Okay, so you made it this far, congratulations! Three more steps to go if you are willing to continue and what better game for the next step than the 'Trine' franchise or, otherwise put, two games in one giveaway? If you're not a fan of the series or already own it, however, perhaps you may still be interested in knowing that, beyond the hill, lies the first step of the final ascension, one of the main wishlist games around here, namely "Saints Row: The Third". And if that still doesn't make any interest arise in you, perhaps it should be revealed that the final step in your journey will take you to the latest "Assassin's Creed" game, "Revelations", which you can savour while waiting for the next instalment in the series.
In the meantime (and while I create the puzzles for the next step), however, I hope you've had fun so far and intend to continue solving my riddles. As promised, this one won't be harder than the previous, but the final two might prove a bit challenging. Hopefully. If I have time to actually create good puzzles.
Good luck and keep an eye out on this giveaway, as the next puzzle is coming soon (as well as explanations for the previous level)!
And now, the puzzle.
The format for the next stage ('Trine Franchise') is: http://www.steamgifts.com/giveaway/XXXxX, with the characters representing what you already know. The first puzzle was easy, the second was a bit harder and I was expecting fewer entries than I see by this time as I had put quite a barricade between you and the final goal, but you seek answers, you begin to understand where to look, and now...
Nevertheless, this pleases me, as it seems you are learning the ways of the Puzzleverse and know what to do better and better, you have come to understand this world and know that, for every clue you see, all you have to do is think, seek and find. Or, as you may say...
But heed my warning and do not become too confident, as it will then become easier to fall for trickery. Keep your eyes out as you have done so far, and you shall succeed.
III. And for that, I drink a glass of wine in your honour and invite you to have one with me. But bear in mind, you shall not be able to outdrink me, as I speak the tongue of the heaviest drinkers and I have the greatest collection of this nectar of Bacchus that the world has ever seen.
Nevertheless, today I drink little, as my need for knowledge (and a good degree) pushes me to return to my own work and leave you with the rest of your journey.
IV. For thy is one and I am many, creator of riddles and destroyer of leechers.
V. But alas, unless some dimensional interference comes between us and we teleport randomly across mysterious dimensions, I shall find you again when I return, as you reach your next level, to provide you with yet another set of brain-teasers.
I know, the storyline is a bit lame, but I had to throw it together quite quickly seeing that five people had already passed the previous level. Oh well, depending on how fast this goes, SR3 may or may not get a better story. However, rest assured, as I will nevertheless strive to make the final two somewhat more challenging. I will be editing this with the solutions to the previous puzzle, as I see some of you had a bit of a rough time getting through some of the questions. Good luck and thank you for participating so far! Hope you're enjoying yourselves! Also, the 'Trine' giveaway ends on the 30th, in line with the five-day difference between giveaways.
ANNOUNCEMENT FOR WHOEVER WINS THIS GAME: I will not be at home between the 25th and the 27th of the month, so when the giveaway ends. Therefore, you might receive the game a few days late if I don't get access to a computer right away. But feel free to add me on Steam when this ends so that I can trade it to you when I get back. Otherwise, I'll just e-mail it.
Okay, so time for a few hints on this one, as I see people are starting to have a hard time getting past it.
I. Think musically.
II. Be paranoid. Something is watching you, something is following you, you cannot escape its watch, even if you don't see it, unless you look for it. Seek it. It is on this page and this page alone.
III. Searching for the right stuff will easily get you through this one.
IV. I know better English than that!
V. Again, searching for the right things will help you progress.
The Binding of Isaac Collection
Both end somewhere around next week and only those who solved the puzzle on the first page (and, for Frozen Synapse, the one from "Terraria") can see it. Just because everyone who's putting effort into this deserves more chances! Good luck!
And the answers leading you here were:
"i". The link that you should have decoded by going to the address that was linked in the hint took you to a Collegehumor video advertising the new Apple "i". Pretty obvious from there.
