
Garden Zone

You choose to go to the garden. It looks very unusual, as it is full of sculptures, pillars and columns. Flowers seem to be very scarce here, only one or two pop up here and there.

You start exploring the place. There is a large variety of statues around, in many shapes or forms, short or tall, big and thin. As you take in the view, you notice there is something off about them... A sudden scream wakes you from your trance, children’s laughter sounded...
"Children? In the dead of night? Here!?" - you ask yourself in panic.
Unfortunately, you can’t pinpoint from which direction it comes from.

You look at the very end of the garden, in a dark corner. There seems to be someone there, clothed in a long robe. Silent giggles are to be heard on the other side of the field. Giggles…? These are some strange sculptures… The longer you look at them, the more they terrify you...

What should you do now?

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I always ask robed guys for help!

EDIT: mistakes were made but I can always investigate terrifying sculptures that's what I always do the second time I can choose!

EDIT 2: those letters I tell I have to go all the way back, I'm already so tired..

8 years ago*

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It's a maze after all ;)

8 years ago

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