
Part 2 :

In the morning, the eerie silent atmosphere was still there. Not even a short gust of wind would pay him a visit, if just to freshen his hungry lungs. The black forest trees around the slightly disheartened Wizard seemed too tall and ominous forming various monster shapes in his wild imagination, as he continued down the path by the river and was wondering where all the animals have gone... "Life" itself seemed to have turned its back on this place.

After many hours of uneventful exploration, the Wizard finally recognized a huge-shaped rock and a monster-like tree log. He had been here before. No doubt about it. It seems he was going around in circles the entire day... "Could it be magic? ", he thought.

The hour was late, but the time felt right so he got a bit of amber out of his pockets and he mumbled a few words, casting a clairvoyance spell. A tricky path was immediately illuminated. Thus the crafty wizard managed to find his way in the dead of night and spotted a pathway that was hidden from common view, leading away from the accursed black forest and it's frightful silence, and into the Land of Storms. But not before a short but well-needed rest by the beautiful shiny riverside.

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