You find yourself at odds, here at the precipice of peril. Behind you lies a deserted train station, barred shut with an impassable iron fencing. Before you, stretched on a one-way track enveloped in thick black smoke, towers a caliginous train of unimaginable craft. Its exterior is akin to a cathedral's, except veiled in malevolence and enmity. The stained glass windows, or what little of it is visible through the wreathing smoke spewed from the bellowing steam engine at the head, depict dreadful deeds. The only way is forward, toward the infernal train.
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Buy my first book. (Also available on Apple's App Store)
I will add the winner on Steam to send him or her this gift.
Despite not being big on platformers, I thoroughly enjoyed American McGee's Alice when it first came out. Granted, that had more to do with the twisted vision of Wonderland than with the floaty gameplay, but it was something unique and mesmerizing in all the right ways. Alice: Madness Returns patches the gameplay issues, and layers on a ton of fantastic writing, voice acting, sound design and art design. The levels drag on for far too long, and it's not as polished as it could be, but it's still a great game.
We'll start off lightly. What's the most unique thing you've ever seen in a train station?
For myself, there was one year when I had to take the train at twenty past five in the morning. One day, there was a train stationed at the platform in front of me, and some dude was spraying graffiti on it. He saw me coming up the stairs and looked in shock, then saw me as non-threatening I guess, and continued to spray until the train took off. The guy dashed away into the night, but about twenty seconds later I could see him being escorted by two police officers.
In that same year, I also saw a train driver retire. My platform was his last stop, and the track was laced with firecrackers. Since it was a very small station (two tracks) everyone there got some celebratory champagne. Good times!
8 Comments - Last post 33 minutes ago by Chris76de
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An old man screaming wordlessly at the sky. I looked at him, not to be rude but just because it caught my attention, and he started screaming "No one look at me!" then went back to wordless screaming when I looked away.
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I saw massess of people flooding in many directions, well maybe this fact is not unique but the feeling I had then, it seemed so pointless.
Thanks for GA Kenm.
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wow a giveaway with personal notes and all that :) havent seen one of those for some time already.
Thank you kenm, for both giveaways and their amazing descriptions.
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Some time ago I saw an older man wearing a T-shirt with "Puns Not Guns" in all caps written on it. He propably didn't know English though. And last time I've heard Evanescence playing on my train station, but wasn't able to locate the source of music at all, weird.
[I highly recommend playing both McGee's Alice games, they're great! That's why I'm not entering, because I already own DRM free version and I want someone else to have fun with it!]
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May the werewolves protect you.
Just bought your book. The first chapter reads smoothly so far.
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I use trains(metro) everyday so there isn't interesting things anymore for me and i am not easily impressed so i can't remember anything good right now. But for Alice i compeletely agree with you. I love the game design and voice acting but gameplay was a bit buggy even with controller and levels are a little long.
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Wouldn't say it's very unique, but once when I was waiting for a train some guys from television approached and wanted to make an interview with me about railways in my country. There were also people filming trains passing by and they stood sooo close to the railways, I was afraid those trains would hit them or something
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hard to believe but I was only once in a train station :/
thanks for the GA :)
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I was very surprised last time, that the public wi-fi actually worked. Totally unique in my country.. :)
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Thanks for the chance!!!
I saw a very talented busker once, he was very good at playing his guitar
Besides that nothing exceptional
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Harry Potter!
Ok, no, I wish.
But I saw guards beating some drunk guy on station. And the trains full of football fans.
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I saw train security. With guns. In Europe.
I was not expecting that.
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i've never been to a train station.....i've seen a couple clowns at the airport and.......bus depot I've seen.....nothing of interest....maybe train stations just have cooler things hanging around..
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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.
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Fully armed police forces.
It's quite a sight to see these rifles one sees all the time in fps games in real life.
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is this game fun? i have heard a lot about it. And thanks for the giveaway. Good luck everyone....
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most unique thing on a train station? once a long time ago i saw a train on time.
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Way too many people in crazy costumes/underwear. Later I was told that there was a rave nearby that day.
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a work friend was waiting with a group of us at the train station, for some reason he was squatting down, as he did so a couple of suited men stood by him and one farted directly into his face.
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Never been on a train. Thank you
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I don't have cool passenger trains where I live.
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I took the train alone for the first time when I was 13. It was a 5 hours ride, and about half an hour in, a Polish man sat next to me and started speaking Polish. I don't know Polish, but when he switched to English, he told me that if I was in Poland, he'd have brought me home for some fun, but alas, that would be illegal in Norway. He continued pestering me until about an hour before my stop. Then a woman sitting a few seats away from me shuffled over and pretended we were friends to scare him off. He gave me his number, "if you ever come to Poland or want to meet in secret".
It might not be funny, or even unique, but it was kind of weird.
I also saw a man lean his head on a strangers shoulder and start mimicking everything she said on the phone, in a weird, high-pitched voice. She was a tiny woman, and she got super freaked out, but he was a big man and no other seats were free, so she was stuck with it.
Thank you for the chance!
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Thanks for the giveaway!
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