"Y". After going through the several decoding steps, you got the sentence 'It is "Y"', making it quite obvious again.
"I". This was a bit more complicated. The original letter that gave rise to it, Yud (Yodh) was part of the Tetragrammaton, and two Yodh in a row were used to signify the name of God, Adonai (hence the picture). The quote itself was a further giveaway, as it actually refers to the letter ("one jot"), which was small enough for scribes to often overlook.
"t", as the two flags pictured symbolised the letter in semaphore signalling. The "ND" stood for Nuclear Disarmament, or the peace sign, which is a combination of the semaphore signs of the letters "N" and "D", so it was more of an indirect clue aiming to point you towards what you needed to find.
"S", for "Sang am Abend", the complete title of the song that was being referenced. The linked picture was from a album cover by Orplid, the band singing it, aiming again to only point you the right way.
The link for the next giveaway in the series can be accessed here.
262 Comments - Last post 3 hours ago by stertyr
163 Comments - Last post 4 hours ago by Wolveruno
19 Comments - Last post 4 hours ago by KjaerBeto
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126 Comments - Last post 6 hours ago by Superefg
48 Comments - Last post 6 hours ago by wigglenose
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76 Comments - Last post 11 minutes ago by samwise84
385 Comments - Last post 22 minutes ago by SmokyMonki
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91 Comments - Last post 39 minutes ago by CultofPersonalitea
910 Comments - Last post 49 minutes ago by Kappaking
13 Comments - Last post 52 minutes ago by xurc
This was a little bit trickier, number 3 especially. After a while I just ran through the alphabets for 3rd letter until I got it right.
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Congratulations! Additional hints for the next phase are up, in case you missed them.
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That was harder, thanks!
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Congratulations! Additional hints for the next phase are up, in case you missed them.
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thank you good sir!
btw number 3 was a bit difficult.
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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.
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Congratulations! Additional hints for the next phase are up, in case you missed them.
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Congratulations! Additional hints for the next phase are up, in case you missed them.
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Hah, now this puzzle... it was job for a super detective. I was looking for one but i couldn't find him or her, so I had to solve it by myself and voila, here am I! Thanks again!
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Congratulations! Additional hints for the next phase are up, in case you missed them.
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the puzzle for the next one is way too hard. I don't even know what is puzzle and what is "story".
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The entire story is pretty much the puzzle. What's not in the paragraphs that start with Roman numerals doesn't directly reference the characters in the link, but gives hints towards what you need to do/what they are or, sometimes, actually gives an additional clue.
What immediately follows the Roman numerals, in the same paragraph, are direct hints to the corresponding character in the giveaway link, like before. I'm using Roman numerals because SG is screwing with my formatting if I try to use Arabic ones and resets the count if I insert paragraphs between clues. That may be confusing for some.
I'm going to add hints for this one in a couple of days or so if I see no entries for the next level, but I'll only do it after I'm done with the puzzles for that. So you may want to bookmark this and/or keep an eye on the main thread, as I'm updating that with info as well (has more visibility).
Thanks for participating until now!
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thank you for clearing that up...
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Wow. The moment the page actually loaded, I was like AHMAHGAHD. Took me about 5 minutes to get to Terraria, about 20 for this one..
The third one was tripping me up. The signalling flags weren't a problem, the apple thing was a piece of cake.. The bandname was easy too, google images search. The formatting thing was a little bit tricky, but only because I first saw a pattern and assumed that "Look at the first" was a hint at looking for a break in the pattern, where "N" appeared every 4 letters.. So, I assumed "M" was the letter because it was the first out of sequence.. Till my mind balked and was like "look at the end of it. That's a base64 thingy.. Go decode it." Once I'd done that, the rest was all one fluid motion. Decoding that gave obvious hex, decoding that showed me that the string was getting shorter and shorter, so surely the binary would work.. Et voila!
