
This is Upton Park. Change here for the Hammersmith & City line.

This is a District line train to Ealing Broadway, Richmond and Kensington (Olympia). The next station is Plaistow.
This is a District line train to Upminster. The next station is East Ham.

Heard this was good, but I got stuck in the first room. Guess I'm a bit rusty on the adventure games... :) Maybe there's some Bob Marley later?

Wasn't sure if this event was meant for bundle games or expensive stuff or what... :) So I decided to play it safe, found a cheap one... :) Hope everyone else isn't giving away the $60 stuff... :)

Open your eyes and look within:
Are you satisfied with the life you're living?

No :)

9 years ago

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No Bob Marley later, or no everyone else giving the $60 stuff? :)

Good luck! :)

9 years ago

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It was a short answer to the question in the end of description :)

Thank you!

9 years ago

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Aha, that was Bob Marley too... :) But I guess most people would change something... :)

9 years ago

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Cyberpunk... I can't resist, thanks matey!

9 years ago

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I remember playing Neuromancer on an Apple computer, once upon a time... :) Think I had to cheat to win though... :) Or maybe I was just lazy... :)

Good luck! :)

9 years ago

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Thanks for the nice station!
My life could use a few improvements, working on them :)

9 years ago

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Well I hope it's nice, but I don't know for sure... :) It's not been bundled (yet) but you know how that goes... :) Next year this will look like some cheap indiegala leftover. :)

Think I got all the Wadjet Eye games on Steam, and haven't finished a single one. :( Hope whoever wins can manage to install it, at least... :)

Good luck! :)

9 years ago

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thanks :}

9 years ago

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Aha, it's one of those strange smileys... :) Or maybe it's the top of someone's head? Guess I can't tell. :(

Good luck either way! :)

9 years ago

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Thanks for a wishlist game, fiftykyu.

As to your question: nearing my middle years I'm sure finding room for improvement and I've been restless for the last few weeks. Been already taking steps to get some change in motion and there are aspects in my life I'm deeply satisfied with, so yeah ... ain't an easy question to answer shortly.
A good game helps every now and then ;)

9 years ago

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Ahh, hmm, now I feel awkward... That was a quote from the Bob Marley song Exodus. :) For some reason, the name of this game made me think of that song... :)

We're leaving Babylon,
We're going to our Father land.

So I wasn't trying to be nosy and ask a bunch of complete strangers personal questions... :) But now that I've stepped in it... :) I agree, a good game can help with all sorts of things. :) And I don't even know if the Babylon in this game is that sort of Babylon, or if it means something completely different here... :)

I hope this game is a good one! :) I will need to give it a second chance once my brain's in adventure game mode... :) Assuming it still knows how to do that... :)

Good luck! :)

9 years ago

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my life, i don't think too much about it and live the present day.

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9 years ago

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Hmm, I have no idea what that is, sorry... :) Doesn't look familiar, at all. :) And google image search said something, but it didn't mean anything to me... :) Oh well...

So, hmm, guess all I can do is send you a generic good luck... :)

Generic Good Luck! :)

9 years ago

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Looks a bit like Gemini Rue also published by Wadjet Eye Sounds good :)

9 years ago

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Hmmmmm, sounds like another game I haven't installed... :( Afraid it's a long list... :(

I remember reading about The Shivah and thinking it sounded interesting, but somehow once it ended up in my Steam library I forgot about it. :( Must have been in a bundle, since usually when I buy them one at a time I remember to make a note to try it some time. :)

Hope you can remember to install games better than I can, especially if you win this one... :) Good luck! :)

9 years ago

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Wow, nice gift! As to life, oh yes, indeed! Finding the right person makes ALL the difference :-)

9 years ago

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Glad to hear it! :)

But all you will find here is a cheap bundle leftover... :) Apparently I bought the bundle next year, and sent the key back in time to myself... :) Good luck! :)

9 years ago

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Was tempted to buy this but the price is still a tad to high for my liking. That and the publisher is bundle friendly so I can wait. Thanks for the chance :D

P.S. I use walkthroughs for Adventure games because I suck at puzzles D:

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9 years ago

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Ouch, don't remind me, it will probably be bundled before I try playing again... :)

I avoid walkthroughs nowadays, but I admit checking more than one in years gone by... :) But I found it difficult to stop with just one peek, so before long the entire game was ruined... :( Finally realised the only safe way was to avoid them entirely... :)

Don't know what that is, but good luck... :)

9 years ago

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I try to avoid them myself as well but there is always that one puzzle that will get me stumped. Once I hit that wall, I would rather use a walkthrough to finish the game rather than bang my head against the desk trying to figure it out. That is just me though.

Oh and I don't really know either tbh. Found a whole slew of gifs when sg went down for the day and I plan on using them >:D.

