
You use up one of your turns observing the room extremely carefully.

You see a medium sized square room, with a curtain on the wall opposite the door. Light escaping from beneath the curtain suggests there’s a window on the other side.

Pulling the curtain back, you see there is indeed a large window, big enough to fit yourself or a body through. Looking down, you see are about five storeys up from the ground.

Turning back from the window to face the door you just locked, you see on the right wall a fireplace with what smells like a pot of stew simmering.

On the facing wall to the left is a table upon which some twine and several tightly woven but light-looking bags sit.

The room is lit by several torches on the walls.

I think you’re in a kitchen!

In your inventory you have: the sword you just used to stab Polonius.

Polonius’s body is here, behind the curtain.

You have 4 turn (s) remaining.

Use sword on Polonius’s body

Throw Polonius’s body out the window

Jump out the window to escape


9 years ago

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I rolled d20, did I eat the corpse?

9 years ago

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D20 goes for self eating, bon appetite.

9 years ago

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Thank you for this gift.

9 years ago

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