The third though, I find ingenious. To get it, you have to understand what the "jot" being mentioned is. From wikipedia:
As Yud is the smallest letter, much kabbalistic and mystical significance is attached to it. According to the Gospel of Matthew Jesus mentioned it during the Antithesis of the Law when he says: "One jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled." Jot, or iota, refers to the letter Yud; it was often overlooked by scribes because of its size and position as a mater lectionis. In modern Hebrew, the phrase "tip of the Yud" refers to a small and insignificant thing, and someone who "worries about the tip of a Yud" is someone who is picky and meticulous about small details.
Of course, we're supposed to use "the first letter/number of whatever you come up with" every time. The tip, the first. Also, it is a mater lectionis.. Preceding other letters often. And another english word for jot is iota..
Thanks for the head crunch and the game, although I already got it a while back already so am not entering! :D
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Congratulations on making it here and thanks for playing!
And yes, that's what I based my third question on. I did go to the Wikipedia page to check whether or not the info I intended to include was available out there, I always do an online check prior to posting the clues for a giveaway. It's to make sure that users don't really need to have as much knowledge on a particular subject as they need to read through the clues carefully and know where/what to look for by doing that.
Quite often, googling certain keywords from what I'm saying will show the answer or a very clear pointer to it within the first five results. For those with national/regional Google pages, it's sometimes more useful to use Google.com rather than their default extension, as results may differ.
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Wow, somehow I was trying everything except the i and j letters. Names of God, Michael, King James, Bible, etc... I guess I was overcomplicating things. I ended up on I by sheer elimination.
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That was hard, thanks.
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Congratulations! Additional hints for the next phase are up, in case you missed them.
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Thank you
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Congratulations! Additional hints for the next phase are up, in case you missed them.
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I can't get a single letter from this puzzle. :(
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Forgot about this puzzle for a while. That's what happens when the puzzles are staggered, rather than all at once :P
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Congratulations and sorry about that, poor overlapping with my time! Additional hints for the next phase are up, in case you missed them.
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Thanks! Already own Portal 2, but I look forward to pushing ahead!
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Long time, no see! Glad to see you still working on my puzzles and congrats for making it here! New hints for the next level are up, as are two extra giveaways for those who've solved stuff so far, in case you're interested.
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The cake is a lie.
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Congratulations and not this time! Additional hints for the next phase are up, in case you missed them.
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Took me longer than I expected. Initially I thought I got the third letter right but it turned out that I got the rest right not that one. The third clue (for me) was unambiguously pointing at King James Bible code - here where the name Adonai refers strictly to "Lord".
So far I'm enjoying it. Sadly I won't be here for the last two parts I'm afraid...
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Congratulations and welcome back! Sad to hear you won't be here for the last two parts (although the puzzle after 'Trine' is quite easy because I didn't have the time to create a proper one). Hope you enjoyed the puzzle series, although it didn't come out as I had originally wanted (lots of time-consuming stuff coming in the middle and not allowing me to focus on creating some quality questions).
Also, there are a couple of bonus giveaways in the description above, if you're interested in either.
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Well, solved. Third clue was a bit tricky. I already own a copy of Portal Bundle in my inventory so I don't think I should enter this giveaway, but thank you. :-)
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Congratulations! If you're interested in anything else from the next levels (I see you have 'Trine 2' in your wishlist), you might want to push further. And if you like any of the bonus games I've added in the description for this, you may want to enter those as well! Good luck!
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Okay, pretty much spammed everyone's 'Replies' submenu with posts detailing the new hints, so good luck again!
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Thank you. Nice puzzles. Let's see if I can crack this one.
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Thank you Stieltjes, good to see you back in the puzzle business =)
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Good to be back, although, unfortunately, I didn't have time to create proper puzzles for the remaining giveaways after "Trine", so you might find yourself finding an easier time than I had hoped getting to the final levels. But regardless, thank you for participating and I hope you've been having fun with this!
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Got here too, own Portal 2 tho. Awesome game, good luck to entrants!
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Damn! I'm stuck.
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thank you :)
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