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9 years ago

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Very nice collection, thank you... :)

In the oldest days I didn't have any way to get hints, so when I got stuck playing Zork or whatever, I had to take a break or play something else. :) I remember taking a lot of breaks. :) Oh, and maps, I remember making maps for a lot of games. :) Who has time for that sort of nonsense nowadays... :)

I was briefly tempted to play Legend of Grimrock in the old way, making maps, but only briefly... :) Life's too short for graph paper... :)

9 years ago

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Never had to draw a map for a game before which I guess is a good thing? If you are ever tempted again to play a game that involves map making, I would suggest the Etrian Odyssey series for the DS/3DS. Drawing your own map is a core feature of the series so it might be your kind of thing :).

9 years ago

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Hmm, it was my thing, back when it wasn't optional. :) Back when you either made a map or got lost and died. :) Once games started having maps, I realised it wasn't my thing after all. :)

Hmm, unfortunately I don't have either of those. :( Never owned any of those handheld game things, actually. :) Guess I missed a lot of interesting things. :)

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

9 years ago

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All the Wadjet Eye games look interesting to me, but somehow I've not given a single one a fair chance. :( Not sure why... Currently I'm trying to remember to look at The Shivah, but I keep forgetting to install it... :(

Aha, add to favourites... Install... :) There, no excuse now! :)

Unfortunately I didn't notice this event so it's lucky I was able to make even two giveaways... :) Cheap junk, as usual... :) If I'd been paying attention in the forum I might have done more, but then again, perhaps not... :) Might have decided to be greedy and keep everything for myself... :)

Good luck! :)

9 years ago

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Great giveaway! thanks Kyu!

9 years ago

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Better than the boobie one, I'm sure... :) But that's a pretty low bar... :)

Good luck! :)

9 years ago

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I think everyone can think that there is a way how live more satisfying life, but maybe there's only angle of the view. It can be much worse, so that's the way how to find out that our lives are great :D

Thanks for neat adventure game

9 years ago

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Hmm, I guess even if things look bad, they could always be worse... :) It could be raining... :)

Not sure if it's neat, really... I didn't play enough to know... :) Perhaps I'll remember to try again soon, but likely I'll forget... :(

Good luck! :)

8 years ago

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My life could be better, but it could be worst as well :)

As for the game, i didn't know this Point&Click game.
So i'll try my luck!

Thanks Totoro :)

9 years ago

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I remember hearing about this game, but don't remember actually buying it. :) Wonder if there was a good discount, or if I was just wasting money... :)

Hope it's not a waste for the winner... :) So have a good luck... :)

8 years ago

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I don't remember seeing this game anywhere :)
Hope it won't be a waste as well :)

8 years ago

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I'm lost, can you direct me to Edgeware Road? :O

9 years ago

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Hmm, I won't be much help, had to check here myself... :) Somehow I still haven't begun to look around in this giant event. :(

I'm curious what other games people are giving, but the day's gone again. :( Perhaps tomorrow I'll start exploring... :)

Good luck! :)

8 years ago

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My life could be worse so I won't complain :-P

9 years ago

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It's funny how quickly I gave up trying to tell people hey, I was just quoting that song, don't worry about it... :) So now I'm doomed... :)

What if you win and discover you don't like the game at all, that would be worse... :) And look at all the achievements, people will know if you were playing or just idle mastering... :) Oh, unless you got stuck in the first screen, like I did... :)

Good luck! :)

8 years ago

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I should write a program that's like IdleMaster, but it finds few people who actually played the game, look at the times and order in which achievements were unlocked and will unlock them while idling.

step 1: learn something more than extremely outdated HTML
step 2: who am I kidding, I won't get this far.

8 years ago

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Hmmm, wonder if anyone's actually done that, sounds like the sort of thing certain people would try... :) Less suspicious than 100 "+rep totally not a scammer" from all their scammer friends. :)

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

9 years ago

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I'll try to think a happy thought for you then... :) Keep holding on... :)

Thank James Dearden, all I did was buy a copy... :) Aha, found this in my browser history. Knew I'd read about this game somewhere... :)

Good luck! :)

8 years ago

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There is room for improvement.

9 years ago

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Hmm, think I recognise that picture from a Dark Souls puzzle, once upon a time... :) Unless someone else was using it... :)

Somehow there's always room, never done something and said "it could be no better." :)

Good luck! :)

8 years ago

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I think I remember the puzzle (was it the one with the armor sets?), so it probably was me :) And thank you!

