
Finally managed to shrug off my laziness to make giveaways for this event

Thanks for adding GA's and plugging the event :)

9 years ago

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Thanks Jatan! While I generally prefer Marvel to DC, I'm a big fan of comics and fighting games in general :p

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Merci for 8+!
Won it in the meantime =)

9 years ago*

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Thanks GAR! :)

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Many thanks! :D

9 years ago

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Wow, thanks for the GA! Always wanted to try this game :D

9 years ago

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Key is on your wins page. Enjoy!

9 years ago

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I'd have been able to send you the thing over steam for this question if .... you know...
whatever ;)
What's the chances of getting 25 or 30 tickets per 24 hour period... I've let one slide today... but now I have another... :/

9 years ago

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Did Mully "rile them up" with her last thread, too? Did SillyScream "rile them up" with this one? Did Lugum "rile them up" with his maturely poised thread about nomination events? They seem to get "riled up" whenever someone disagrees with them or anything they do.

And you handed them free reign when there were no consequences for their attacks on other threads. Did you not expect any fallout from that decision? They walked away with a virtual slap on the wrist for calling people "retard", "pathetic fucks" and numerous other things, and trolled Mully's event thread for hours -- while she was sleeping. If anything, they should be thankful Mully is above that and staying off their event thread.

Perhaps if there'd been consequences for previous actions, this whole thing could have been avoided. Some dogs only learn with a firm slap on the nose. Just my two cents.

8 years ago

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I didn't hand anyone free reign, I simply don't have the time to deal with all of you. It's not as if I'm singling mullins out either. Wallister and sadisticchicken have also been duly warned. And while we're at it, I suggest that you step away from that thread as well. The way I see it, both sides are acting like children.

8 years ago

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I simply don't have the time to deal with all of you.

I get that you're busy, but three members of support had the time to write several replies in Mully's event thread, all "warnings" for Wallister's abusive behavior, and yet it continued. You had time to write two replies to my user report concerning that behavior, and not one of you had time to issue a suspension for that continued harassment. He received a slap on the wrist and has continued that behavior since. It started in Lugum's thread, carried into Mully's event, and then into Silly's. After that it bled into just about everything they posted on SG. That's what I meant by "free reign", and that's exactly what happened. They think they can get away with anything because no one does anything about it.

I suppose Mully deserved all those foul and harassing comments from Wallister on her event thread in her inbox when she woke? I suppose Lugum deserved to be bullied into closing his thread? I suppose Fubarnocaps deserved being accused and harassed because Wallister decided he was an alt account (if that's not calling someone out, I don't know what is)?

I suggest that you step away from that thread as well.

I have stepped away. My replies weren't the last on that thread. You seem intent on including me in their ranks ("both sides"), as if I'm responsible for what others say. But if you look back at all three of those threads, I stayed out of things until well after the abusive behavior started. Hell, in Mully's thread I was even kind and helpful to Chicken, despite the hate I received from Wallister. I'm extremely patient to a point, Jatan, even to your sideways insults, but I have my limits. I refuse to stand by and watch while people are being harassed and verbally abused on this site simply because Wallister "doesn't approve."

Also allow me to remind you, I could have gone to their event thread and started something. Mully could have. SillyScream could have. Steffke could have. Fubarnocaps could have. But you don't and won't see any of us doing that. Wallister and Chicken have done it multiple times over the course of several months. A few people even commented such on Mully's event thread because it doesn't take much to see the pattern.

As it stands, I regretfully say I've lost faith in any sort of "support" staff on this site. Apparently that kind of behavior and harassment is acceptable, depending on who you are. Well, I'm sick of these self-absorbed jackasses getting away with anything they want on this site, and I'm sick of seeing them harass other people for having a different opinion. I've reached my limit. If I get out of line, please feel free to suspend me, since I at least don't believe I am above the rules based on some virtual "popularity bias."

Until then, I'm going to do what I feel is right.

Thanks for your time.

8 years ago

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Did I even know that Wallister was warned in the past by other staff? No. I didn't even have time to read through that thread until 2 days after the fact. Well now i know, and he'll be gone the next time. I would have been faster a year ago. Maybe even 6 months ago. But now, if you think I can even remember the contents of a ticket from two months ago, you're mistaken.

Did you know that I signed up in order to be a forum moderator? Well guess what, we've all been forced into being ticket pushers. I have no problem with you losing faith in the staff. I'm pretty sure soon there's not going to be any support left anyways.

8 years ago

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