

Welcome to my mustache ride!

No thanks necessary here, but instead comment/post from the list below if you feel like it.

I put together a little forum thing that's definitely not just a mustache themed GA train! It's a mustache ride dang it! Feel free to join in the fun or just bump the thread with any of the following (as listed in the discussion post):

  • mustache related gifs
  • mustache related images
  • mustache related stories
  • show off your own glorious mustache (both guys and gals welcome of course)
  • mustache related GAs (I'm not really sure how many games can be deemed mustache related, but I'd guess any prominent character suitably mustachioed would suffice...or whatever) (put these in a reply to the first comment I reserved in the discussion)
  • general and utter nonsense (get creative)
  • attractive people of any sort (as I wouldn't want to shame any non-mustached men or women)


9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Speaking of utter nonsense, you ever tried to take apart a banana? You know, you peal a banana, and eat it, but if you don't eat it and try to take it apart, you can find that any regular banana can actually split into three long parts, without actually damaging or cutting the banana. But for banana split, they don't actually split the banana, but cut it with a knife.
That's just nonsense.

9 years ago

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I'm going to have to climb up a tall mountain somewhere and ponder this for decades. I'll be sure to grow a long whispy mustache while doing so.

9 years ago

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Do you know that the penguin is the only bird who can swim, but cannotfly.

9 years ago

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I do now!

9 years ago

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Well, I don't have any giveaways active at the moment (moustachioed or otherwise) but I do have this animated Cif. Did you know that GIF is supposedly pronounced "Jif"? And Jif was a brand of washing-up liquid which changed its name to Cif. So... let's just cut out the middle man and call them animated Cifs.

Oh, right, the animation. Sorry, I digress.

9 years ago

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Thanks for this :)

9 years ago

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Got the game, thanks!

View attached image.
9 years ago

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