
SCIENCE theme puzzle - Chemistry Materials

Welcome to the Chemistry (materials) part of Science Themed Puzzle Event led by jeffhowe. First of all I would like to thank Jeffhowe for the oportunity to take part in such a great
initiative. I learned a lot during puzzle preparation and I hope last part will be challanging for you guys :)

Bur fear not, start from something easy here

I have an issue with ith1 Q4 and Q5. I know what the pictures are showing, but none of the various answers I try are right. Can you clarify a bit?

Edit: Nevermind, it was a matter of finding the right source.

9 years ago*

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You and me both. (before your edit)

How can a material type be source specific? :P

9 years ago

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I see its a huge problem because word "type" is unclear. Added link to wiki page where you can read about material types/groups and find straight answer :)

9 years ago

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It helped with Q4 at least, but still struggling with Q5, although I got a new "could be correct" answer to that one. ^^ It's supposed to be the same link to both, right?

9 years ago

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yup ;D

9 years ago

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Yup, tried 3 correct answers for's not the correct answer I need... :/

9 years ago

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I see its a huge problem because word "type" is unclear. Added link to wiki page where you can read about material types/groups and find straight answer :)

9 years ago

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Welp, I still have problems with Q5 and I'm halfway sure I tried everything in the link. Even the things I know that are wrong. So it is either me overlooking something or some kind of formation problems.

9 years ago

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If you found answer for Q4, answer for Q5 is somewere close in provided article. Photo of this material not exist in provided link but you can find sth simillar if you check main article of proper material "type".

9 years ago

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Now I need hints on ith2. Found 2-3 of the compounds, but can't figure the right answer. We re gonna have major issues with this event where there are subjects that most of people know nothing of.

9 years ago

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In Q3 i have written all the metalloids but i think i messed up in the format
I've put S(since the metalloid starts with an A), A, B, G, P, S, T (Only writing the first letter here to avoid spoil)

8 years ago

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Apply alphabetical order on symbol (not element name), also read hint (you need 11 items) :)

8 years ago

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Is answer to Q5 (part one) directly on linked wiki page, or in one of the "main articles".

I have found what it is, but none of the answers I'm putting are correct. I saw hint about "being close to answer to Q4", bit it doesn't help me xD

8 years ago

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If you know name of the stone.. you can find it on one of "main articles" but you need go direclty to material wiki page :D Also add me on steam if you still have problem.

8 years ago

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I am abroad over the weekend and back on Monday. Will activate code and such then. Happy Easter! :)

8 years ago

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Sorry for taking so long to activate, back home now and activated!

Thanks for the game. It's a shame 4 people didn't say thanks. :( No wonder one of them is already on my blacklist for it.

8 years ago

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No problem for me. I hope you had great Easter Holidays :)

8 years ago

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Hey!! I remember how much fun it was having you in the Science event as a puzzle creator... here's a chance at another event I'm doing-- hope you can return with designing a puzzle!!

7 years ago

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