
This is Stanmore.

This is a Jubilee line train to Stratford. The next station is Canons Park.

Super trainline Adam - it was a lovely ride!

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Whoo, it was well worth riding this line to the end! Thanks.

9 years ago

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lots of goodies, thanks adam :3

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9 years ago

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can't link the picture properly :(
Absolutely irrelevant but I just had to share it with someone, it's such a good picture :3

9 years ago*

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you can link pics like this

9 years ago

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I know, and you know I know! But whenever I tried linking that one as ! [g] link (I tend to use g or f because brackets are there) and all I've got a no picture viewable with a letter g on it :D

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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you can't link to facebook :3

you need to rehost the images on imgur or some site place like that.

9 years ago

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thanks for the chance

8 years ago

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nice ride to the end of the line (never been there in real life!) Thanks for the chance :)

8 years ago

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Done it ! I've made it through your maze !
Thanks for the ride !

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Holy potatoes, have you found a vault full with LotR gifs? :D

8 years ago

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Nah, I'm just on a mission to bring more life to that wonderful Underground with some gify passengers ^_^ For your line I've chosen Middle-earth (and I was pretty much running out of ideas). I hope they behave well and not bothering anyone

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8 years ago

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Thanks for the ride Adam :)

8 years ago

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nice, thank you

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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"Yo" - creator has 7 days to send the gifts, and the gift box with the number 33 besides it kind of reminds me that yes, giveaways finished :D If you want to get the game as soon as possible, in the future rather post about how you can't wait to play it, maybe you could get it because you have a free day and want to try it out - sounds way better than " you giveaway ended. [hint-hint I won it and I wannit]"

8 years ago

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Or you know... legközelebb pay attention to your english classes :^) I get that you are "busy" and I appreciate it, was just a reminder in-case you forgot. Don't need to get all offensive for no reason. Tipikus magyar hozzáállás. Hányinger.

8 years ago

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Mert a türelemben, csöndben várás nem működik? Elvégre semmi veszítenivalód nincs így menet közben. Gondolom három éves felhasználóként azt is tudod, hogy a SG profilon kiírja, hogy mikor volt online a felhasználó. Mint ahogy azt is, hogy pop-up jelzi, ha véget ért a felhasználó giveaway-e. Ezek után miért érzed azt, hogy feltétlenül muszáj szólnod "just as a reminder", azután meg még itt fölényeskedsz? És az mennyire magyar hozzáállás, hogy ha akarom, akkor a hatodik napon küldhetem, de muszáj a másodikon ugrálni, majd pattogni hogy hányinger, hogy nem tetszik hogy valaki sürget? Vagy az mennyire magyar, hogy részedről nem sürgős, hogy küldjem, de cserébe azért üzengetsz, ami nélkül ugyanúgy megkapnád, csak épp így még lehet a másikat feltartani. Majd itt hányingerkedsz még. 340 giveawayből KETTEN csinálták ezt, veled együtt. Úgy érzem hogy itt nem a másik 300+ nyertes modorával van a baj.

8 years ago

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Whoa there buddy, kicsit túl agyalod a dolgokat. Látom nehéz felfogni, szal szerintem hagyjuk is, mert a végén még tumorom nő.

8 years ago

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