8 years ago

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Yes, that was the one, you had to figure out which order the videos were made, and there was a secret Dark Souls 2 giveaway hidden in the videos, which only one person found. :) So no precious CV, alas. :) Oh, guess that's a spoiler, from 1.5 years ago. Wow, didn't realise it's been that long. :)

Hope you like this Wadjet Eye stuff if you win, I still haven't finished a single one... :(

8 years ago

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Looks really nice, but point n clicks aren't my thing. Thank you so much though Kyu!

9 years ago

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A lot of people unsatisfied with their lives :X just be happy!

9 years ago

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Perhaps the happy ones didn't say anything. :) Or perhaps their giveaway entering scripts didn't tell them what games it's trying to win... :)

8 years ago

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Considering how quickly I was stuck, seems they aren't my thing either. :)

Good luck if you find something better, I'm sure there's a lot you might enjoy around here somewhere... :) Seems to be a very big event... :)

8 years ago

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I had no idea this game existed! Big, big fan of Wadjet Eye, especially Blackwell and Gemini Rue! Thanks a lot, fiddy!

One bright morning when my work is over / Man will fly away home

9 years ago

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I'm anticipating being a big fan some day, when I actually sit down and play one for real... :) Don't think giving up on the first screen counts. :)

Aha, finally someone is paying attention! :) Take some extra good luck! :)

8 years ago

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Thanks a lot, nice game and ... I yes, I think my life is good :D

9 years ago

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Don't know if it's nice, but fortunately it's cheap... :) Probably bundled soon, if you don't win... :)

Happy to hear it, so have a good luck... :)

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Hmm, don't know what that is, sorry... :) All these people doing things gifs are tricky, since I never know who the people are. :(

Good luck! :)

8 years ago

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Oh, I was just filling that wonderful Underground with some cheery gifable passengers ^_^ On this line took a ride a joyful bunch of lovable goofballs form TV show "Community"

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8 years ago

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Aha, thank you, never heard of it, sorry... :) I have enough trouble keeping up with video games... :)

8 years ago

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Ugh, I miss notifications... I an so slow without them...
Anyway, if you'll have a free time sometimes - watch it, it's good, it's fun and... and it have references and parodies to everything! and... and it's good again! It's doublegood!

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8 years ago

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Aha, speaking of slow... :)

Free time I can find, but I'm not a television person, so it might be a lost cause for me, sorry... :) And it looks like someone else won this game, so it's tough luck for both of us... :)

8 years ago

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Well, at least i tried ¯\_(ツ)_
And even though I definitely would like to play that game sometime - in the nearest future it would've been just a food for my ever-growing backlog, so it's fine ^_^ I enjoyed the ride, I enjoyed all the chats with fellow travelers and welcoming hosts - it was great event! So yeah, to answering your initial question - I am satisfied with my life!

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8 years ago*

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Now that this event has finished, I really should look at all the giveaways... But it would probably take hours, and I'm too lazy... :(

Glad to hear you're satisfied, though... :) Seems like a lot of people aren't... :(

Guess we can't all be Raoh... :)

我が生涯に一片の悔い無し! :)

8 years ago

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Yeah, I'm still curious about all these hidden stations that I'm only partially found. But the whole Underground is just too big to go searching for them. Besides, it's closed now, so it's spooky to go wondering there. (◑́_◑᷅ )

What's not to be satisfied about?? Large amount of free games? Interesting and original event? Fun company of wonderful strangers? Some people are just such... people!

Aaand now it's my turn to not understand the reference :)

8 years ago

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haha, nice to read your ramblings... :)

This game is more than fine by me!

8 years ago

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As usual, it was so many words, but nothing said... :) Seems all my giveaway descriptions are like that... :)

Hope it's fine if you win! :) And knowing the publisher, probably bundled soon, so if you don't win keep watching for it... :)

Good luck! :)

8 years ago

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I decided to start using my whitelist more often. To do so it needs to be filled. With people like you.

I blueheart you.

Have a nice day!

8 years ago

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Of course, I won't win this, but now i know about this game. Lookin' good.
So thanks! :)

8 years ago

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Well, as long as you entered the giveaway, you have as much chance as the rest of these people... :) But sometimes I think it would be nice if the quiet people didn't win so many... :)

I gave away this as a joke recently, since so many people in that group couldn't be bothered to read giveaway descriptions... :) And somehow the winner never noticed, as they didn't read that description, either... :(

Good luck! :)

8 years ago

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Thanks Bob!

8 years ago

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Guess we can all thank Bob! :)

Good luck! :)

8 years ago

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Sweet, many thanks!

8 years ago

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Hmm, looking at your Steam profile I should probably say many deal, many thanks... :) But have a good luck too... :)

8 years ago

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Deal and wheel? Always keep up the praisin' bro [T]/

8 years ago

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Aha, looks like you lost an arm... Wonder if I can remember how to make that thing...



8 years ago

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Thanks mate, just a fleshwound though ;)

8 years ago

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