
Princess Kenny is in great danger ! Zoo Madness out of control !

The sad story: :Once upon a time, there was an unlucky girl named Princess Kenny. She's beautiful and kind.
However, her stepmother didn't like her one little bit and treated her as a slave.

One day a letter of invitation was arrived.
Telling that a ball was to be held at the palace and the Prince would choose a girl to become his wife.

She made every effort to get rid of all troubles to go to the ball.
Unfortunately, it happened that she saw the King was murdered by the Prince.
The Prince claimed that Princess Kenny killed the King and try to framed her up.
Finally, Princess Kenny was arrested and locked in the dungeon...

Can she escape from the dungeon? Princess Kenny need your help!

I will rescue Princess Kenny!

Thanks Drago :)

8 years ago

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brave white knight :-)

8 years ago

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Damm..i am to late..Hiro was faster. ^^

8 years ago

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Thanks so much for both games! :D hope you have a super fortunate year!

8 years ago

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