitants making the earth shakes even more and make you loose your balance.
You can barely hear what is Don yelling, but you're pretty sure he too wants to get the hell out of here.
You quickly grab your controller trying not to fumble it and spawn a new portal not too far away from you. As you run towards it you again loose your balance, when passing you Don grabs your hand to help you get up. Without releasing his grip you two run inside the portal.....

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Thank you for the win - Received!

9 years ago

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