
From Dollar Chronicle Bundle (Fanatical)

So about 90% of the fame Nostradamus has nowadays stems from a really bad documentary (god I hate applying that term to it) film starring legemdary actor/director Orson Welles, "The Man Who Saw Tomorrow." Welles was drinking himself to death by that time in his life. He needed the money. See also his Paul Masson wine ads (and the blooper reels from those). It's a reasonable bet that Welles was faced most of the time he was being taped for this film.

Boomers and Gen X folks could see this film usually on an independent non-network UHF station. During the Sunday dead time or late at night. During the times those stations would get whatever films they could get on the cheap in hoipes that maybe they'd get a 5-10% share of whoever was watching at that moment.

The earlier parts covered past history. Things that had happened after Nostradmus had written his quatraints (vague little poems), many of them after his death. Generally the links between the words he said and what it "predicted" was a stretch. LOADS of confirmation bias going on. Towards the end of the film it starts getting HILARIOUS to modern viewers. Nostradamus apparently predicted future events like Ted Kennedy beling elected President in 1980! By the time the film made it to off-hours TV, this was already a good laugh.

1 year ago

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Didn't expected this insight. Thanks anyway.
Check this one out if you are interested:
Hidden Secrets: Nostradamus

Have a good time!

1 year ago

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